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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.

If Ellie had a male love interest there would be no backlash. Even in the worst of times people still get horny and need affection so why should a gay woman not seek it out even in those circumstances?

honestly no. for me anyway i'm not into love stories, i understand every movie/game has some of it, but the less the better.
Come on man. This isn't true. There absolutely are women out there who can hold their own. I don't claim to be an expert in this area, but my brother in law is a fighter who is big into MMA & I listen to Joe Rogan (he has spoke about this kind of thing before). They both have a similar opinion. Yes, most men will overpower most women. But a well trained woman will rock even a well trained man if he doesn't take her seriously.

Open your mind a bit. You're pushing this pretty hard. What you're saying has some truth to it, but it's not as clear cut as you insist.

he's actually right. a run of the mill man in kick boxing destroyed the best woman kick boxer ever.

Lucia Rijker vs Man
Ok then.

So it's incredibly childish that I'm just talking about these characters that I love. Just talking about how I feel. But it's not at all childish for you to be the typical internet smartass guy who everyone got bored with about 10-15 years ago. Who doesn't actually pay attention to the things he's replying to. Who puts words in other people's mouths, the better to attack. Who makes sweeping generalisations about the people he's replying to, based on things they didn't actually say. Who regularly descends into ALL CAPS BULLSHIT!!

Yeah. I couldn't care less what you think.

Yeah this whole rant is pretty juvenile. I wouldn't have said so had you not already decided you didn't care what I had to say (which if you don't care why throw a tantrum?).

I’m not asking you anything, I’m just saying it’s and objective truth the game was made with an agenda in mind.

Whatever you say literally doesn’t matter. Maybe if you invented a time machine and prevented Neil from becoming a SJW, then we could have something to discuss.

That’s the point, Neil doesn’t.

At the very best it doesn’t make it better.

And so far, I have yet to see one woke narrative that has some quality to it. Most of the time, when the author is more preocupied with things like the male gaze and preventing the objectification of women, the overall piece isn’t as well made.

But you never know, there’s a first time for everything.

I admitted as much more than 24 hours ago in a long post I linked you to that you didn't read.

I don't care if Neil doesn't leave his politics at the door if the game is still good.

Neil said his personal politics informed his decisions on TLOU, and it's one of the best games ever made, so I'd totally debate the idea it can't make things better. Also I just linked to quotes from James Cameron about how he purposely avoided objectifying his women and avoided giving in to the male gaze but his movies came out amazing all the same.


Playing dumb, how cute.

But it didn’t got me spooked at all, quite the contrary, Cuckman and it’s agenda are proving to be a source of quality entertainment and I’m absolutely loving every second of it.

lol exactly. No answer. Predictable. I have asked so many people that question and not one person has given me an answer. Almost like “they’re pushing an agenda!” is a coverall statement for: “SOMETHING IS DIFFERENT AND IT SCARES ME!”


