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The ending of the Playstation 4 is the Start Line for PS5


For me, enjoyment ranking goes like Ps2>3>4. Never got ps1 so i can't compare it to others.

Ps2 had so many different and fun games, it has a place alongside with Nes-Snes for me.
Ps3 blowed my mind with that hd graphics and it got too many games to play. It is my most used console because of it's online feature(FREE!). Just dropped it like 2 years ago.

And Ps4... When i played it first time, i wasn't blown away like my transition to ps3 from ps2. It was like changing resolution from settings in a Pc game(720p to 1080p). So i was disappointed with graphics department. Later on, with newer games and Ps4pro, graphics started to make big difference. But games became more generic with this generation. Sequels, remasters, remakes... And of course shitty monetization models became industry standards. On top of that, online gaming locked behind a paywall. You can play BF 4 on Ps3 for free online, but you can't in Ps4? Did you make server updates for that game? That sucks.
Other than that, i played great games on it. It gave me great memories again, but it will be behind those two Ps for me.

This comparison, which shows that i had less and less fun in each new generation, reminded me something that i realized just now... I got old:messenger_face_screaming: (boomer alert!!!:pie_bull:).

Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
I'm satisfied but oddly enough i've zero hype towards the next gen systems:

1) I bought a Switch 2-3 years ago, i have a PS4 and a decently powerful laptop. I'm covered for now.

2) the main selling point of the next gen consoles are kinda laughable as there is no real innovation: in particular from the Wired article, the attempt on hyping SSD as a big deal was such a joke. We have those on all our PC for many years now. You're trying to sell me a feature i already know very well.

3) The last revisions came out not that long ago. (just 2 years ago for Xbox)

4) Current gen games already look great, i can live without 120 FPS. (assuming it will be a stable 120 fps which is not guaranteed as of now)

5) Never buy a console day one, i learnt my lesson there finally: lineup is initially slow (either there aren't many games like on Switch at first, or a lot of crappy ones like on PS4 at first), faulty units, services that are a work in progress.
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I'm satisfied but oddly enough i've zero hype towards the next gen systems:

1) I bought a Switch 2-3 years ago, i have a PS4 and a decently powerful laptop. I'm covered for now.

2) the main selling point of the next gen consoles are kinda laughable as there is no real innovation: in particular from the Wired article, the attempt on hyping SSD as a big deal was such a joke. We have those on all our PC for many years now. You're trying to sell me a feature i already know very well.

3) The last revisions came out not that long ago. (just 2 years ago for Xbox)

4) Current gen games already look great, i can live without 120 FPS. (assuming it will be a stable 120 fps which is not guaranteed as of now)

5) Never buy a console day one, i learnt my lesson there finally: lineup is initially slow (either there aren't many games like on Switch at first, or a lot of crappy ones like on PS4 at first), faulty units, services that are a work in progress.

To each their own, but I plan to get it day 1 like usual, I think the only console I regret getting day 1 was the Sega Saturn back in the day, worst day 1 purchase ever! I know we have NVMe SSD drives in PC's now, but you have to remember that the games were not designed around and optimized for them, that is what you are going to see this gen, just being able to load the game assets on the fly at those speeds are going to severely change on how the environment will look and feel compared to right now, just the texture quality alone is going to go through the roof mixed with the next to zero load time is enough for me to want them!


I'm satisfied but oddly enough i've zero hype towards the next gen systems:

1) I bought a Switch 2-3 years ago, i have a PS4 and a decently powerful laptop. I'm covered for now.

2) the main selling point of the next gen consoles are kinda laughable as there is no real innovation: in particular from the Wired article, the attempt on hyping SSD as a big deal was such a joke. We have those on all our PC for many years now. You're trying to sell me a feature i already know very well.

3) The last revisions came out not that long ago. (just 2 years ago for Xbox)

4) Current gen games already look great, i can live without 120 FPS. (assuming it will be a stable 120 fps which is not guaranteed as of now)

5) Never buy a console day one, i learnt my lesson there finally: lineup is initially slow (either there aren't many games like on Switch at first, or a lot of crappy ones like on PS4 at first), faulty units, services that are a work in progress.
I think this time, devs will make their games knowing everyone has a SSD on their system.

