Yes, very important to grab a banana for self defense in such a situation. You must have been trained by an expert.
Or to scoff bananas when you are taking damage to not die?
Yes, very important to grab a banana for self defense in such a situation. You must have been trained by an expert.
Because eating a banana under water makes as much sense as banana self defense?Or to scoff bananas when you are taking damage to not die?
Because eating a banana under water makes as much sense as banana self defense?
Look - until the new studios pump out AAA games that sell in the 10-15 million range Microsoft has to tout whatever positives they have. Like #players when we know it's mostly on Game Pass and are these MAU or just played it once for 30 minutes? Of course they won't tell us.
My thing is why do we as gamers need to know exact sales numbers? SOT sections off each gameplay section into about 12 or so actual players, certainly their is enough live active players to quickly get into a session of 12 pretty instantly with good ping times between those people. I've never had a problem getting a new game going quickly
Honestly ask yourself WHY you NEED to know exact sales numbers. The answer is because you want to use those exact sales number to deride the success of the game on internet forums. It is literally the only reason. Why should MS provide you with ammo to bash them solely on gaming forums?
What they do tell us is the game is doing well and heavily populated so your 12 person gaming session will be easy to achieve. Any number outside that in which people are clammering for is simply them wanting to use those numbers to bash on internet forums.
WAAA MS isn't giving me the exact numbers I need to bash them on the internet WAAAA
Look - until the new studios pump out AAA games that sell in the 10-15 million range Microsoft has to tout whatever positives they have. Like #players when we know it's mostly on Game Pass and are these MAU or just played it once for 30 minutes? Of course they won't tell us.
Isn't engagement with one another and finding people to play with easily, along with continued developer support the whole point for this game? They already said it exceeded sales expectations so if that's good enough for them why do you care?
It's transparent and stupid we know why certain people want exact numbers and it is only to troll.
I want sales numbers because I want a meaningful metric. Fortnite is free to play, but has revenue/month as a measure. MS is hiding behind "players" and boasting like we are idiots. You can't spend 3+ years developing a game to soft front loaded sales, no legs, no micro-transaction revenue, etc. and just brag about number of player. Sure, maybe the game will grow and somehow make money for MS. It's like a F2P game with no revenue generation built in right now. I guess you can point to Game Pass and say it made subscribers? I doubt this game is propping it up subscriber numbers much. It also died faster than a mosquito on streaming services, another indirect measure of popularity.
Maybe MS should stop announcing numbers meant to obfuscate and mislead? It seems to work on a number of you though...
I don't see Sony talking about miles driven in GTS or Nintendo talking about number of tennis balls hit in Mario Tennis. They are stupid misleading metrics. Talk revenue or units sold, otherwise you are just spewing PR. If sales sucked, just say nothing. MS deserves to be called out.
I want sales numbers because I want a meaningful metric. Fortnite is free to play, but has revenue/month as a measure. MS is hiding behind "players" and boasting like we are idiots. You can't spend 3+ years developing a game to soft front loaded sales, no legs, no micro-transaction revenue, etc. and just brag about number of player. Sure, maybe the game will grow and somehow make money for MS. It's like a F2P game with no revenue generation built in right now. I guess you can point to Game Pass and say it made subscribers? I doubt this game is propping it up subscriber numbers much. It also died faster than a mosquito on streaming services, another indirect measure of popularity.
Maybe MS should stop announcing numbers meant to obfuscate and mislead? It seems to work on a number of you though...
I don't see Sony talking about miles driven in GTS or Nintendo talking about number of tennis balls hit in Mario Tennis. They are stupid misleading metrics. Talk revenue or units sold, otherwise you are just spewing PR. If sales sucked, just say nothing. MS deserves to be called out.
You want exact sales number to troll, that's it, it's some dumbass console war meta game for forum warriors. You are not an investor you are an internet warrior that's all this is, you can tap dance all you want but the truth is very clear.
You aren't getting exact numbers so deal with it, you aren't going to play this game or invest any time and money in it, it's all forum trolling and nit picking.
I want sales numbers because I want a meaningful metric. Fortnite is free to play, but has revenue/month as a measure. MS is hiding behind "players" and boasting like we are idiots. You can't spend 3+ years developing a game to soft front loaded sales, no legs, no micro-transaction revenue, etc. and just brag about number of player. Sure, maybe the game will grow and somehow make money for MS. It's like a F2P game with no revenue generation built in right now. I guess you can point to Game Pass and say it made subscribers? I doubt this game is propping it up subscriber numbers much. It also died faster than a mosquito on streaming services, another indirect measure of popularity.
