This thread has over 1000 pages and I dont remember their nicknames. I only remember certain details (for example one insider was even disagreeing with Tommy)
These fake insiders were simply making fun of people here, probably because there are losers and wanted to feel special for at least five minutes pretending to be a real insiders.
Sony will reveal PS5 "V" 14TF in 14 February ("V"alentines day) and shock everyone with amazing power. That's what one particular insider said, a true love story

Now I will rather trust VFXVeteran info. He is verified, and his info is not something people could easily guess. VFXVeteran obviously like this site and i doubt he would post a lie just to be banned when sony will finally reveal conflicting info. IMO only real insider would make such a unexpected claim and real info is often surprising. Of course sony fans dont want to hear about 2 SKUs and 9TF console, so they attack VFXVeteran (one funny guy is even blocking everyone who even mention 9TF LOL
