i upgraded my 970 to a 1070 because the 970 was not nearly enough to play MUCH better than console, and sometimes even the 1070 is not enough if you wanna play at 60 frame rock solid with high details.Yes I know and that's why I prefer to game on PC. However I bought new PC (3570+ GTX 680 2GB) one year before PS4 launch and later on I couldnt even mach PS4 settings, because my GPU was VRAM limited in many games. People who waited and bought maxwell GPU's (970,980,980ti) could play all console ports with ease till now while I was forced to upgrade. I'm not doing the same mistake again. I should be fine with XSX unltil Nvidia will launch 4080 series.
unfortunately, if you wanna play at higher level on pc you need money.
i always sold my previous pc parts and search for crazy offers to manage the costs of high level pc gaming but it's rough on the wallet anyway.
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