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Why do you keep going back to SONY?


ChatGPT 0.001
The console division is 23 years old, millions of units sold and for some reason they just retain their user base launch after launch. So what keeps you coming back even though you aren’t guaranteed results? Is it the console durability? The games? Let me know in the section below.


1st party studios

Began with Psygnosis for me and the love affair has continued to this day
Good past experiences? Faith in the brand? Exclusive games?
All of the above is why I went with Xbox this gen. Yes, even the exclusive games part (Gears 4).


Not to sound like a fanboy (since I have owned a MS & Nintendo console at one point), but Sony consoles feel like the most balanced.

I enjoy a combination of 1st party, cutting edge tech and 3rd party support. Playstation has always delivered on all 3.

Although I never owned a PS3 because of the initial $599 price, but even at the end of PS3's lifecycle it turned out to be worth it.

The only other company who ever came close to striking a balance was SEGA, but now they're dead.


I broke this habit, I'll be back for the PS5 if it's BC or they announce a larger ecosystem effort similar to what MS is doing.


Their games are not full of bullshit gimmicks and actually have decent cinematic story telling on them. While at the same time they dont put much MTs on their games (except UC4, LOU)

Always a fan of great graphics and great story telling.

also they dont shut down studios and cancel projects for no fucking reason


Junior Member
Neogaf is Japanese/Sony centric

This is like asking people in an Apple store why they like Apple
I always play my video games on my Sony Playstation 4 Pro™, it is the place to play all of my favorite games. If you like video games, you should purchase Horizon Zero Dawn, it is a masterpiece and the newest expansion The Frozen Wilds came out recrently. Only on Playstation®
Because they continue giving me reasons to, whether that be through games, services, hardware, or community, their proposition continues to convince that it’s worth the cost.


Controller design. SONY doesn’t make complete overhauls with it, rather improvements.

Well there was the Boomerang controller which never released but what did release was rejected by gamers (the Sixaxis) and replaced by the Dualshock 3.


Neogaf is Japanese/Sony centric

This is like asking people in an Apple store why they like Apple

You can tell which people are new to the site.

Last generation, GAF was more 360/Wii centric. After *gasp* Microsoft & Nintendo lost the throne and fell behind in sales did we see PS4 fill in the vacuum.
Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just bought, plus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Edit, i do have a few PC games and will eventually get a switch just saying.


I buy all consoles and a gaming PC. Don't give a fuck about the brand name on it.

Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just bought, plus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Every. Fucking. Time. Jesus christ.


PS1 and PS2 had third party games i wanted. Skipped out on the ps3 and only eventually got one handed down to me when my parents got another blu ray player.

I bought a PS4 for MGSV, Shenmue III and the Witch and the Hundred Knight 2. It's pretty much the only place for japanese third party support right now.

Sony consoles are a means to an end for me. I hate their hardware, controllers, UIs, and their first party output is pretty much all rubbish.


Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just boughtplus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Noww you’re just talking ass here. I agree for the most part here. But this myth has to stop. Unless you’re talking about classic games that doesnt support modern hardware sure. But most modern games dont even do this. Unless its developed by a retarded monkey on their owners basement.


The UI, Naughty Dog, and the exclusives.

X was on my wishlist if there would be a real killer app and if the differences were bigger (like double frame rates or more onscreen NPC'S for example), but I'm not to impressed. I had a 360 but my wife only used that for zumba, so zero interest in playing old games. And I have a 1080p TV.
I haven't owned a Microsoft console. The original ones were never compelling to me. I don't need a bone when I have a PC. Nintendo and Sony have the better exclusives.

This is weird console wars stuff. Play what makes you happy and don't worry about what makes other people happy.


Playstation = video games

Has all the games from the west and most from japan, they have first party, third party; the controller layout is the same. No kid profile like nintendo, no 'murica profile like xbox, just games, all the games.

That's it, Playstation is what you want if you love video games.


Playstation = video games

Has all the games from the west and most from japan, they have first party, third party; the controller layout is the same. No kid profile like nintendo, no 'murica profile like xbox, just games, all the games.

That's it, Playstation is what you want if you love video games.

Sounds extremely mature and secure, I also am paranoid about the stigmas my devices may or may not have.
The console division is 23 years old, millions of units sold and for some reason they just retain their user base launch after launch. So what keeps you coming back even though you aren’t guaranteed results? Is it the console durability? The games? Let me know in the section below.

Not a console owner at the moment but if I were - it would be a PS4 but first party franchises really.

All MS has managed to put together that appeals to me is Forza.


Because I've never had a bad experience.

I had a short period with the original xbox but there wasn't enough good games to keep me interested.

I was never big on fps and driving games so the hardware since hasn't tempted me.

The only slightly negative thing I had was my launch ps3 don't the ylod but they brought a replacement to my door the next day and took the broken one away.

Then there's the games. They got into exactly what I like.

The only thing that would tempt me away from my pro/pc combo would be if sega launched a new console. I would switch in a heartbeat.


Exclusive games are "platform sellers" and Sony wipes the floor with Microsoft in that regard.

To make things worse, Microsoft has tried to push draconian DRM change (last time they have introduced paid online), they did revert it after major backlash, but I still keep it in mind.


Games. Its always the games. They usually have the most diverse third party output from western and especially japanese developers. I don't really care much about their first party titles except for Ratchet & Clank and Gravity Rush.


The console division is 23 years old, millions of units sold and for some reason they just retain their user base launch after launch. So what keeps you coming back even though you aren’t guaranteed results? Is it the console durability? The games? Let me know in the section below.

If your answer is anything other than this then I question your priorities when it comes to gaming tbh.

Translator's note: "Results" means games.


The console division is 23 years old, millions of units sold and for some reason they just retain their user base launch after launch. So what keeps you coming back even though you aren’t guaranteed results? Is it the console durability? The games? Let me know in the section below.

They always deliver. The amazing games are always there.


Their first party output is unmatched, their consoles avoid gimmicks, and in the current generation, PS4 is far and away the most user friendly console. Also always had the best controller.


The 360 was my console of choice last gen, so I really don't keep going back to Sony.

However, the PS1, 2 and 4 have all been awesome with games you can't get anywhere else. I was a huge JRPG fan during the PS1 and PS2 era, and the depth of titles on all the Sony systems still is unmatched. Especially Japanese titles.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Destiny exclusive content and 1st party games. Used to be my go to for 3rd party stuff but 1X is that now.


ChatGPT 0.001
Well there was the Boomerang controller which never released but what did release was rejected by gamers (the Sixaxis) and replaced by the Dualshock 3.
The sixaxis of this gen is the light bar, but there’s no dramatic change Controller to Controller.


I owned a PS1, PS2, Xbox and Game cube and by the time the 360 came out I was 100% Xbox. Sold everything and invested into the 360 and it's many refreshes. Unfortunately for Microsoft 2013 TV, TV, TV, always online and franchise fatigue made me move back to Sony.


I jumped ship to Sony in 1997 because of FF7 and haven't looked back since. If it ain't broke don't fix it? Besides. They have always had the best exclusive games. It's a bet you just can't lose


I'm not a Sony guy, but it's pretty obvious why. Sony consoles are basically just vanilla ice cream. A lot of people in the industry think constant innovation is the way to make money and go forward, but Sony realises that it's mostly better graphics/bigger game worlds in a familiar console package that the general gaming population wants.

After they hit a home run with the first PS, they pretty much just kept their brand image stable. As a child, adults would call a console "a Nintendo" or "a Mario", now they call consoles Playstations, and have for a long time.
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