so its bad I buy a game on xbox and I can play it on my pc for free to?
No, it's bad that people who have a PC have no reason to buy an its bad I buy a game on xbox and I can play it on my pc for free to?
And limitless headaches. I switched to Xbox from PC many years ago because I just want to play games and not spend hours tweaking configurations / installing mods in order to make games run properly. Watch Mandalore Gaming Dead Space review and tell me if that's a reasonable way of experiencing games.
PC and consoles have two different audiences altogether. PCs are for hardware enthusiasts, people who like to test things out. Consoles are for people who just want to play games. Hardware enthusiasts will never play games on consoles, and console gamers won't ever want to bother with PC specs.
No, it's bad that people who have a PC have no reason to buy an xbox...
That's great but most people find that redundant...but I have a PC and an Xbox X?
For me, I use the money I save from not needing to pay for Xbox Live to upgrade my GPU.but I have a PC and an Xbox X?
Why does he dress up like a government official from V for Vendetta?
Nah, good luck with playing Sunset Overdrive on PC. Such a brilliant, massively underrated game. Pure console-esqe fun reminding me of the best times I had with Dreamcast.
The vanilla one wasn't a blast, but the X is. I'm saying that as a fan since the original Xbox. Phenomenal piece of hardware.
Sure, they're still lacking exclusives in comparison with Sony, but some of the franchises they have are relevant for more than decade, delivering constant high quality games like Halo, Gears and Forza Motorsport. Oh and a little racing game called Forza Horizon, which is the best racer in the video game history. Period. Glad they acquired some new studios thinking about putting a real fight in the next generation.
As for Jim Sterling and all those gaming YouTubers, I don't see any real value in their work apart of chasing controversy, views and Patreon money by trying to stir the pot as much as they can.
That's great but most people find that redundant...
For me, I use the money I save from not needing to pay for Xbox Live to upgrade my GPU.
Is this 1999?And limitless headaches. I switched to Xbox from PC many years ago because I just want to play games and not spend hours tweaking configurations / installing mods in order to make games run properly. Watch Mandalore Gaming Dead Space review and tell me if that's a reasonable way of experiencing games.
PC and consoles have two different audiences altogether. PCs are for hardware enthusiasts, people who like to test things out. Consoles are for people who just want to play games. Hardware enthusiasts will never play games on consoles, and console gamers won't ever want to bother with PC specs.
Well, that was just stating the obvious as far as I can tell. I won't repeat any of it since Jim already covered it.
I have a distaste for the MS business model/philosophy. I don't think MS is a problem unless they are the market leader, then they shit all over you. As long as Sony and/or Nintendo are dictating the market, we can all benefit from an MS that is playing catch up and actually offering good things to the consumer (which you can forget about if they become #1).
I agree, I don't think Game Pass is good for those making games. I can see why consumers like it, but I'm interested in the overall health of the industry. That is why when people bitch and moan about Sony not following the Game Pass / EA Pass model, I find it super annoying. More choice, sure, but maybe some platform holders are more interested in the long term and/or not devolving into trash like mobile markets.The thing that worries me is the effects of game pass on the industry as a whole and it's potential to limit developers revenue. Game pass only encourages developers to use gaas models even further by potentially limiting revenue made from initial purchases.
Game pass is great for consumers but I really wonder what effect it's going to have on the industry by further devaluing it's own product. Iwata pointed at the trends of the AppStore market years ago about what happens when you do this sort of thing.
And that's a problem for microsoft...I aint most people then
When will the age of the contrarian, hateful youtuber be at an end?
Xbox did had fantastic E3 but it didn't really made me want buy Xbox because most of the exciting games they showed I can just get it on my PS4.You know Sony fan boys are in a bit of a panic after Microsoft's megaton at E3.
I feel like all the "but gamepass" arguments are legit propaganda or paid off fanboys. I refuse to believe gamepass has any influence whatsoever a signifigant portion of purchasers. I think its people justifying buying a true and total dud of a console.
If you don't care about having the latest graphics, don't change anything. No need to tweak if you're not inclined.
Is this 1999?
Certainly at least the hateful part, I hope soon. Even by Sterling standards, his DW9 videos were particularly emotional and exaggerated. For every good point he made (it is a bad game), any possibly acknowledge that could be made that the game did some redeeming design if you gave it a chance, was rendered impossibly to even consider because he was frothing at the mouth like a rabid fanboy that his favorite character was changed. And those sort of reactions or characterizations of a game not just being bad but somehow an atrocisty, or other trends like not just criticism of a game's production 'but how X game was murdered!,' or the other countless shit videos that plague my recommendation pane because their exaggerated clickbait titles get clicks and thus snowball higher up the recommendation list.When will the age of the contrarian, hateful youtuber be at an end?
It's basically the same now. Poor performance at 4k or 1080? drop to 1080 or 720 respectively and 99% of the time problem solved...Did you even game back in 1999? Gaming on the PC in the 90s was the easiest thing to do. All you needed was enough RAM and a fast CPU. If your PC wasn't fast enough you could always lower the resolution and that was it. Even early 3D boards were simple.