Maybe MS should stop announcing numbers meant to obfuscate and mislead? It seems to work on a number of you though...
I don't see Sony talking about miles driven in GTS or Nintendo talking about number of tennis balls hit in Mario Tennis. They are stupid misleading metrics. Talk revenue or units sold, otherwise you are just spewing PR. If sales sucked, just say nothing. MS deserves to be called out.
Actually, time dilation can get so bad, it's like 60 seconds in real world time is 1 second in game lol. I've been to one of those fights as a healer, and it's hilarious hearing the leader yelling "heal this guy! oh they have been dead 30 seconds ago."I think people complaining that wow is a "sharded" world don't realize that technology just isn't there to support single instance of thousands and thousands of players. The one true single-shard game that I can think of, EVE Online, becomes crushed by the amount of data moving back and forth once you get player counts into the low thousands in one area, and that's on a space-MMO which doesn't have the landscape and object count overhead. EVE has a massive player battle going on with several thousand players, and the servers are so overworked the are slowing the game down to 1 second of game time translating to 10 seconds of real world wait time.
PS Elder Scrolls Online is a very well put together MMO. I just don't think the lore is as accessible (though it's much deeper) and that is impacting influx of new players.
Sony doesn't have a subscription service like Game Pass. If GT Sport was on PS+ for free, then it's sketchy, but in this case, 5 million players = 5 million copies sold.and Sony was championing 5 million players on GT sport the other day, not copies sold but player numbers. how is this different to what Sony do
Lol. No.Actually, time dilation can get so bad, it's like 60 seconds in real world time is 1 second in game lol. I've been to one of those fights as a healer, and it's hilarious hearing the leader yelling "heal this guy! oh they have been dead 30 seconds ago."
Sony doesn't have a subscription service like Game Pass. If GT Sport was on PS+ for free, then it's sketchy, but in this case, 5 million players = 5 million copies sold.
It’s differnet cuz Sony doesn’t give out their games and it’s different cuz PC and whatever.......
Fanboys everywhere.
Of course this "5 million players" can be considered as PR spin, it doesn't really tell you anything about active players and this 5 million most certainly is counting everyone who e.g. has downloaded and tried the game through 14-day free gamepass trial. However, this is something that every company would do. Sony was being sketchy in ps3 era with "plaustation family" sales, which had ps2+ps3 sales combined. It's just the way it is and neither Sony nor MS is obligated to release any kind of data regarding total sales etc.
I don't know if this is the best way, but why wouldn't MS release these kind of numbers if they look good? Every sales or total/active players number is released for pr purposes. It's not like total SoT copies sold would give any clearer picture, because of game pass. Still, these numbers don't tell you anything really, and thus they shouldn't be compared to game sales in general. It's not a mindblowing number in any way, but still a decent amount and good for game pass.
My thing is why do we as gamers need to know exact sales numbers? SOT sections off each gameplay section into about 12 or so actual players, certainly their is enough live active players to quickly get into a session of 12 pretty instantly with good ping times between those people. I've never had a problem getting a new game going quickly
Honestly ask yourself WHY you NEED to know exact sales numbers. The answer is because you want to use those exact sales number to deride the success of the game on internet forums. It is literally the only reason. Why should MS provide you with ammo to bash them solely on gaming forums?
What they do tell us is the game is doing well and heavily populated so your 12 person gaming session will be easy to achieve. Any number outside that in which people are clammering for is simply them wanting to use those numbers to bash on internet forums.
WAAA MS isn't giving me the exact numbers I need to bash them on the internet WAAAA
It gets a bit tiring watching the usual few suspects (no names mentioned, but one of them is definitely not a god and the other is definitely not an agent) desperately trying to troll every single Microsoft-related thread. We all get it, you don't like MS. It's fine. But why the need to pick a fight constantly?
Actually, time dilation can get so bad, it's like 60 seconds in real world time is 1 second in game lol. I've been to one of those fights as a healer, and it's hilarious hearing the leader yelling "heal this guy! oh they have been dead 30 seconds ago."
