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Sophia Narwitz: Gaming journalism insider outs 'clique' that does not tolerate right leaning newcomers


I hate this right this, left that shit I keep hearing these days. What happened to just having a mixture of different opinions why you gotta be on a side.

As for people bitching about not being able to get a job, get over it, create you own company, website youtube channel whatever. Didn't that Colin guy make his own shit that flopped anyway. Greg has his own show and I guess he is successful, Colin needs to stop crying release you own show, make your own website if people like your articles, writing, videos they will check it out. If it flops then I guess no one is interested.

For me personally I hate most gaming media, j only watch trailers. Check out a few things on EasyAllies, Kinda funny is garbage only content from them I like is when Garry Whitta is on the show, maybe cause I'm British.
CLS seems to be doing fine.

I'd take 20k a month from patreon alone.


Of course.

Schreier's response actually makes me angry. Is he actually incapable of imagining what it would be like for a conservative writer to attempt to get a job at one of these sites? I'm sure he wouldn't want to work with any. I suppose in his mind it's only a conspiracy if there's an anti-conservative hiring policy on paper to point to. Otherwise, it's just "the way things are."

No, just doublethink or maybe just outright lying.

Gulag, comrade? What gulag? We don't have any gulags, it's all imperialist lies. Off to the gulag with you!

Dr. Claus

I hate this right this, left that shit I keep hearing these days. What happened to just having a mixture of different opinions why you gotta be on a side.

As for people bitching about not being able to get a job, get over it, create you own company, website youtube channel whatever. Didn't that Colin guy make his own shit that flopped anyway. Greg has his own show and I guess he is successful, Colin needs to stop crying release you own show, make your own website if people like your articles, writing, videos they will check it out. If it flops then I guess no one is interested.

For me personally I hate most gaming media, j only watch trailers. Check out a few things on EasyAllies, Kinda funny is garbage only content from them I like is when Garry Whitta is on the show, maybe cause I'm British.

Colin has released his own show. It is a very successful show, as has been shown to you (and any basic google search can provide). Maybe remove your head from your arse before you make idiotic claims.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Is he actually incapable of imagining what it would be like for a conservative writer to attempt to get a job at one of these sites?
Yes, probably. Just like all of these far left, mentally ill idiots, they only see two colors. People like them and Nazis. They actually think they are already made up of a group of politically diverse people. It's just how sick and up their own assholes they are.
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Dr. Claus

Of course.

Schreier's response actually makes me angry. Is he actually incapable of imagining what it would be like for a conservative writer to attempt to get a job at one of these sites? I'm sure he wouldn't want to work with any. I suppose in his mind it's only a conspiracy if there's an anti-conservative hiring policy on paper to point to. Otherwise, it's just "the way things are."

You have to remember, this is the same guy who said you are a pedophile for liking big breasted adult animated characters (Sorceress from Dragon's Crown). His "debate" with YongYea only further showed how much of an idiot he truly is. The only reason people even know his name is because he does the absolute bare minimum of investigative journalism every 4 or so months. Even then, they are heavily skewed/biased towards his side. Just look at the Rockstar "expose" and the numerous employees that called him out for not including the interviews they did with him, making it seem worse than it really is.


Yeah really, I'm pretty sure colin ain't doing to shabby. Plus easy allies are a bunch of overly positive simps.

He's mentioned before CLS & Sacred Symbols are really successful and he's making more money than when he worked at Kinda Funny. Like well over 6 figures.

I think he also has like 2k+ more patrons on Patreon than Kinda Funny.
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I hate this right this, left that shit I keep hearing these days. What happened to just having a mixture of different opinions why you gotta be on a side.

As for people bitching about not being able to get a job, get over it, create you own company, website youtube channel whatever. Didn't that Colin guy make his own shit that flopped anyway. Greg has his own show and I guess he is successful, Colin needs to stop crying release you own show, make your own website if people like your articles, writing, videos they will check it out. If it flops then I guess no one is interested.

For me personally I hate most gaming media, j only watch trailers. Check out a few things on EasyAllies, Kinda funny is garbage only content from them I like is when Garry Whitta is on the show, maybe cause I'm British.
He did release his own stuff and it has been hugely successful. You might want to stick your head out of your ass and look around.

i don’t understand this “make your own content” argument. It’s like you are purposely missing the point. A blacklist affects you even if you stake out on your own.
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I really am sick of people looking for politics in games where there really are none. I remember people losing their mind over "political" content in The Division 2 because it is merely set in a destroyed Washington DC and because gun ownership was addressed in a single line in the opening cutscene.