Did u saw that Spiderman tech demo about Ssd? Devs couldn't add that fast swing system to their game because hdd can't catch Spidey's speed. So Spidey was swinging 10 mil/h in that game. So in Ps5, maybe we can sense that speed of swinging more because of this relatively new tech.

They can use that on next GTA too, if it will have different characters like GTA 5, and you can hop between characters like changing weapons in FPS games.

I see this like single-core, multi core cpu difference. If devs optimize their game with single-core in mind, multi-core benefits will be negligible.
If a game has build with 30 fps in mind, when you force it to 60fps, you will get clunky animations in some of them.

So all i'm saying, hardware could be useless without software backing it up.

Devs will know how to use it in different ways. I'm excited about it. But i was excited about Sixaxis too so don't count on me!

Disclaimer: any information above could be only my imagination. I'm not a tech guy, just a player.


I got my PS4 about 1.5 years after it launched, usually I'll wait at least a year after a system launches to avoid the usual lack of releases that plague many systems in its first year or so. Even since buying it, pretty much my PS4 experience is a constant:


Absolutely love this gen. It's really hard for me to decide between this gen for Playstation or PS2, both just had a flood of games that appealed to me and there's still a fuck ton I haven't even had time to touch.


The console with the best Sony games so far. Extremely satisfied with it.

With the PS4, for me, Sony showed that she really cares about high quality games. I have been a Playstation consumer since the Ps1 and my trust on Sony games was never higher as it is today!

It doesn't matter to me if the next xbox will be stronger or cheaper, I know that Sony games will be good... And that's all I need to want a Ps5.

A lot of people talk about the value of game pass.... To me the Playstation value is the Sony first party studios... No matter how many studios MS buys.... They don't have the people who makes TLU, God of War and Horizon for instance.
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The hype for PS5 is ridiculous. Like where do you guys having this from? What did Sony announce for the launch? Except godfall, which looks horrible.
The launch will be crap. Remember ps4 lunch? THE FIRST COUPLE OF YEARS there was NOTHING, Only remasters and indie games (that’s why ps4 was called indiestation in the beginning) also that’s why the „PS4 has no game“ meme started

so far, PS5 looks like it is going to be the same again:

Sony again approaches are indie devs suddenly. Why? Because there is nothing exclusive for PS5 during launch. 😉 same as what happened with PS4

with ps4 it was enough to win, because Xbox fucked up launch with Kinect and tv crap.
But this won’t happen again this time around. MS learned their lesson.
If they have better launch lineup, halo etc. Better price and better performance they can dominate Sony.

What PS4 did was unbelievable but PS5 will be better.

How? Do you know anything? We only know about godfall lol


I've been pretty satisfied with PS4 even though the past two years I've spent most of my gaming time on PC. Most of that was because Sony just could not figure out backwards compatibility with PS3. I have a huge digital library on that system and I bought many of those same titles on sale on PC. Now, all my third party needs are met on PC because both my machines are fairly capable systems.

Sony's first party games are all I'm interested in on PS4 but I will be holding off on buying TLOU2 and GoT because I want to play them on PS5. I bought Days Gone and played 4 hours into it before shelving the game. I want to play it on PS5. Whether Sony get me back near launch or much later will all depend on how they handle BC with PS4 titles. If they are going to sell remasters, I'll likely jump in after year 1. If they actually enhance the games on PS5 via patches, I'll be there much sooner.


I've been very satisfied this gen, but it's mostly from multi-platform titles. Not to say I didn't like any exclusives at all, but the games that blew me away the most were third-party. Yakuza series, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2, Nier: Automata, Doom, Red Dead Redemption 2, and more.

I played most PS4 exclusives, but if I had to pick between them and the group I listed above, I'd pick the above.


Spiderman and Dad of Boi were my favorite PS4 exclusives I completed them to a 100% and got a platinum trophy for both, I was specially surprised with God of War because I wasn't a huge fan of the first god of war games, but God of War 2018 got me hooked, but my favorite game this gen was The Witcher 3 (I played it on PC because it ran at 60fps with the GPU I had back then and I could install a mod to mantain the LOD on the characters' hair on longer distances, that thing bothered me a lot for some reason on the vanilla PC and console versions) that game was damn near perfect and I still go back to play it every now and then.


