Love to hear your impressions over the weekend.Mine shipped.
Love to hear your impressions over the weekend.Mine shipped.
I cant believe people low ball the scores for a game that has two predecessors that have over 90 on Metacritic and all signs point to this being up there with both of them.
Hello Ponies,
It has come to my attention that yet another E3 has passed and some vaporware trash game called The Last Guardian decided not to show its hideous face yet again. I know, I know. You have all heard my warnings and my decrees that you shouldn't be hyped for this game because it no longer exists. That you shouldn't be hyped for this game because it wouldn't be at E3. And that you shouldn't be hyped for this game because you look all sloppy when you get emotional and your makeup is terrible.
But of course some of you chose not to listen. You'll believe and believe and believe while Big Men in Suits tell jokes about NAPA VALLEY and preach to you about innovative crossmedia polymorphic free to play content.
The game's dead. If it isn't dead (which it is), it's been so dramatically retooled and reworked that it's not the game anymore and you should look forward to something new from the people that actually work at Sony Japan and not the corpses that failed on this game for over five years.
If someone from Team ICO or Sony would like to contact me to give me the full story of this game's development or explain why exactly we haven't seen anything from this game in four years, they can write it on some toilet paper and I'll wipe my ass with it cause this is all bullshit.
Mine shipped.
Mine shipped.
Look at how far we've come..
In what way? This wasn't the usual development hell. Troubled sure, but it wasn't torn up and rebuilt and rejiggered like myriad other games that had long developmentsNot that hard to see considering the two predecessors came out 15 and 11 years ago and this is probably the most anticipated game since forever. I believe in Ueda, but I also believe the game's history could generate mixed reviews.
Mine is preparing for shipment. I'm very, very excited.
Is Conan gonna do his review on TLG?
Look at how far we've come..
Look at how far we've come..
(06-09-2014, 10:14 PM)
It's coming when FFXV is coming!
Considering both games came out within a week of eachother, Shalashaka161 is basically Nostradamus
(06-09-2014, 10:14 PM)
It's coming when FFXV is coming!
Considering both games came out within a week of eachother, Shalashaka161 is basically Nostradamus
(06-09-2014, 10:14 PM)
It's coming when FFXV is coming!
Considering both games came out within a week of eachother, Shalashaka161 is basically Nostradamus
Best Buy.Amazon?
There is simply too many games to buy. Games on my list:
Tomb Raider
The Last Guardian
Resident Evil 7
Horizon Zero Dawn
NieR: Automata
Dragon Quest Builders (bought)
Disgaea 5
Grand Kingdom (bought)
Witcher 3 (bought)
MGS5 (bought)
Best Buy.
Yeah, same thing happened to me with FFXV and Titanfall. With gamers club unlocked it's totally worth just buying through Best Buy due to reward certificates and the occasional early game.A friend of mine ordered FFXV through Best Buy and received his copy on Monday instead of Tuesday. I'm hoping to share his experience next week with TLG. Mine is also preparing from Best Buy.
There is simply too many games to buy. Games on my list:
Tomb Raider
The Last Guardian
Resident Evil 7
Horizon Zero Dawn
NieR: Automata
There is simply too many games to buy. Games on my list:
Tomb Raider
The Last Guardian
Resident Evil 7
Horizon Zero Dawn
NieR: Automata
63 and the beast totally dies at the end.
Best Buy.
I would love to get an idea of how long it is going to be.
Look at how far we've come..
63 and the beast totally dies at the end.
Is this confirmed?
Nothing concrete but many people have the game already either to review it or because street date was broken and apparently its a decent length for a single player game. Its one of those YMMV situations though as I tend to take my time in these games and they tend to last me a lot longer than the normal person.
I'm sure someone will speed through the entire game in like 6 hours and that's all we'll hear about.
Nothing concrete but many people have the game already either to review it or because street date was broken and apparently its a decent length for a single player game. Its one of those YMMV situations though as I tend to take my time in these games and they tend to last me a lot longer than the normal person.
I'm sure someone will speed through the entire game in like 6 hours and that's all we'll hear about.
I'm thinking people who solve puzzles easily and are playing to beat it will probably go under 12, but I think it's generally just a longer experience than Ico, impressions say it's a lot more vast than previews suggest.Nothing concrete but many people have the game already either to review it or because street date was broken and apparently its a decent length for a single player game. Its one of those YMMV situations though as I tend to take my time in these games and they tend to last me a lot longer than the normal person.
I'm sure someone will speed through the entire game in like 6 hours and that's all we'll hear about.
Wow, that's some impressive foresight.Shalashaska161
(06-09-2014, 10:14 PM)
It's coming when FFXV is coming!
Considering both games came out within a week of eachother, Shalashaka161 is basically Nostradamus
Shit I think its time for me to start bailing out on TLG threads. I rarely don't care about spoilers that much but I think this is one of those rare times I'd like to go in knowing as little as possible and just let Ueda and the game do their job.
The Good: 92
The Bad: 84
The Ugly: 72
Why 2011? It was revealed in 09 and from a design standpoint feels more like a PS2 era game. This isn't a criticism.
It was originally scheduled to come out in 2011.
And "feels more like a PS2 era game" is such a complete nothing statement. What does that even mean?
Exactly what it means? Do you see many 3D linear puzzle platformers coming out at retail stores these days? That's not the kind of game design in vogue nowadays, which is a shame.It was originally scheduled to come out in 2011.
And "feels more like a PS2 era game" is such a complete nothing statement. What does that even mean?