The industry needs competition on the top end,but companies have to earn my money.If AMD has a product compelling enough, I will buy it, but I won't just hand my money over because it's not Nvidia.
Of course you shouldn't buy a card, just because it's not Nvidia, but AMD has many compelling GPU's in the past and they have some right now.....It may not be in the bracket you're looking for...….You mentioned you want something in the high end, but typically most cards sell at the $200-400 range, so AMD launched that first especially before the holidays, so they can move enough units to make a profit...….
High end guys have usually swore on Nvidia because they claimed the crown in the last few years.....However AMD has had the fastest card in the past and if we look at NAVI, it's fast enough where everybody and their grandma's know that bigger dies are coming...…..So they do have the DNA to take the top spot again...…..I guess from your post I deduced that you would be willing to buy wherever the best high end cards are....Yet I've seen too often that people talk about high end, which is about pushing high framerates and rez, but if AMD gives us a card which is superfast and does just that on the high end, they come back and say it does not have raytracing, which actually butchers the high rez and framerates they seek......I was just asking if you were one of those and if you favor RTX in a few games over raw performance....?
In essence, it is clear that AMD has faster NAvI cards coming that will take on , 2080 Super, 2080ti etc.....but they won't have RT in 3 games, because that is not viable yet...
So much of a market that it was discontinued like 5 months after release?
There's no market. Nobody gives a shit about Radeon 7.. and even less so now with Navi out.
Tbf, AMD has not given an official statement confirming that...….Let's be honest, there are Radeon VII's readily available in the market still...…..However there are products placed on shelves with shorter shelf lives than others.....Turing is a brand new architecture and after 10 months they are already phasing out the 2070 and 2080...…..Vega was not new, AMD just placed it on 7nm, gave it lots of Vram and bandwidth and it's a content creators dream, better than $1200 and $2500 NV cards in that aspect, so there is a market, it's also the best Mining card out there atm...So we should not assume that there's no market outside of gaming, where even then, Radeon 7 is also a very good 4k card on the 2080's level or above in gaming, typical for Vega, once you undervolt and OC......
I don't think you should get a Radeon 7 now just for pure gaming, because AMD has some really fast beasts coming, that focuses on just gaming, but if you are a content creator or miner who games, Radeon 7 is a prized value at $679...….So yes there is a market...….
It depends on your budget, and what you are currently running. If you are on a 1080Ti there is no point to uprade now. If you are not then wait for custom AIB 5700XTs and see then? They should be so close to 2070 S/2080 the $100-$300 difference would't be worth it. And Radeon Image Sharpening is amazing.
It makes DLSS look like a gimmick. And imo buying nVidia RTX thinking RT is a feature is just going to burn you in the long run. By the time there are enough games that support RT these cards wouldn't be able to manage acceptable frame rates anyway. And repeat after me..... "3 games in almost 2 year". And lol Young Blood is launching without RT, like probably 90% of the future games.
Get outta here....Young Blood does not have RT at launch? I thought it just worked? Someone told me that every game coming out from here on out will have RTX...…..I can remember the same thing happened with SOTTR, lots of talk at CES, but the game did not launch with the feature....So out of the three RTX games that exists after 10 months, the only one which supported the feature at launch was Metro?...….I guess devs see how much traction RTX has and they are prioritizing the feature
