The highs in this game are pretty high, but god damn the lows are bottom of the barrel-tier.
I just did a pretty neat sidequest involving a dude named Mastiff, no spoilers but there are multiple moments where you can choose who to side with and that felt really good. I was having a good time.
Then I made my way back to town and out of nowhere I get blindsided by five bloodsuckers. FIVE. Then the game spawns friendly NPC's to help me but they spawn a bit away so I run like hell so they can distract the bloodsuckers but they all keep focussing on me. So there I was, standing like an asshole in the dark foggy swamp, in the rain, fighting 5 invisible enemies who are scripted to attack from the side (outside your field of view) so I constantly get slapped from the left or right without even having a chance. They take a TON of bullets and once you're in the bandage-heal-reload stunlock it's game over. Cherry on top is they have some kind of stun attack that basically renders you immobile for a few seconds. There's zero tactical gameplay involved here. You can't plan for this encounter, you cannot evade it. The game pretty much dumps you into a meatgrinder and there's no way out unless you kill everyone.
So anyway, I finally make it to town and the framerate tanks from 120 to like 18 for no reason AGAIN and then I had to repair my gear for triple the amount of rubles I actually got during this quest so the entire thing was basically a gigantic waste of time and resources and I just alt-F4'd. This shit is ass and honestly the game should've been delayed.
This mechanic of enemies spawning on top of you at set intervals feels cheap as hell and is ruining the entire experience.