And then for the next 70 hours the game is just a third person cover shooter. I can only assume I accidentally skipped the cutscene where my character complains that ammo stashes are inherently racist and that socialism would have obviously prevented the doomsday scenario outlined in the game.
His "debate" with YongYea only further showed how much of an idiot he truly is.
I really dig the long form stuff Jason has done throughout the years, but his appearance on Yong's channel really turned me off.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially when I don't know them personally, but Jason came off as extremely condescending. It was constant side digs at Yong, who seems to be a genuinely nice guy, and him constantly implying that Yong doesn't know anything about the games industry.

Back to Sophia's article - I was thinking about how 20 years ago I never would have guessed that games journalism would have taken this turn. It's pretty bizarre
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Well, its not surprising and I think its pretty lame. The thing about SJWs, there's them and then there's everyone else (and everyone else is 'the enemy'). And the biggest problem with SJW activism in video games, it ruins IP people enjoy. They can't do any meaningful change except pushing censorship and forcing video games to have lame virtue signaling.

But thankfully, with YouTube, social media, etc, you can stay informed on the current goings on in video games without ever having to interact with 'gaming sites' or these so-called 'video game journalists'.


As for people bitching about not being able to get a job, get over it, create you own company, website youtube channel whatever. Didn't that Colin guy make his own shit that flopped anyway. Greg has his own show and I guess he is successful, Colin needs to stop crying release you own show, make your own website if people like your articles, writing, videos they will check it out. If it flops then I guess no one is interested.



Jason Schreier has basically confirmed what Sophia Narwitz has reported. He can't name a single right-leaning employee at his organization, and he has blocked anyone who has challenged him on this issue. He could have shut this entire debate down in 20 seconds if he was right about this being "conspiracy theory nonsense." Instead, he ran back to the safety of his bubble. Obviously, the guy is too unhinged to deal with the real world.

He noped out of this convo so fast he went back for a second round of paternity leave
Amazing that in the last 24 hours between Re era threatening the persona team and pushing for the doxxing of key members this whole article comes out that pretty much indeed says that they all conclude with each other so much for journalistic integrity. These people preach about being open minded yet I go and look at there writing staff, dev team, marketing team, And all i see is a whole lot of white sjw liberals for them being so proud of being inclusive I dont see any minorities present. And now we know that if you dont bow down and agree with there far left political leaning you are pretty much not going any where. Well I hope these people enjoy never working in another journalistic industry once this one crashes these people are about to be sent to the forever unemployment line.
How much influence does gaming journalism even have anymore?

If I want to get an idea if I want to buy a game, I go to Youtube now.
There the ones that go and complain about stuff they find offensive in games like that CP2077 vending machine ad. No one really goes to them to hear there opinion on games thats why the only thing there good at is click baiting and starting drama.


How much influence does gaming journalism even have anymore?

If I want to get an idea if I want to buy a game, I go to Youtube now.

Developers care about what the gaming news writers (they’re not journalists) have to say because they still think the gaming news writers are in touch with what the paying customers want.

Someday they’ll realize they’ve been duped. But that day was not today at least, I guess.
I like this woman, she seems to be doing some interesting, er, Tweets? Research? Blogs? Hardcore journalism?

Although on the surface the industry seems to have been sucked into the far-left's twisted ideology, it is probably a case that "normal" people just keep their mouths shut to keep their jobs.

Eurogamer's the worst because they're British, they shouldn't be like those whacky Californians, but they are full on far-left. Shame, because I enjoyed their humourous writing style before they went over the edge.
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Why is there even politics in games?
so irritating and annoying.

Indeed. Probably because mentally unstable / ill -> feminists, transvestites, lesbians, homosexuals and left wing retards can't different reality from fiction: *

So if they see something in games/movies, they think it is reality and they are triggered, because in their retarded low IQ mind they think it is real, so it must be real and serious to others.

Entertainment should be free world, just dont consume things you dont like, but no, these childish idiots want to restrict it for all, if they are too stupid and weak to just watch stuff without making it worlds biggest problem.

It is just sad that so many people have so deep issues, that seeing athletic Lara Croft or zero black people in game/movie they get triggered.

There are things that ONLY athletic people can do, not those 300kg fat fucks that scream with their pink hair that that is making women objects

There are countries, stories and time periods with ZERO black people (or white, yellow, green, red) in certain areas.

What people should do, is tell these feminists, leftists and lpgtptptgptpt-bastards to fuck off and grow some spine.

This era is just sick, too many people with issues have the ability to suppress others with their agenda. I just dont buy games that seems to have agenda instead of writing, like the last of us 2, fuck the forced lesbian bullshit. It just looks way too much of forced than natural writing

* there are also normal lesbians/gays and they are completely fine folks
Indeed. Probably because mentally unstable / ill -> feminists, transvestites, lesbians, homosexuals and left wing retards can't different reality from fiction: *

So if they see something in games/movies, they think it is reality and they are triggered, because in their retarded low IQ mind they think it is real, so it must be real and serious to others.