Sony doesn't have a subscription service like Game Pass. If GT Sport was on PS+ for free, then it's sketchy, but in this case, 5 million players = 5 million copies sold.
For somebody who says we shouldn't care you sure do visit all the sales figure threads with your xbox defence posts. This is essentially thread whining. If these figures are irrelevant then there is no need to enter these threads. If somebody calls out PR spin in a numbers thread then they are on topic and there is no point in trying to discuss how 'important' such a figure is to anyone regardless of their intention because yours is clear too.
If you are a gamer their is one simple thing you should be conerend about when dealing with a game like SOT
Can you connect to on online game quickly with other player? If yes = good, if no = bad
Everything outside of that, all the hair splitting, nit picking and whining for raw sales numbers is irrelevant. This game can be purchased and played in many different ways so raw sales don;t show crap considering you can play it on gamepass and MS would still consider that a win.
Not so great example. I bought it second handed so it make at least 4,999,999 copies sold. Plus: everyday I read in these Xbox threads about Gamepass, game sharing and so on. We don't know the split for physical/dd so hypotetically it could be 2,5 mln sold since I can easily share any game with another friend.Actually, time dilation can get so bad, it's like 60 seconds in real world time is 1 second in game lol. I've been to one of those fights as a healer, and it's hilarious hearing the leader yelling "heal this guy! oh they have been dead 30 seconds ago."
Sony doesn't have a subscription service like Game Pass. If GT Sport was on PS+ for free, then it's sketchy, but in this case, 5 million players = 5 million copies sold.
This is hysterical, Seems Sony is doing this as well but for a mostly single player game, Wonder if the Sony fanboys are going to flip their shit and pull up the pitchforks at Sony asking for hard sales data and deriding them for using "PR" terms like "players"
You are now well over 1,5 million worldwide to have played@Detroit_PS4, totalling above 20 million hours of playtime!
I own the XB1X and am subbed to both XBL Gold and XBGP until some time 2021. No fanboy here (although PS4 is my main cause that‘s where my friends are at), but I really would love to see the sale numbers for this game for one simple reason: how much does GP eat away a developers profits. I mean surely a copy played on GP is a copy not sold (disregarding people who purchase the game after trying it out). And MS can‘t possibly compensate good enough for GP to be a retail unit sale replacement (probably why we only see older titles pop up and barely any day 1 titles). Would love to have insights like that.
Yeah, your reason still sounds loaded with agenda. Frankly put, unless youve financially invested in creation of this game, receive percentage residuals on the back end or are Microsoft themselves, the actual sales numbers mean dick to you. The only, and I mean THE ONLY reason fanboys want to know how much a particular game sold is to use it on internet forums for console warz...THAT'S. IT! And note, Microsoft is games as a service. So the only REAL information you need as someone who prefers the brand are engagement numbers in order to ensure you there is a healthy amount of people in the gaming community to connect with. It makes PERFECT sense once you stop the C.W. bullshit.I want sales numbers because I want a meaningful metric. Fortnite is free to play, but has revenue/month as a measure. MS is hiding behind "players" and boasting like we are idiots. You can't spend 3+ years developing a game to soft front loaded sales, no legs, no micro-transaction revenue, etc. and just brag about number of player. Sure, maybe the game will grow and somehow make money for MS. It's like a F2P game with no revenue generation built in right now. I guess you can point to Game Pass and say it made subscribers? I doubt this game is propping it up subscriber numbers much. It also died faster than a mosquito on streaming services, another indirect measure of popularity.
Maybe MS should stop announcing numbers meant to obfuscate and mislead? It seems to work on a number of you though...
I don't see Sony talking about miles driven in GTS or Nintendo talking about number of tennis balls hit in Mario Tennis. They are stupid misleading metrics. Talk revenue or units sold, otherwise you are just spewing PR. If sales sucked, just say nothing. MS deserves to be called out.
If you are a gamer their is one simple thing you should be conerend about when dealing with a game like SOT
Can you connect to on online game quickly with other player? If yes = good, if no = bad
Everything outside of that, all the hair splitting, nit picking and whining for raw sales numbers is irrelevant. This game can be purchased and played in many different ways so raw sales don;t show crap considering you can play it on gamepass and MS would still consider that a win.
I got a 5-day Game Pass from a bag of Chips Ahoy and reinstalled the game this week, only to realize I had to wait several in-game days to take part in the ongoing seasonal event or whatever. So I became bored again within an hour and just called it.
