Simply looking at it as there's only twice as much memory to use is an oversimplification of the net benefit. How fast the RAM is and the other components at play drastically change the picture.
If I'm the CPU, my desk is RAM and and my persistent storage are the shelves at a library. Doubling my desk space would allow me to hold twice as many books from those shelves alone but my ability to pick up a book and use it would be much faster; and if i needed additional books for my table, the new super fast librarian would be able to get me books so much faster to the table compared to before. Yes I could just get a bigger table but that costs significant amount of more money, I'm not actively looking at every book at my table, and the fast librarian who can get me any other books is fast enough that increasing RAM will give me diminishing returns. It's nice to have books already on the table in case i need it, but is it worth the extra money? probably not. It's about balance. Also, a lot of the leaks/rumors have been around 12-16GB. I'm sure Microsoft also talked to devs on much they expect. For the people referencing how much RAM their current PC games use, that doesn't mean much, some games or the OS will keep things in RAM that you don't really get much of benefit for it already being there. Saves you miliseconds-seconds if you need to load it back into RAM. The amount of RAM a game can use is more or less the size of the game, and if you have a lot of it, the game/OS is going to be okay with using a lot of it instead of moving things out. But again on these next gen consoles their ability to move things into RAM will be much faster and so will be their ability to consume the RAM.
If I'm the CPU, my desk is RAM and and my persistent storage are the shelves at a library. Doubling my desk space would allow me to hold twice as many books from those shelves alone but my ability to pick up a book and use it would be much faster; and if i needed additional books for my table, the new super fast librarian would be able to get me books so much faster to the table compared to before. Yes I could just get a bigger table but that costs significant amount of more money, I'm not actively looking at every book at my table, and the fast librarian who can get me any other books is fast enough that increasing RAM will give me diminishing returns. It's nice to have books already on the table in case i need it, but is it worth the extra money? probably not. It's about balance. Also, a lot of the leaks/rumors have been around 12-16GB. I'm sure Microsoft also talked to devs on much they expect. For the people referencing how much RAM their current PC games use, that doesn't mean much, some games or the OS will keep things in RAM that you don't really get much of benefit for it already being there. Saves you miliseconds-seconds if you need to load it back into RAM. The amount of RAM a game can use is more or less the size of the game, and if you have a lot of it, the game/OS is going to be okay with using a lot of it instead of moving things out. But again on these next gen consoles their ability to move things into RAM will be much faster and so will be their ability to consume the RAM.