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Death Stranding |OT| Keep Walking, Nothing To See Here


This thread is far better for discussion, but occasionally I wander over to Reddit to see if they’ve seen anything cool.

Spoiler: Video of a crazy situation that can happen to an NPC. No story spoilers or anything, but if you want to save a possibly holy crap moment for gameplay, just be warned.

The attention to detail.


Gold Member
This thread is far better for discussion, but occasionally I wander over to Reddit to see if they’ve seen anything cool.

Spoiler: Video of a crazy situation that can happen to an NPC. No story spoilers or anything, but if you want to save a possibly holy crap moment for gameplay, just be warned.

The attention to detail.

I didn't watch cause I wannah see it myself in game but I never thought about that when seeing them running around!


Just wrapped up the Musician



I actually love returning to this first zone



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Gold Member
Is the monster drink gone?
Replaced for a 'Timefall porter'. Just me?

Nah, seems monsters are a limited quantity.
Edit: or I've just delivered an insane amount of porter everywhere?

Also yall should try drinking all 5 on the table and doin stuff around the room without skippin cutscenes. Oh and using the zoom camera feature on sam in the private room
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Nothing new, but I like how human enemies are forced to sit in the same world as you. They don’t get magical traversal abilities, and everything that’s a problem for you, is a problem for them. Which can and should be used.

Having a truck of them pull up earlier, plus many from other directions, I was like, ‘Wait a second’, and stopped crossing a river, retreated back, and started bolaing them as they slowly crossed, which was sooo satisfying.

Then more came in from behind me, with worrying numbers, so I got in the river and started brawling with them, as they struggled, and couldn’t team as well, while I was mostly familiar with how and where to move. It was a totally unique fight, and a lot of fun.

They adopted the river as their ally. I was born in it; molded in it. I didn’t see my lost packages until I was already an adult. :messenger_winking:
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The biggest missed opportunity is voidouts imho

I have 100+ hours in the game and never experienced one. Like the whole frikking mechanic that was developed and spent time on never manifests itself in the game.

You literally cant die to a mini boss and there is no reason to use lethal weapons. Seriously whats the point of lethal guns?

Why Kojima decided to make bosses SO slow and their zones so small and nobody on the team noticed that is beyond comprehension
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The biggest missed opportunity is voidouts imho

I have 100+ hours in the game and never experienced one. Like the whole frikking mechanic that was developed and spent time on never manifests itself in the game.

You literally cant die to a mini boss and there is no reason to use lethal weapons. Seriously whats the point of lethal guns?

Why Kojima decided to make bosses SO slow and their zones so small and nobody on the team noticed that is beyond comprehension

I only had one Void Out in my playthrough. But people on youtube have done extended testing like here

The crater locations are scripted. They always crater at the same places. And you can only crater once per area. The second time will cause a gameover screen.

Also npc void outs from dead mules or terrorists always end with gameover and needing to reload a previous save. But it literally takes hours for that to happen.

If the dead mule/terrorist corpse is near enough to a base, you just receive a codec call saying the body was disposed by corpse disposal team.


So, at this point(over 90 hours fucking around and barely starting chapter 6) i have a couple of tweaks for the enemies in general that would make the game a lot better and migth be doable via mods on PC.

For human enemies:

The A.I behavior is really good and more consistent than in MGSV, i would say that feels like a mix of rules introduced in MGS2 and 4, like formations to clear areas, line of sight to track you and no instant alarms where every enemy is tracking you despite the line of sight, etc. The problem as i see it can be divided in 2 things. The cooldown of the attacks and the damage of attacks, taking into consideration how much damage your weapons do and how effective they are, this would make the fights a lot more threatening and fun since the AI is already very smart and consistent in their behavior and the fact that you still would have the upper hand in movement and deciding how and when to engage.

For BTs:

BTs would be a lot better just by 1 tweak in my opinion, every time they grab you and drop you to the floor, they should drag you to a far section of the map like across a mountain or a river, etc. Optional, but not that escential, to encourage the use of items and movement, there could be BTs that drag you in the tar while you fight the big ones, forcing you to move carefully making use of ladders, long jumps, double jumps and what not to stay safe so that you can't escape the fight zone as easily. As it is now, it's pretty easy to trigger a mini boss fight, run away and have no penalty.
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Just playing around in post game. Holy crap these pizza missions are like the toughest! Delivery from Timefall Farm and you have to carry the champagne by hand. There are a number of MULES along the way. Dang I’ve tried this 3 or 4 times by now LOL


Just playing around in post game. Holy crap these pizza missions are like the toughest! Delivery from Timefall Farm and you have to carry the champagne by hand. There are a number of MULES along the way. Dang I’ve tried this 3 or 4 times by now LOL
They are quite rough, i had the brilliant idea of transporting mama while delivering the third pizza

