Oh Man... I REALLY HATE this game.
It represents everything I stand against!
- Unfinished barebones release.
- Full price.
- Locked Fighting game Characters...
- ...Behind Pay walls....
- ...Disguised as "Not-paywalls" where only Critics and Pros get to "not pay" for them.
- Overprised costumes.
- To much emphasis on Digital rather than retail content (having the original retail disk is pointless at this point).
- Censorship, Before, During and After it's release.
- Fans blindly praising it despite the above...
- And lots of potential to have been something good despite the above... (otherwise I would had given up on it a long time ago)
This is one of the most regrettable Day 1 purchases I ever did along with Destiny, Sonic 2006 and Vanila Marvel vs Capcom 3.
What fighting games give you new DLC characters for free, besides preorder DLC?
I'm not even close to anything vaguely resembling pro and I haven't dedicated myself to the game like I'd like to, but I've still bought Juri, Akuma, and Kolin with in-game currency
Prices are unfortunate for those who want everything. Game launched in a rough state and has never fully recovered, I hope the new network stuff is good?
Whining about a game being "incomplete" regarding characters and levels is pretty useless when it's meant to be supported for years. It was incomplete because it was missing features/functionality
"Censorship" though, now we're getting to the real issues