That's an interesting argument. I still consider Shadow of the Colossus one of my favorite video game stories despite being told in such a minimal way. I wonder how The Last Guardian will be compared to that.
I was thinking it'd be quite short because we haven't seen too much of the game (which is good!).
Thinking about Ico though, that's considered short but it still took me about 8-10 hours first playthrough.
If this is longer than that by default then as an SP only game that's a great playtime for me.
Trico seems like it'll allow for more versatile gameplay than previous games
Platforming/Climbing on and off Trico
Co-operative puzzles
Trico as your personal weapon/protector
Dealing with or manipulating Trico's behavior
Trico and similar creatures as an enemy
Special item-specific abilities like the shield
Variations on any of that through gameplay scenarios and narrative
The Last Guardian seems like a combination of ICO + Shadow of the Colossus. The teamwork and puzzle solving of Ico combined with the dynamic climbing and traversal of SotC.
I imagine TLG will have some epic setpieces where you're trying to climb around and hold onto Trico while it climbs and platforms around trying to evade either an environmental threat or a bigger enemy.
Net net for day 1 and several hours of play. Overall very positive, suspect range of scores from critics from 7.5 to 9.5. Probably averaging 8.7.
As a fan and long time player of SOTC/ICO, I can easily give this a 8.5-9 based on today's play. Might go a little higher probably not lower, but we will see.
What I can say for sure is that anyone who was a SOTC/ICO fan, it's a definite D1 buy.
Is it open exploring like SOtC or more linear like ICO?
Mix of both, some open areas, but progression is largely linear
Does the world connect and allow backtracking like MetroidVania?
So far mostly straight ahead, not much of a metroidvania vibe
Are the controls responsive (character movement and interaction)?
Yea, pretty much an evolution of Sotc
How does the AI and Trico/Boy interaction play in practice, is it intuitive and fluid or is it frustrating?
Way better than I expected, going into it knowing it's NPC AI, my expectations were grounded so it over delivered
World textures and general world art, does it live up to expectations?
The feel is there, super detailed and Trico is nothing short of a marvel. Graphics are about on par with last of us so late PS3 early PS4
Is there a clear PS4 Pro benefit?
None so far
Is combat a part of the game to the degree of Ico or less or more?
It's more about using environmental advantages and Trico as direct damage dealer combat is part of the puzzle, it's a variable and more like Ico than sotc so far
Puzzles, what is the general feel? Types?
Mostly environmental with a dash of tactical Trico combat
General sense of replay ability, does it feel like a game that demands multiple play throughs?
It's linear, but Trico and the world will be a motivational driver for multiple plays for me at least
How emergent is the gameplay and world, is the game mostly scripted or more reactive and dynamic?
It's emergent in the sense that Trico is dynamic and he never behaves quite the same way, beyond that it's predictable in that the areas are preset puzzles
I remember watching X-Play's review of Shadow of the Colossus and it completely blew my mind. It was the reason I got a PS2 (was mainly a Gamecube person before then). Got ICO a year later and loved it as well.
I remember watching X-Play's review of Shadow of the Colossus and it completely blew my mind. It was the reason I got a PS2 (was mainly a Gamecube person before then). Got ICO a year later and loved it as well.
I'm excited to see the AI and Trico animations in action. Not many games attempt to do advanced AI and animalistic movement in games usually misses the mark
It's pretty understandable why Ueda is excited for Rain World, and Sony is promoting TLG and Rain World for PSX, since they both focus on complex animal AI and dynamic fluid animations
Man now that's it's almost here I'm getting really excited about it.
I don't expect it to be mind blowing the way Ico and SotC were but a beautiful, heartfelt puzzle-adventure game sounds like a great way to end the year.
I think the predictions of it being short are all down to the development troubles. People are conveniently forgetting that both Ico and SotC were short too.
In FF XV case they showed was 90% of the game environments. I don't know in TLG case what does it mean, i can only hope later game environments will be more varied despite being part of the same area,the ruins. The similarities to Ico are striking though and that game despite being confined into an enclosed area was interesting and varied until the end.
I'd prefer this myself. I get tired of developers blowing their entire load before a game releases. I do want to see something to confirm the gameplay works and the graphics are decent and so on but don't go showing me every area or boss or enemy or whatever. Hell even hide some of the gameplay mechanics from me which is what Titanfall 2 did with its single player campaign. Anyone who has played the game know's what I'm talking about.