So i had to deliver my third pizza and suddenly i also had to deliver mama, i said fuck it, why not doing both at the same time....what a trip, what a long trip to be more precise.
I edited a small video about it (this would be chapter 5 small spoilers)
It's edited but it was a really fucking long trip and eventfull.
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Finally made it. I kept falling into the water and then dying by falling off the waterfall. Finally said fuck it I’ll walk a different way and it was no prob :)


Just playing around in post game. Holy crap these pizza missions are like the toughest! Delivery from Timefall Farm and you have to carry the champagne by hand. There are a number of MULES along the way. Dang I’ve tried this 3 or 4 times by now LOL

That was my first long trip 🤣

It went pretty well all things considered


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The biggest missed opportunity is voidouts imho

I have 100+ hours in the game and never experienced one. Like the whole frikking mechanic that was developed and spent time on never manifests itself in the game.

You literally cant die to a mini boss and there is no reason to use lethal weapons. Seriously whats the point of lethal guns?

Why Kojima decided to make bosses SO slow and their zones so small and nobody on the team noticed that is beyond comprehension

I've been one-shot by a mini-boss on normal, so yes, you can die. It really depends on Sam's physical state.

Lethal guns are fine on BT's, just create an opening with blood grenades or hematic ammo and go hog wild. Although the main point is that they really aren't a practical thing to use against humans because it forces you to incinerate their bodies before they go necro.


Teaser for the making of DS.

Hopefully it’s just a YouTube video (probably?), but I would pay any amount necessary to see this. Kojima put so much of himself into the game, and the game is so radically new, that I find it completely fascinating.

Hearing about the philosophy and design behind Death Stranding is infinitely more fascinating than seeing a BTS for your typical shooter or open world mission tick box.

That kind of reminds me of something else I was thinking about. So many people gave Kojima crap for saying he was going to invent a whole new type of game years ago. That a ‘strand game’ was probably just going to amount to stealth or shooting, with a gimmick.

Well. He actually did it, lol.

Whilst setting up a whole new company, at the top levels of tech, and in the most unfriendly time for new ideas ever. You seriously have to respect that.


Btw, saw something similar to this on the wall of a Pizza Hut while picking up some food.


I was legitimately PTSD triggered, hahaha.

That BBC special was a making of feature

Thank you so much for this. I was aware it existed, but the first time I checked, it had no captions (I was born with enough hearing missing to make listening to stuff through speakers a little bit difficult). Now it does. Watching this the second I get a chance to sit down.
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Thank you so much for this. I was aware it existed, but the first time I checked, it had no captions (I was born with enough hearing missing to make listening to stuff through speakers a little bit difficult). Now it does. Watching this the second I get a chance to sit down.

No problem. It’s really good!

Sorry about your hearing 😔


For like the first week after starting, everythinggg made me think of DS. Something's heavy? How would sam handle it? Connected to wifi, chiral network. Baby pics, BB's! Goosebumps, DOOMs!

It was wild how immersed this game had me

I think I’m still stuck on that. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Was walking earlier and had a laugh at some handprints in the concrete. Shortcutted through the park, and a dry, rocky creek bed, and ofc my entire subconscious was giddy with playing DS in real life.

This is information we can never let out of this thread, hahaha.

Also, pretty sure I’m about to rename my Wi-Fi to “The Chiral Network”.


Second pizza mission was not so tough. I loaded up a car and drove pretty much the whole way! Then on arrival I found I could
go downstairs where I saw that Higgs conspiracy wall with empty pizza boxes, a Neanderthal skull, and the awesome golden mask of King Tut. I’ve seen the real Tut mask IRL and it is one of my favorite things ever made and this is a really well done rendition! The strong Egyptian lore in this game makes me love it all the more.
Still like 1 more delivery to go before I’m 5 starred tho...
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'been using the floating cargo as hoverboard a lot, so a few tips:
.-It can cross most small rocks without a problem and some medium ones too.
.-pressing R2 and L2 can help you take curbs
.-R2+L2 helps you brake
.-The more weight you carry, the more momentum you'll gain and thus maintain your speed for longer.


'been using the floating cargo as hoverboard a lot, so a few tips:
.-It can cross most small rocks without a problem and some medium ones too.
.-pressing R2 and L2 can help you take curbs
.-R2+L2 helps you brake
.-The more weight you carry, the more momentum you'll gain and thus maintain your speed for longer.

Helps a ton in the snowy mountains too


I don’t know if it’s like this for you guys, but every time I either boot up the game or reload a save, I ALWAYS gotta go change my Ludens glasses color back to my fav Wolf Gray.

It never saves my glasses colors

KOJIIIMAAAAAAA fix this shit!
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I don’t know if it’s like this for you guys, but every time I either boot up the game or reload a save, I ALWAYS gotta go change my Ludens glasses color back to my fav Wolf Gray.

It never saves my glasses colors

KOJIIIMAAAAAAA fix this shit!
That's weird, maybe you save before changing the color? i've never run into that.
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