CLS seems to be doing fine.I hate this right this, left that shit I keep hearing these days. What happened to just having a mixture of different opinions why you gotta be on a side.
As for people bitching about not being able to get a job, get over it, create you own company, website youtube channel whatever. Didn't that Colin guy make his own shit that flopped anyway. Greg has his own show and I guess he is successful, Colin needs to stop crying release you own show, make your own website if people like your articles, writing, videos they will check it out. If it flops then I guess no one is interested.
For me personally I hate most gaming media, j only watch trailers. Check out a few things on EasyAllies, Kinda funny is garbage only content from them I like is when Garry Whitta is on the show, maybe cause I'm British.
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I'd take 20k a month from patreon alone.