Well not infinite, but in Burnout 3, Revenge and Dominator, you could do almost all missions with start to finish boosting and there were even missions requiring that for gold. I have played all three games basically boosting non-stop.
I did like a 30 plus Burnout streak the other night in Paradise, the potential is far greater there if this is your jam, and it is my jam.
Well the problem is that there are no stakes, and boosting without anything on the line is much less adrenaline-pumping.
During an event, the stakes are the same as they always have been. Outside of an event, sure, there are no stakes, but were there stakes in the menus in previous games? Of course not, they exist to take you to the next challenge. Paradise simply made you drive to the next event rather than select it from a menu, and I love that. At any time I can just be like now I'm going to go balls to the wall for 20 Burnouts in a row. I do understand why some would find this tedious to a degree, but for me it was like a gift from the heavens. There were times when I would blow right past my event marker I drove all the way across the map for because I was having too much fun to stop.