If you love Third person games , with Stealth elements where you can hide in long grass , then its a great Gen, if you want innovation and something different not so much , for me this generation got very samey very quickly.

So id love to see more Dreams / Journey style games then Uncharted but thats just me. However PS4 did give us BloodBorne so it wasn't that bad.


It's the most disappointing Sony's console if you ask me. hands down - first 2-3 years were basically filled with nothing but cross-gen titles, remasters (extremely lazy ones most of the time), and indie ports from PC/smartphones, like literally there was absolutely nothing worth owning a PS4 other than a few eye candies/benchmarks. like KZ:SF, TO1886 or DC, until UC4 and Horizon showed up halfway of the console's lifecycle.

Then there was GoW remake and Spider-Man, which i'm personally not a fan of, especially SM which I'm completely not into, despite being made by my most favorite studio.

And I have a mixed feelings about the last part of PS4 lifecycle - DS, sure, it's a great looking game, but I mean visually, it's not something you would necessarily want to play, let alone throw 60 bucks on it. I'd put it in the same bag with launch titles. Now the upcoming two exclusives - TLoU2 - it will be technical marvel, that's for sure, but at this stage many people, including myself, already vomit by just thinking about yet another 3rd person/over-the shoulder "cinematic experience"... GoT - again, visually stunning, but I feel the game is sort of late to the party, as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice already delivered a great samurai experience. Sort of like BF5 was released a year after CoD:WWII - I know there ware other major issues with the game, but what I mean is, CoD completely filled the WWII theme nostalgia people craved for back then, and nobody asked for WWII ever since, and I have a feeling the same might happen with GoT.

So that would be it in terms of the supposedly "all of the amazing exclusives!" lot of people keep talking about. Ok, granted, there was also GT:S, you know, the game that used to be the system seller for every PS system prior, but that game is a joke compared to even the medicore GT5. Days Gone has gone with the wind faster than a fart. Oh, and the messiah known as TLG wen't along almost completely unnoticed, only Shenmue 3 had more stealthy release. And probably few titles here and there I honestly couldn't care less for.

You may bash PS3 for its initial price, the design choice, exotic architecture and what's not, but its lineup was as legendary as PSX and PS2, there wasn't a quarter, if not even a month, without Sony's exclusive, which again, covered entire spectrum of genres, and not just within a single titles, but entire series/trilogies. PS4 was/is not amazing at all (unles you started gaming just yesterday), it's the laziest effort (if you can even call it like that) Sony has ever put into their gaming consoles. That free PS+ sure can make a man one hell of a lazy ass motherfucker.

And all of the above apply just to the software, side because I could go on and on about the build quality, the jet engine noise, DS4 ergonomics and battery life thanks to perma LED, as well as the god-awfully slow download speeds, which were somewhere acceptable back in the PS3 days, where the patches took only couple of hundred MB, going up to 2-4GB at the very end of the prolonged generation, but that's still nothing compared to today's 60-150GB, and again, you could somehow explain that back then because PSN was free compared to XBL, but now they make significant chunk of their entire profit just from PS+, and it's just as garbage as it was almost 15 years ago.

But in Sony's defense, this entire generation was a huge disappointment, not just them, be it the 1st or 3rd party publishers, even the big, popular yearly franchises from EA, Ubi etc. were "meh", they were just there but nothing to e hyped about like in the PS360 era. Looking at the gen today, I'd say only two games are actually recognizable, influential, meaningful, whatever you want to name it - GTA5 and Wither 3. All the other games were forgotten in no time, literally people were finishing most of this gan titles within a week or even a weekend, and nobody even heard of those games The best thing that happen this gen is IMO Play Anywhere from MS, as I am now able to play games what were not available elsewhere than an XB console, on a hardware that meets my needs/demands, on the performance level that satisfies me, and even with extra features like adaptive sync, high refresh rate, down sampling and so on. I only need Sony to follow suit to be a fully happy gamer.

