So if you are right, this will make whatever SSD option Sony comes up with clearly better than anything on the PC side right? Just purely due to the implementation of it within the software stack?
I image that whatever Sony does in terms of specialisation will give it an advantage in terms of not just traditional "load times" but also the speed and rate at which it can access chunks of data. To quote the Wired Article from earlier this year:
"At the moment, Sony won’t cop to exact details about the SSD—who makes it, whether it utilizes the new PCIe 4.0 standard—but Cerny claims that it has a raw bandwidth higher than any SSD available for PCs. That’s not all. “The raw read speed is important,“ Cerny says, “but so are the details of the I/O [input-output] mechanisms and the software stack that we put on top of them. I got a PlayStation 4 Pro and then I put in a SSD that cost as much as the PlayStation 4 Pro—it might be one-third faster." As opposed to 19 times faster for the next-gen console, judging from the fast-travel demo."
I don't honestly know what they mean in the bolded part, but on PC IO rate seems to be dependent upon the ssd controller, so I'm guessing they've done some work there (they have their own SSD line now, though I can't easily see anything about their controllers and don't know if that's even related). As for the software stack, that sounds like a combination of one or more of:
- APIs (probably both storage and graphics)
- filesystem (maybe tweaking allocation unit size?)
- drivers (how the CPU, GPU and storage communicate and coordinate)
- storage firmware (very low level stuff on how the ssd controller operates, assuming it has a typical controller)
A big part of making this work (whatever it is) probably includes exposing the right capabilities to developers through a simple but robust set of APIs. For example, allowing the developer to chose which data they copy to main memory, vs which they read direct from flash, vs which they pull from flash and then cache in main memory if it's not already there (as with PRTs). And stuff like that.
I mean, I'm speculating well beyond any real knowledge I have, but these are the things going through my mind. There are more exotic possibilities, but as
psorcerer points out some of these might have further complications.
In terms of the PC, I think even the above would make it possible for the PS5 to have some advantages over a PC that loads and runs games as they all do right now. One thing in the PCs favour however is that - especialy at the high end - it can use large amounts of vram and potentially huge amounts of main ram to cache data.
I dunno how it's going to turn out. But it's certainly an interesting time to be drunkenly armchair quarterbacking hardware designs.