Wow, I only read the quotes in the OP till now. Jim went in, yet all he said was true though. XBONEX debuted with Super Lucky Tales, SLT for crying out loud and they're basically just cycling the same franchises. At least PD tried something new with GT and Sony always has new franchises every gen, and for the old franchises, they mix it up,..... but Forza, Halo and Gears this gen are nothing revolutionary, just more subpar stories and nothing that's transforming these old franchises past the 360 days.....perhaps, just more lootboxes, dlc and microstransactions....
Then you round out their library with SOD2, SOT, Recore, QB, SO's just not a great library if you want to invest in a second console. The best second console besides a PS4 is a (Couch PC, Steam BPM rig). You can play all these games at 4k 60fps unlike the XBONEX, like recore, slt etc at max quality...with much better framerates, higher AF and better settings on all the other titles... like QB etc...There's no need for an XBONEX if you have a mid gen PC GPU, because you can get all of MS's games and play it better there. I don't know how hard this is to understand. MS says it has the most powerful console, but since WINDOWS/XBOX is now one platform, the best place to play MS games is on Windows, without the slow OS, the wifi issues and all the hard resets one would have to do on XBONEX hardware. Perhaps now, it may be an ample time to just get an AMD GPU with windows, and you're set, since their GPU's are said the be the most stable by and large atm....
Other than Spiderman what else is coming in 2018/2019? Personally I hate TLOU but knowing it will be mentioned, I guarantee it will be cross gen. This current gen is just about done and I'm looking forward most to RDR2 and BF V. By the time anything amazing past those two comes, next gen will already be here. Until then, the X is where it is at. Best multiplats and Gamepass is fantastic.
So in other words, you esteem that the best games will be multiplat based on what
YOU like and are looking forward to, instead of the games that will be unique, not annual franchises for the most part, but games which will be rated the best and sell tonnes to anticipating gamers????
Your personal preference has nothing to do with the market and the games that will impact a shift in what hardware is succeeding or will continue to succeed in the next two years. What Jim is talking about..... is what else do I play, when I want to take a break from the COD's, the BF's, the fortnites, in essence the multiplat games, what quality experiences are there besides. The experience of COD, BF, Farcry is the same 60fps or 30fps on PRO or XBONEX, you're not having a different experience on either console, minus more players on PS. Not even the 30+ million XBOX ONE owners have lapped up the XBONEX in droves, it's a miniscule figure towards the sum of total XBOX ONE owners this gen (maybe 3-5%) if you're optimistic. How is such a small percentage of XBONEX players from 30 million consoles to turn the tide for XBOX in the vein of "it plays better there", where it mostly has a higher resolution; In essense, it's not truthful, it's not realistic and it's not happening......
The truth is this, as a guy who has a PS4 and PC, you look at XBONEX and say...$500.00 for XBONEX????..but I bought a GPU ages ago, when you could have had a Zotac GTX 1070 for $289 on Amazon, some will say, I was able to get a 580 at MSRP ages ago and it's in my PC, my GTX 1060 I got for $200 ages ago is still in my system, I can play all these MS games on that, why spend $500.00....... Some even got the Vega 56 at MSRP at $400.00. The point is, there are a lot of decent rigs out there that performs better than XBONEX...... and you never really had to upgrade your CPU when you bought them, any old i3/i5 would be good enough with those GPU's, the only thing you did was you got a good GPU deal... and you dug in...
So yes, this is a problem for MS and not so much SONY, because Sony has UC, GOW, Detroit, Infamous, GT, Until Dawn, Gravity Rush, SFV and all the good fighters that's not dead online, Yakuza, tonnes of Japanese exclusives. Square's E3 was basically a pre-cursor/extension to Sony's showcase and the list goes on and on.....and as for your statement,...... before PS5 arrives? they have; TLOU2, Tsushima, Spiderman, Days Gone, Dreams, Concrete Genie, Lost Soul Aside, Bluepoint Game and a tonne more are coming, including lots of PC/PS4 only titles. I could name them, but I think I've listed enough, you can do your own research, as there are many exclusive titles still which will further solidify ownership or create demand for a piece of PS4 kit......
Did you miss the part where I said that it matters to me, but may not to others? I don't care about what sells systems. I care about how a machine's capabilities are catered to me. Some of us, and I know it is strange to some of you, like consumer friendly options.
Well, the place I'm standing, I've never seen a more consumer friendly piece of kit than PS4......Shareplay, Sharing games with friends, Game pics and recording on day 1, PS live and streaming on day 1, Free 2 Play is actually Free to play, no paywall. Funny enough, the game I've played the most this gen, almost regularly is crossplay on PS4 (SFV) and there are so many more on PS4, I mean truckloads.....So I personally, have a tonne of crossplay games, Guilty Gear, Blaze Blue etc...and there are much more coming too..
Take a look at this list of crossplay games...PS4 is the king of crossplay at the minute, by a huge margin too....Consumer friendly??... that it is