Entertainment should be free world, just dont consume things you dont like, but no, these childish idiots want to restrict it for all, if they are too stupid and weak to just watch stuff without making it worlds biggest problem.

It is just sad that so many people have so deep issues, that seeing athletic Lara Croft or zero black people in game/movie they get triggered.

There are things that ONLY athletic people can do, not those 300kg fat fucks that scream with their pink hair that that is making women objects

There are countries, stories and time periods with ZERO black people (or white, yellow, green, red) in certain areas.

What people should do, is tell these feminists, leftists and lpgtptptgptpt-bastards to fuck off and grow some spine.

This era is just sick, too many people with issues have the ability to suppress others with their agenda. I just dont buy games that seems to have agenda instead of writing, like the last of us 2, fuck the forced lesbian bullshit. It just looks way too much of forced than natural writing

* there are also normal lesbians/gays and they are completely fine folks
In the absence of faith the weak minded and the gullible will find something else to believe in. Unfortunately they chose the woke cult and it has all the trademarks of a cult/religion. Eating their own that step out of line for one, like Christians burning heretics on a stake in the olden days.
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I mean, I am sure they forbid people who publicly support NAMBLA, as well. Conservatism/right wing politics is seen as retrograde and threatening to various classes of people. All political orientations aren’t the same and some views are no longer welcome within most circles in modern society. No one is stopping these conservatives from forming their own gaming publications, though I suspect that isn’t an option they’re interested in pursuing.


Of course.

Schreier's response actually makes me angry. Is he actually incapable of imagining what it would be like for a conservative writer to attempt to get a job at one of these sites? I'm sure he wouldn't want to work with any. I suppose in his mind it's only a conspiracy if there's an anti-conservative hiring policy on paper to point to. Otherwise, it's just "the way things are."

Schreier is part of that obnoxious clique and the reason why he has so many "exclusives" with the games industry. It's not because he's so good at investigative journalism, on the contrary, it's just devs that are part of that SJW clique just throwing him bones and giving the entire story on a plate. Without that clique the particular hack is fucked which is why he's defending it like that.
Gaming journalism being an ultra liberal circle jerk is not that big a surprise. It's also not surprising that game journalism is slowly dying and becoming increasingly irrelevant.

(Needs a 4th panel now. Would anyone care to oblige?)


You don't need left wing or right wing. You need to leave your bullshit ideals out of game reviews and discussions. I can't stomach that shit.

I literally go to youtubers like Spawnwave for my news because it's literally just the news and very little else.

For reviews: GameXplain and a few others depends on my mood.

They might be left wing or right and I just don't care if they don't bring it up it's their business and not mine.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean, I am sure they forbid people who publicly support NAMBLA, as well. Conservatism/right wing politics is seen as retrograde and threatening to various classes of people. All political orientations aren’t the same and some views are no longer welcome within most circles in modern society. No one is stopping these conservatives from forming their own gaming publications, though I suspect that isn’t an option they’re interested in pursuing.

Can’t quite tell if this is satire.


Game Journalism, Game Development, and gaming in general (communities and forums) are full of White Liberals. Not liberals of all backgrounds... White Liberals. And while they may claim minorities among them, the bulk of their minorities are White Liberal LBGTQ.

I can't help but wonder if it isn't subconscious fantasy roleplay that is at the center.

Remember when gaming and gamers all had a negative impression from non gamers? Back 10,15,20 years ago. All gamers were fat and lazy... "better get off your ass and do something with your life". Live in their moms basement. Basically all gamers a decade ago had the man babies label of today. Anyway that nerd culture was mostly white. Not like today where everyone is playing video games, from kids in 5th grade to professional athletes.

And what did these now Game Journalist and Game Developers play years ago. Mostly games that somehow involves you the player being a No One. A No One who is tasked with saving the Damsel in Distress.


Yeah just like that lol. It was they (Mario) saving all the minorities (Princess) from the bad guys. Now they are writers or developers who are saving those who aren't able to speak up.

Why is it that the people who are constantly talking about the need for representation of minorities in the medium have no minorities among their ranks except for Whites who have minority status because they are LGBTQ?

Why do these Whites have such a superiority complex? Makes me wonder...
:pie_thinking: ... interesting theory


The real culture war online isn’t left vs right, it’s authoritarianism vs liberty.
And that's a really sad thing, we thought the war was won and everybody is one the same page but this seems not to be the case and we must fight for our freedom. You would think with all the examples of history it would be an easy won battle. With all of this going on, I envy the us, here in germany it seems like people don't care much for one or another.
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