Sigh. I'll never forget the sense of wonder when I first installed the Alpha last year. "This game is going to be so awesome when they add all the things to do and see" I said.
Really wish someone would step up to the plate and deliver a true next generation MMO. It's fucking 2018 and WOW still hasn't been topped. That's just embarrassing for the entire species.
I'm really disappointed by how badly Blizzard dropped the ball on Overwatch and what it turned into. It should have been so much more.
It's crazy when you think about the fact that less time went by between Super Metroid and World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft and today. That much time has passed and no one has actually taken that genre forward. It's pathetic.
The math is simple. Two platforms, game pass, multiple accounts per Xbox - all add up to a lot of players who launched the game and said "meh". MS loves those metrics like "players" or "skeletons killed" for a reason.
These are persons who've played it since launch, on PC/XBOX with gamepass + sales. 5 million are not playing right now....
5 million people who have access to the game through their subscription bothered to click the icon at least once, i don't want to be negative, but those kind of number are pretty easy to fuss up into something they are not.
I'll just say "played" isn't "playing". Whether or not these 5 million people that played it that liked it or not should be the real question.
What PR would say that 5 million people played the game and almost all of them stopped playing?
Ugh, if you want to apply that used game shenanigans, then you can apply it back to Sea of Thieves. Put used games on top of gamepass, and Sea of Thieves is most likely an empty wastedland, or sea.Not so great example. I bought it second handed so it make at least 4,999,999 copies sold. Plus: everyday I read in these Xbox threads about Gamepass, game sharing and so on. We don't know the split for physical/dd so hypotetically it could be 2,5 mln sold since I can easily share any game with another friend.
I can see the perpetual downsampling but here, just like GTS, player count is actually a good metric about the success and these games are clearly a success, like it or not.
No, obviously, because it's a singleplayer game, but Sony gave out hard 5 million in first month numbers. You picked the worst example to prove your point lol.Same people, different thread. Always downplaying, caveating, goalpost moving positive MS numbers in some way. Are 8 million people playing God of War RIGHT NOW?
Get a grip, give credit or just leave.
Good job Rare and MS on game pass and pulling this game back from the depths. I was playing 2 nights ago and there have been a bunch of additions that make the game richer. Keep it coming and it will cintinue to be rewarded.
Ugh, if you want to apply that used game shenanigans, then you can apply it back to Sea of Thieves. Put used games on top of gamepass, and Sea of Thieves is most likely an empty wastedland, or sea.
But your logical is full of fallacy, reaching for the most absurd hypothetical situation.
No, obviously, because it's a singleplayer game, but Sony gave out hard 5 million in first month numbers. You picked the worst example to prove your point lol.
Pretty sure Gamepass was $9.99 for 3 months only during E3.Lets keep this on topic please.....What I said is factual. 5 million played SOT, great, but gamepass has been on sale @ 3 months for $9.99 and other sales before that, and it's on two platforms too, with shared accounts et al....
I have no problems with persons playing what they want to play, if you think this is causing me emotional distress, then perhaps you're 6 billboards of ebbing missouri, at this point......
I own the XB1X and am subbed to both XBL Gold and XBGP until some time 2021. No fanboy here (although PS4 is my main cause that‘s where my friends are at), but I really would love to see the sale numbers for this game for one simple reason: how much does GP eat away a developers profits. I mean surely a copy played on GP is a copy not sold (disregarding people who purchase the game after trying it out). And MS can‘t possibly compensate good enough for GP to be a retail unit sale replacement (probably why we only see older titles pop up and barely any day 1 titles). Would love to have insights like that. need an OT for this game!
lol good job. Finally someone made an OT instead of complaining at me in every Sea of Thieves thread. I even told them that I can't complain in the OT like I can in the review thread.
Because THIS is their game now. And they play it as much as they can because nothing else gives them this feeling in thier everyday lives. Sad really. But there are people in this world that are so miserable that they only feel better by trying to spread the misery. And as hard as it can be, ignoring them is your most powerful move.It gets a bit tiring watching the usual few suspects (no names mentioned, but one of them is definitely not a god and the other is definitely not an agent) desperately trying to troll every single Microsoft-related thread. We all get it, you don't like MS. It's fine. But why the need to pick a fight constantly?