That being said, I really like to think the Jaguar CPU is really so damn weak, that that's all we could ever get from those machines, and the upcoming generation will allow the developers for much greater creative freedom, and both Sony and MS will have to fight for every single consumer like they did back in PS360 generation, and luckily, every single sign on the road indicates this is exactly what will actually happen.

Not agree with you about DS/TLG/GT Sport triad because I loved these games but you've said things which I absolutely approve (expecially bold statement).


ChatGPT 0.001
The hype for PS5 is ridiculous. Like where do you guys having this from? What did Sony announce for the launch? Except godfall, which looks horrible.
The launch will be crap. Remember ps4 lunch? THE FIRST COUPLE OF YEARS there was NOTHING, Only remasters and indie games (that’s why ps4 was called indiestation in the beginning) also that’s why the „PS4 has no game“ meme started

so far, PS5 looks like it is going to be the same again:

Sony again approaches are indie devs suddenly. Why? Because there is nothing exclusive for PS5 during launch. 😉 same as what happened with PS4

with ps4 it was enough to win, because Xbox fucked up launch with Kinect and tv crap.
But this won’t happen again this time around. MS learned their lesson.
If they have better launch lineup, halo etc. Better price and better performance they can dominate Sony.

How? Do you know anything? We only know about godfall lol
Had only received a little bit of info yes but everybody keeps wanting BC and SONY is stacking up PS1 through 5 all in one console, that starts off the generation very well and gives SONY a MASSIVE advantage.
This thread has made me think “wouldn’t it be cool if ghosts of Tsushima was a ps5 exclusive”...

I have to analyse my thought pattern here.

As a gamer I want to have the best possible experience I can with any game. But why would I want a game taken away from the system I own and why would I want to spend all that money on a new console for just one game. That’s crazy thought.

I didn’t buy a PS4 until God of War was released. I will buy a PS5 whenever there is a game I must play on the system so in some ways I think my subconscious is taken in by the hype of a new console and I want to own the console for sure but I want it to have a worthy piece of software to make me buy it.

I also think then perhaps GoT could be marginally more beautiful if it’s ps5 only rather than trying to fit it into the base PS4 architecture.

I don’t know if I really think that’s a good idea or not. Sure if ps5 has back compatibility with some res ups for PS4 games and fast loading with ssd that will be great but since I find so few games these days appealing I don’t know, I just don’t know...
Im not at all excited about next gen this gen was alot of empty promises and next gen is trying to hype up alot of nothing.

1. They fact that these consoles keep bragging about SSD speeds is laughable loading times are the least of problems for moden games.
2. Specs dont matter in devs dont use them we have end of generation games like Rage 2 that take 0 advantage of the pro or x we have to specs now to make good games but I guess making BR games is a easy cop out
3. Low specs are not the problem its the devs any dev saying there being held back by current gen specs are beyond lying we had killer games on the ps2 that were incredible feats do not say you cant go beyond that now
4. Stop trying to hype of games for years and just shoot straight and leave it at that these devs hype of games for years on end and most of them never live up to any of the hype they keep pedaling
For third party games I agree and don’t get me wrong we got some good first party Japanese game this gen as well like Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian and Bloodborne. But Sony is focusing less and less on first party Japanese games and more on first party western games. I enjoyed some of the western games but my biggest reason I was in to PlayStation system because of their Japanese titles.

Thats something that I think alot of people dismiss when you talk about jp games and sony jp games are what make PlayStation PlayStation 100% honest if the US side of playstation never made a single game again I wouldnt care because the japanese side is for the most part the only part of playstation is greatly like
It's the most disappointing Sony's console if you ask me. hands down - first 2-3 years were basically filled with nothing but cross-gen titles, remasters (extremely lazy ones most of the time), and indie ports from PC/smartphones, like literally there was absolutely nothing worth owning a PS4 other than a few eye candies/benchmarks. like KZ:SF, TO1886 or DC, until UC4 and Horizon showed up halfway of the console's lifecycle.

Then there was GoW remake and Spider-Man, which i'm personally not a fan of, especially SM which I'm completely not into, despite being made by my most favorite studio.

