This is basically an AD for Series X......
Yet nothing official has been stipulated......You have already made your mind only means it's what you want to see happen as opposed to it being reality....
Power is great, especially if you have great devs…….I'd want more power in th ehands of the best devs in the industry....ND, Guerilla, Santa Monica, Astro team, Insomniac, Poliphony Digital, Sucker Punch, San Diego etc....
How about plusses like "TV TV TV", Snap other apps, Skype, XBOX Kinect, all great reasons to purchase the most balanced console...…."XBONES is the ultimate media center device and it will take over the living room"...…..Ohhhhh, the games??? Don't worry about that......1080 - 900P is negligible at best, you get the same experience, even if PS4 has a 15fps advantage and better effects.....Ohh did we mention Halo 5 is the best looking 720p game we've ever seen?
Quite the contrary, right there at launch in 2013...….HBAO on Need For Speed Rivals on PS4 is said to be inferior to SSAO on XBONES, till the dev pitched in and corrected them...…...COD Ghosts run faster on PS4, it even exceeded 60fps and therefore was causing some mild stutter, they went on to declare XBONES as running faster......So quick to denounce any issue on PS4 as superior XBONES performance...….GTA, AC UNITY, Witcher run better on S at launch because of the better XBONES CPU, till GTA was patched to prove that wrong, AC and Ubi games early on were particularly dumbed down as verified by a Ubi dev and Witcher was a mess on PS4 with MS marketing...….Funny enough after Ubi was exposed, all ubi games run fine on PS4 and even better in CPU bound scenarios, FC4 by NXGAMER is a big eye opener......There are countless examples of funny stuff before the XBONEX debuted in 2017......
Never forget the article by DF "Does resolution matter"…….It surely mattered to them in November 2017...…..There was nothing negligible in their faceoffs on resolution, even when PRO had the framerate advantage on many games...….
What evidence? Rumors about PS by dataminers and MS parties? You are so enthused to support these guys and their message, but when Cerny says PS has hardware raytracing, people are skeptical, devs say PS is more powerful because they have actual devkits, but no, lets listen to dataminers and Penello instead.....Is this logical?
It's no more credible because DF enters the rumormill spill...….It would only be credible if Sony releases specs via Wired right now that is similar to said rumors.....
There's going to be lots dejected and wounded souls when this turns out to be false...….
And yet, you seem to have an attachment in every thread to those attached to their pieces of plastic.....Are you an emotional plastic chaser stalker cop?
Even an ex MS employee who defended Crackdown 3 and Anthem so much on twitter, because he wanted these games and their hype to propel XBOX has seen; this just does not work......He sounds like a free guy, who can finally cleanse his palate from mountains of forced PR and hype without delivery....