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Phil Spencer: "Not a fan of marketing deals with exclusive content"


It would be in your best interest to STFU Phil and continue munching on that humble pie instead of crying like a salty lil bitch for shit your company pioneered in the first place.
This is rich and hilarious.

Go back to GameFaq please. Or anywhere else than here.

And Microsoft partakes in both and then their Xbox head has the gall to say how it's terrible for the industry and consumers.

There's no exclusive content in FIFA 18, afaik.

It's almost as if there isn't multiple examples of Phil saying something and the reality/actions being difference.

There is. But the need to jump on the outrage-train without even reading the article is scary.



Considering that NeoGAF consists of a lot of intelligent individuals, it's part amazing and part frightening to see the collective cognitive dissonance in some threads. I mean, it's not exactly rocket science, this.
It's almost as if there isn't multiple examples of Phil saying something and the reality/actions being difference.
Phil Spencer: "Not a fan of marketing deals with exclusive content (if those deals don't involve us)".
FTFY. The people on the first page actually gullible enough to believe this just make me scratch my head.


I'm all for calling out Phil, but wasn't the first Titanfall only made because of Microsoft's involvement?

I remember that being said a lot, but I just don't see how it makes sense. EA had the money to set up Respawn for West & Zampella, arguably the most in-demand studio heads in the world at the time, but didn't have the money to fund development of their first game without Microsoft's help?

That always smelled like bullshit to me.

R aka Bon

"console launch exclusive"

Try harder

Man, this guy is so full of shit.

Wow very insightful

What the fuck.

So what's all the "launch exclusive" fuckery that happened in their press conference about?

Did we read the same quote?

Let me help y'all

No it's not ok that certain gamers are locked away from content they should be obliged to, since they paid the same money for the game. And no it wasn't ok when they did it before.

And there is a difference between new games that appear on one platform for a set amount of time, and certain games with already developed fanbases to not appear on platforms they already have fans on. While both suck, the first one is more similar to how exclusives suck, and the second one just sucks to suck :)


Console Launch Exclusiiveee

Seriously though, Phil...stop talking out your butt. It only makes people roll their eyes, it's not rallying people together.
Phil Spencer: "Not a fan of losing at our own game"

Phil Spencer: "Mooooo-oooooom, PlayStation's cheeeeeeaaaatiiiiiing"

Phil Spencer: "Exclusive marketing deals are wrong. Did you see the WORLDWIDE PREMIERE OF THE NEW PORSCHE ONLY IN FORZA 7"


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
What the fuck is going on in here?

Do you honestly believe there is only one guy (Phil) doing marketing deals and that no other wheels elsewhere turn or have turned in the past?

And are we arguing exclusives are the same if not worse than a multi platform game holding back finished content for all but one due to being given money?


Yeah, does everyone think Phil Spencer is the Head of Xbox or something?
Phil Spencer: "Not a fan of losing at our own game"

Phil Spencer: "Mooooo-oooooom, PlayStation's cheeeeeeaaaatiiiiiing"

Phil Spencer: "Exclusive marketing deals are wrong. Did you see the WORLDWIDE PREMIERE OF THE NEW PORSCHE ONLY IN FORZA 7"

i can't believe only xbox owners are allowed to buy the new porsche


For reference Sony once required exclusive content for a game if you were releasing on another console. Going back to the ps2 days they would even refuse approval if u released on another console first. Essentially blacklisting studios and developers. It bankrupted many studios.
That just reads as him not being a fan because he can't get any. Seriously, he was in charge when deals like that were still going on. It's beyond ridiculous to make this claim. If MS could get the deals Sony is getting you bet your ass they would make them.

You are correct 100 percent!
This is hilarious considering how they were throwing their weight around as the market leader last generation, and I doubt they would take this multiplat and non exclusive stance if they still were.
Phil sounds like someone who cares about "the good of the games," possibly to the detriment of Xbox's own success, based on positions like this and backwards compatibility. The only thing I've heard him recently say indicating otherwise is explaining Microsoft's 1st party focus on live-games rather than narrative games.

There's no basis to think something like this.

If that was the case their games would be available on Steam like before (I'm talking about all their games, not just remasters).

If that was the case he would require indie dev to spend additional resources to be on Xbox just because they as the gal to make the most rational financial decision by focusing on a PS4 release first.

If that was the case he wouldn't have screwed over the guys who developed the Phantom Dust remake.

If that was the case he would've funded a Uncharted competitor instead of paying to keep Rise of the Tomb Raider from PS4 owners.

There's plenty of exemple going against that narrative.


I remember that being said a lot, but I just don't see how it makes sense. EA had the money to set up Respawn for West & Zampella, arguably the most in-demand studio heads in the world at the time, but didn't have the money to fund development of their first game without Microsoft's help?

That always smelled like bullshit to me.

Yep, that aways had the ring of bullshit about it. So you're saying you made a huge deal to go out and sign the creators of COD, but you weren't going to fund their game actually releasing without MS's help. Right.


Or the FIFA has 4 years limit which is ended this year, not because Spencer suddenly end it? If it continue, you can bet that Spence love to have Ultimate Team life time exclusive on Xbox again ;)

MS never had exclusitivity on Ultimate Team - "only" on Legends. Of course Spencer didn't cancel a contract. That's not how any of this works.


To be fair, timed exclusive is far better than total exclusive, be it DLC or not. At least the other platforms' users will get to experience the same things, albeit a bit later than the paid platform.

I personally don't give two crap about playing late as long as I get to play, but if I'm expected to get an entire console just to access to some contents, then f that s.


Microsoft must really suck at making deals then when at the first reveal the developers pretended to play on PS4s.

The Division partnership was announced at gamescom 2013.

From that moment forward, the game was always shown on Xbox One (or played with an Xbox One controller).


Do I get a discount on Destiny if I buy on PC or Xbox considering I'm missing out on gear and content?

Or do I get stuck paying the same price as anyone buying it on PS4, while not getting everything that should be available in the game?
.. which might be what Spencer was on about. No matter which company you support, you should never applaud when content already ready for use is being held arbitrarily back from gamers.

These are just a bully's tears. Crying for what is right after committing wrongs for so long and is now losing. No one wants locked content, but hearing this from Phil Spencer and Microsoft the comment is a joke.


Yep, that aways had the ring of bullshit about it. So you're saying you made a huge deal to go out and sign the creators of COD, but you weren't going to fund their game actually releasing without MS's help. Right.
EA published the game and Ms paid for development. Thats why it was first exclusive. Paying to keep a game exclusive is different then saying u can release elsewhere but have to hold back levels and content.

Holding back content is kinda more a dick move. Its like saying enjoy my game but not as much as the other platform
MS never had exclusitivity on Ultimate Team - "only" on Legends. Of course Spencer didn't cancel a contract. That's not how any of this works.

"Only", yeah, still a content lock from other platform which is something he is talking about.
And he said it was bad for the industry so he should cancel it? Seriously, just accept the fact that he's a business man, he will get any deals if he can
For reference Sony once required exclusive content for a game if you were releasing on another console. Going back to the ps2 days they would even refuse approval if u released on another console first. Essentially blacklisting studios and developers. It bankrupted many studios.
What, I thought Microsoft started the trends of all that is evil in gaming? Before the X360 generation all in gaming was holy and pure.
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