I mean... a console generation's worth of PS+ or Xbox Live subscriptions is not insignificant. My gaming preferences has allowed me to save a lot of money. I play singleplayer on the PS4 so I don't see any need to pay for PS+ and whatever multiplayer games I play, I do that on PC on top of the other PC games I have.thats great for you then
Certainly at least the hateful part, I hope soon. Even by Sterling standards, his DW9 videos were particularly emotional and exaggerated. For every good point he made (it is a bad game), any possibly acknowledge that could be made that the game did some redeeming design if you gave it a chance, was rendered impossibly to even consider because he was frothing at the mouth like a rabid fanboy that his favorite character was changed. And those sort of reactions or characterizations of a game not just being bad but somehow an atrocisty, or other trends like not just criticism of a game's production 'but how X game was murdered!,' or the other countless shit videos that plague my recommendation pane because their exaggerated clickbait titles get clicks and thus snowball higher up the recommendation list.
It's to the point where I rarely bother with most Youtube channels that arise in recommendations unless they're clearly dedicated to one game. So much else follows that trend you say, and I wonder if most of these channels are not unlike the old GAF joke, 'do these people even play and enjoy games? ;p' I tend to stick to channels dedicated to games, like milsim roleplaying channels for GR Wildlands or Long War channels for XCOM, because at the very least you can find -- unlike that trend you allude to -- some optimism and passion for the hobby.
It's basically the same now. Poor performance at 4k or 1080? drop to 1080 or 720 respectively and 99% of the time problem solved...
Of course, but lowering resolution usually solves all issues. I game on a shitty prebuilt best buy laptop from 4 years ago and I never have any problems running new games...Most definitely not. There are a several things that can make your game run poorly (texture filtering, AA, AO, object blur, etc...) all of which are configurable from the either the game settings or via external apps. That's not even considering bad ports.
I mean... a console generation's worth of PS+ or Xbox Live subscriptions is not insignificant. My gaming preferences has allowed me to save a lot of money. I play singleplayer on the PS4 so I don't see any need to pay for PS+ and whatever multiplayer games I play, I do that on PC on top of the other PC games I have.
I agree with pretty much all of Jim's points, but he's being a little harsh, not taking into account that the One X is a pretty decent console for those that don't want to game on PC for some reason...
Also the fans have to stop damage controlling the lack of exclusives like they don't matter. You're doing more harm than good...
You can easily do that with a PC tho... not saying you have to game on PC your preference is your preference but that's a weak reason honestly. Like saying I don't drink sprite because I like carbonated beverages...I just prefer sitting in the living room with a big tv and a controller
Of course, but lowering resolution usually solves all issues. I game on a shitty prebuilt best buy laptop from 4 years ago and I never have any problems running new games...
Contrary to popular belief, most PC gamers don't just do it for the raw power, but for the options. Playing on my laptop gives me more gaming options than all 4 of my consoles put together...Why not just play on the X1X then? I thought every PC gamer was playing at 4k/60 and that's why 4k/30 on the X wasn't worth it.
I don't think the people saying that, assuming there are people saying that, are playing on a 4 year old laptop tbf.Why not just play on the X1X then? I thought every PC gamer was playing at 4k/60 and that's why 4k/30 on the X wasn't worth it.
my god the cringe lol"play best™"
Yeah this attitude right here is kind of the problem.Nah, good luck with playing Sunset Overdrive on PC. Such a brilliant, massively underrated game. Pure console-esqe fun reminding me of the best times I had with Dreamcast.
You know, maybe some people just have bad luck with something always. Like me, I always overcook or undercook my food. It's like I'm incapable of cooking beyond basic things. Maybe that's the case with you and PC gaming - I haven't had issues like you describe since I got my first gaming PC in 2001 trying to get Morrowind to run well. Little did I know that game relies heavily on the CPU and very little of what I did was going to make it run better on my budget build, but that's beside the point. PC gaming these days is so easy and not only do games come with presets (low, med, high, ultra) that do a great job of helping you get the best experience for your hardware, but they often auto-select on the first boot based on your specs. Like, I really don't understand how something as simple as it is today is such a hurdle for some people. I take umbrage with the 'endless headaches' remark. You really don't need to be technically inclined to enjoy PC games. Even my girlfriend (not commentary on females, just my particularly computer-illiterate girlfriend) was able to install steam on her mac, buy RCT3 and play it. She installed Origin and bought The Sims 4. She never once had to ask me for help and she's the type that doesn't understand why you need to restart a PC from time to time.This is kind of funny. But it is offtopic. I used to game on the PC since 1995 until 2008.
First the game runs at 20 fps or it stutters, then you try to tweak settings to see if you can improve the framerate. But what to change? Lower texture quality? Well, the game looks bad. Well, try keeping the texture and change the AA setting or some other effect like AO? Try that. What if you keep the settings high and just lower the resolution? Oh wait, a crash. Let's go to forums see if others have the same problem. Maybe reinstalling will do? Updating drivers perhaps? After hours browsing forums, you learn of a fan mod that fixes the game, because the developers themselves couldn't bother to do it.
Never again I am going through this crap.
Did you even game back in 1999? Gaming on the PC in the 90s was the easiest thing to do. All you needed was enough RAM and a fast CPU. If your PC wasn't fast enough you could always lower the resolution and that was it. Even early 3D boards were simple.