And I have a mixed feelings about the last part of PS4 lifecycle - DS, sure, it's a great looking game, but I mean visually, it's not something you would necessarily want to play, let alone throw 60 bucks on it. I'd put it in the same bag with launch titles. Now the upcoming two exclusives - TLoU2 - it will be technical marvel, that's for sure, but at this stage many people, including myself, already vomit by just thinking about yet another 3rd person/over-the shoulder "cinematic experience"... GoT - again, visually stunning, but I feel the game is sort of late to the party, as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice already delivered a great samurai experience. Sort of like BF5 was released a year after CoD:WWII - I know there ware other major issues with the game, but what I mean is, CoD completely filled the WWII theme nostalgia people craved for back then, and nobody asked for WWII ever since, and I have a feeling the same might happen with GoT.

So that would be it in terms of the supposedly "all of the amazing exclusives!" lot of people keep talking about. Ok, granted, there was also GT:S, you know, the game that used to be the system seller for every PS system prior, but that game is a joke compared to even the medicore GT5. Days Gone has gone with the wind faster than a fart. Oh, and the messiah known as TLG wen't along almost completely unnoticed, only Shenmue 3 had more stealthy release. And probably few titles here and there I honestly couldn't care less for.

You may bash PS3 for its initial price, the design choice, exotic architecture and what's not, but its lineup was as legendary as PSX and PS2, there wasn't a quarter, if not even a month, without Sony's exclusive, which again, covered entire spectrum of genres, and not just within a single titles, but entire series/trilogies. PS4 was/is not amazing at all (unles you started gaming just yesterday), it's the laziest effort (if you can even call it like that) Sony has ever put into their gaming consoles. That free PS+ sure can make a man one hell of a lazy ass motherfucker.

And all of the above apply just to the software, side because I could go on and on about the build quality, the jet engine noise, DS4 ergonomics and battery life thanks to perma LED, as well as the god-awfully slow download speeds, which were somewhere acceptable back in the PS3 days, where the patches took only couple of hundred MB, going up to 2-4GB at the very end of the prolonged generation, but that's still nothing compared to today's 60-150GB, and again, you could somehow explain that back then because PSN was free compared to XBL, but now they make significant chunk of their entire profit just from PS+, and it's just as garbage as it was almost 15 years ago.

But in Sony's defense, this entire generation was a huge disappointment, not just them, be it the 1st or 3rd party publishers, even the big, popular yearly franchises from EA, Ubi etc. were "meh", they were just there but nothing to e hyped about like in the PS360 era. Looking at the gen today, I'd say only two games are actually recognizable, influential, meaningful, whatever you want to name it - GTA5, Witcher 3, Minecraft and Fortnir. All the other games were forgotten in no time, literally people were finishing most of this gan titles within a week or even a weekend, and nobody even heard of those games The best thing that happen this gen is IMO Play Anywhere from MS, as I am now able to play games what were not available elsewhere than an XB console, on a hardware that meets my needs/demands, on the performance level that satisfies me, and even with extra features like adaptive sync, high refresh rate, down sampling and so on. I only need Sony to follow suit to be a fully happy gamer.

That being said, I really like to think the Jaguar CPU is really so damn weak, that that's all we could ever get from those machines, and the upcoming generation will allow the developers for much greater creative freedom, and both Sony and MS will have to fight for every single consumer like they did back in PS360 generation, and luckily, every single sign on the road indicates this is exactly what will actually happen.
spot on

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
This thread has made me think “wouldn’t it be cool if ghosts of Tsushima was a ps5 exclusive”...

I have to analyse my thought pattern here.

As a gamer I want to have the best possible experience I can with any game. But why would I want a game taken away from the system I own and why would I want to spend all that money on a new console for just one game. That’s crazy thought.

I didn’t buy a PS4 until God of War was released. I will buy a PS5 whenever there is a game I must play on the system so in some ways I think my subconscious is taken in by the hype of a new console and I want to own the console for sure but I want it to have a worthy piece of software to make me buy it.

I also think then perhaps GoT could be marginally more beautiful if it’s ps5 only rather than trying to fit it into the base PS4 architecture.

