Ok I understand. A bit sad tbh but I understand. It’s Sony’s information policy that is annoying for everybody!No.
The only joke is the 13.8 number.
It's very simple.
I one day put an EXAMPLE.
That example some users made a funny joke or misrepresentation.
I joined that joke with some users.
Based on that joke, using a real Gif (which I did to expose a real thought) I asked if they wanted to play a game, the game of guessing a nunver that was in that gif.
The game is not a joke, it is a game, wich some have wanted to play, and aspired to a real prize, a bullshit prize, but real. 13.8 is the answer, but it means nothing, just as it didn't mean anything the first time I wrote it.
I hope you like working with PS5 and the wait for more information is worth it.
Are you allowed to say something abt the things you can realize with PS5 that you couldn’t before?