People love blasting as fast as possible through games when they get them early. Its like a race to see who can beat it first just to tell you how long it took.
I cancelled my collector's edition. Price is just a bit too high with it releasing a week after FFXV. I do really want to play it but now that the CE's are becoming readily available again I'll wait it out and see if they drop in price. If not, I'll get the regular edition when it price drops. I'm in the same boat as a few people here where I really want the artbook and steelbook, but not crazy about the statue. I'd get it if I could pay $80 for just those two.
Unless Ueda has lost his touch, I'm expecting the massive ruined city to be a place worth soaking in as much atmosphere as possible. Ico was one of those games - like REmake, Bioshock, Myst, etc - where the setting was as much a character as anyone and it felt a lot like a real place that was lived in and had an enigmatic history to everything. You felt like you were there - the birds chirping in the distance, the sound of the wind, the warmth of the sun, etc.
SOTC's sealed off landscape had this as well I think - every ruined city or landmark or structure felt like it was there for a reason, and there was almost an archeological element to figuring out what that reason was and why those places appeared as they do during the game's story (why is the entire landscape deserted? What was the purpose of the giant tower, the various temples and ruins, etc?). If the TLG has that amazing and unique environmental storytelling the previous games had I'll be very pleased.
I cancelled my collector's edition. Price is just a bit too high with it releasing a week after FFXV. I do really want to play it but now that the CE's are becoming readily available again I'll wait it out and see if they drop in price. If not, I'll get the regular edition when it price drops. I'm in the same boat as a few people here where I really want the artbook and steelbook, but not crazy about the statue. I'd get it if I could pay $80 for just those two.
yup....with Amazon prime, I usually end up with CE for around $70, but I dunno, it comes out to almost a $100 for's pushing it, when i can get the standard version for $48.
I think the predictions of it being short are all down to the development troubles. People are conveniently forgetting that both Ico and SotC were short too.
It quite disingenuous of you for the fact that playing them the first time isn't the case. All games are shorter as they apply to all replays since players have been familiar with the level design/mechanics.
yup....with Amazon prime, I usually end up with CE for around $70, but I dunno, it comes out to almost a $100 for's pushing it, when i can get the standard version for $48.
I may wait it out and try to snag it with Best Buy. I'm about to have $20 in reward certs so that + 20 percent brings it down to a price I'm comfortable paying.
Unless Ueda has lost his touch, I'm expecting the massive ruined city to be a place worth soaking in as much atmosphere as possible. Ico was one of those games - like REmake, Bioshock, Myst, etc - where the setting was as much a character as anyone and it felt a lot like a real place that was lived in and had an enigmatic history to everything. You felt like you were there - the birds chirping in the distance, the sound of the wind, the warmth of the sun, etc.
SOTC's sealed off landscape had this as well I think - every ruined city or landmark or structure felt like it was there for a reason, and there was almost an archeological element to figuring out what that reason was and why those places appeared as they do during the game's story (why is the entire landscape deserted? What was the purpose of the giant tower, the various temples and ruins, etc?). If the TLG has that amazing and unique environmental storytelling the previous games had I'll be very pleased.
I was playing Ico for the first time a few weeks ago and you can tell that Miyazaki must have been taking notes before he worked on Dark Souls. The interconnected map with shortcuts that lead back to places you're familiar with and glimpsing areas in the distance then arriving there later, it's all Ico
(Yes, I know he said Ico led him to getting into game development)
So I'm wondering what exactly the Blood reference is on the ESRB rating is referring to. I'm getting TLG regardless, but I remain a bit hesitant to play in front of my 8 and 5 year old because of that. My youngest can be sensitive to blood showing of any type. Would anyone know what specifically the ESRB pinged for Blood by chance? Spoiler tag it if necessary.
So I'm wondering what exactly the Blood reference is on the ESRB rating is referring to. I'm getting TLG regardless, but I remain a bit hesitant to play in front of my 8 and 5 year old because of that. My youngest can be sensitive to blood showing of any type. Would anyone know what specifically the ESRB pinged for Blood by chance? Spoiler tag it if necessary.