I don’t know if I really think that’s a good idea or not. Sure if ps5 has back compatibility with some res ups for PS4 games and fast loading with ssd that will be great but since I find so few games these days appealing I don’t know, I just don’t know...

I could be wrong but I think Sony planning for a full BC now ask me why ..

TLOU 2 and Ghost of Tsushima could be and should be really a ps5 launch games it would make sense rather than making it for PS4 only , I mean naughty dog working on TLOU 2 and SM on GOT almost Sony's first party are busy or just finished their games on ps4 soooo my theory is that there is no major ps5 games will be at launch BUT you could play the newsiest games on ps5 such as TLOU 2 and GOT and so on that will give them time to prepare the exclusives for the next gen

Fenris Wolf

For me it was both amazing and bad.
It was amazing because PS4 had the best damn library of first party titles (which i have almost played every single one of them except for the VR ones)
and it was bad because of the shitty PSN and the OS. If you think PS3's XMB was crap, then you should've seen PS4's in the first couple of years.

Barren piece of shit... You didn't have download pause button, you still don't have queue button, menu management sucked (and still sucks), constant internet connection required (if you share your account with someone else, you basically lose the ability to use the stuff you own in offline mode), horrible party chat quality, horrible online services, super mediocre PS Plus line up the entire gen, no ability to change your region and horrible fan noise (cleaned my console and still sounds like an airplane taking off the ground)

Other than these stuff, i really enjoyed every single game specially games like God of War and HZD. played countless hours of online multiplayer game on this console and i think i want to keep my entire library for next gen.


Suffers from extreme PDS
Best console I ever owned right up there with SNES, had some good memories with PS2 as well but PS4 was a juggernaut. The launch was a little soft but I still had stuff to play which is what matters. PS5 has a lot to live up to but Sony has never let me down.


I enjoyed most of the exclusives I got on my PS4. I was underwhelmed by the lack of competitive experience I got within the ecosystem though. I suppose it's the opposite on Xbox. Got tons of competitive experience on the X...but was underwhelmed by most of the exclusives. I think I only really enjoyed Forza horizon 3, Gears 5, Ori and Killer Instinct. I played Halo 5 for like 2 weeks and dropped it. Gears 4 was pretty but boring. Forza 7 was pretty but I guess I'm just not a racing simulator type of guy.

On PS4 I absolutely loved God of War and Bloodborne (though Bloodborne is barely better than DS2, sorry, not sorry). Spiderman was...fine. Death Stranding...jury is still out on that, haven't been able to stomach it long enough to give it enough time. I bought Uncharted 4, haven't played it yet. I think the most hours on PS4 was spent on FFXIV honestly...which runs well enough. I definitely enjoyed my fighting games on PS4. Blazblue Continuum Shift probably my favorite so far. I'd say Tekken 7 but I play that on PC for streaming purposes.

There are a few games I feel like I may have missed out on. Detroit Become Human and Days Gone come to mind, but overall I'm satisfied. PS4 served it's purpose and I'll be getting a PS5 as well.
Don't sleep on Days Gone.. It is a good game. And also surprised GOW didn't get a mention! :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Playstation 4 lifetime was incredible in many aspects and for 2020 I can see Sony pushing the ps4 to the farest point via two anticipated games and at that point a new generation will begin by PS5 taking the lead



So the question is ..

Are you satisfied with what you got from PS4 lifetime ?

And what to expect from Sony at launch?

For me I couldn't ask for more .. ending it with two big exclusives! Not bad at all

Excellent Console, which was not 100% exploited, I still believe that the change of generation is not necessary, at least it would have been until the end of 2021.

Thanks to PS4, I was able to enjoy Gravity rush and I am very grateful for that.

Excellent console and the best choice I could make, I'm glad I never heeded the requests to buy the Xbox one instead of the ps4.

We all knew that The last of us part II is the one who nails the coffin to ps4.

That's why I didn't want the game to ever launch, because I knew its release is the end of the ps4


That was an odd gen to me, I could buy any game but I didn’t get pulled except few cases. It’s sad isn’t something I want to happen next gen.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier

And they say why Sony is quite about Next gen ! .. just look at what 2020 brings to the ps4 last year
Sony is giving the ps4 what it deserves and that is RESPECT
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