Also yeah if Alien/Aliens came out today? In both movies all the men are wrong or even evil and Ripley is always right, the strongest person in either film is Vasquez, a female. The alien's tongue is phallic and penetrates men because the writer wanted to terrify men and have it feel like an assault on male sexuality. It's a "woke" franchise before woke was a thing, heck the 4th entry was written by fucking Joss Whedon. Look at Terminator 2, the strongest human is female, the only man worth a shit is a robot and Sarah muses how unlike a real man he'd never hit John, or leave him or betray him, that a machine makes for a better father figure than a real man. You guys are seriously deluded about the media you consumed as children and its political alignments. Don't even get me started on John Carpenter.
What in the world of Fuck ?
In both Alien and Aliens you have good People and Scum People, not good= Woman / Bad = Men
Parker was evil when he helped Ripley ? Notice how, unlike today, a women was about to killed by a stronger man and couldnt beat up someone way bigger than her ?
Yeah, "Woke"
Remember when Hicks showed Ripley how to use a Rifle, without snide remarks, despite him, according to you, being an wrong and Evil man ?
Or when the only sexist Joke in Aliens is good natured banter between Hudson and Vasquez, which doesnt cause her to be offended or angry, but to fire back ?
The only Man worth a shit in T2 is a Robot ? Miles Dyson doesnt count, after all, sjw cant see black people who arent oppressed i guess....
I think the main problem with you is, you misunderstand good writing that includes a Female Lead with being "Woke".
I mean, where are all the Sjw´s singing the praises of Xena or Buffy ?
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What in the world of Fuck ?
In both Alien and Aliens you have good People and Scum People, not good= Woman / Bad = Men
Parker was evil when he helped Ripley ? Notice how, unlike today, a women was about to killed by a stronger man and couldnt beat up someone way bigger than her ?
Yeah, "Woke"
Remember when Hicks showed Ripley how to use Rifle, without snide remarks, despite him, according to you, being an wrong and Evil man ?
Or when the only sexist Joke in Aliens is good natured banter between Hudson and Vasquez, which doesnt cause her to be offended or angry, but to fire back ?
The only Man worth a shit in T2 is a Robot ? Miles Dyson doesnt count, after all, sjw cant see black people who arent oppresed i guess....
I think the main problem with you is, you misunderstand good writing that includes a Female Lead with being "Woke".
I mean, where are all the Sjw´s singing the praises of Xena or Buffy ?

I wasn't talking in a moral binary, I'm saying the men are usually wrong and the women are usually right, in the case of characters like Carter Burke or Ash, the men are evil (though Ash is a robot).
When did I call Parker evil? That said Parker does go into hysterics and has to be told to shut up by Ripley, who has her head on straight at all times.
She was about to be killed by an android that had extra-human strength, it also caused severe harm to Parker, he only beat it with the use of a weapon.
He didn't think he should at first, though, because she's a female, he's reticent but she prods him on, but the subtext of that scene was more about their sexual attraction to each other.
Hudson seemed offended.
Miles Bennet Dyson is the reason the world ends, he gets lectured about this by Sarah Connor in a speech that indicts men for their destructive creations.
I put woke in quotes for a reason, actually. It's because I wasn't actually referring to any of this as woke.
What do Xena and Buffy have to do with anything?


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah this whole rant is pretty juvenile. I wouldn't have said so had you not already decided you didn't care what I had to say (which if you don't care why throw a tantrum?).



I’m not asking you anything, I’m just saying it’s and objective truth the game was made with an agenda in mind.

Whatever you say literally doesn’t matter. Maybe if you invented a time machine and prevented Neil from becoming a SJW, then we could have something to discuss.

That’s the point, Neil doesn’t.

At the very best it doesn’t make it better.

And so far, I have yet to see one woke narrative that has some quality to it. Most of the time, when the author is more preocupied with things like the male gaze and preventing the objectification of women, the overall piece isn’t as well made.

But you never know, there’s a first time for everything.

She was curious and smart before any of that happened.

Her being a clone doesn’t negate the trope, she’s a poster child for feminists around the world.

Horizon has a clear feminist and ecological bias, but is fascinating that only the feminist part is put in doubt by some.
she was a child, all childs are curious, i don't remember her being more smart than other childs because you haven't seen the other childs in the tribe, you don't know if they are curious or smart, you only know them as adults after the indoctrination.

i mean the game can be considered feminist in a way, but far less than some other games with more clear agenda.
Again, Nathan has fought soldiers all the time, soldiers much more bigger than Nadine and he has bested them all. Soldiers that by the nature of their work, have to be trained in combat.

The notion that Nadine is the only one who knows martial arts and that somehow allows her to beat anybody is ridiculous.

In fighting sports, there are weight and gender differences for a reason. A run of the mill man in one fighting sport would utterly destroy the best woman in that sport.
Being a small guy when taught properly especially being a fighter I can tell you size is not everything In a fight especially when its not sanctioned, precision beats power and timing beats speed. Much like the fight we couldnt be precise with pur combat but she countered the hell put of drake, she leg kicked him in the head, Nate would have been knocked out cold.

Whilst I mostly agree with this point for the majority of sports if someone were to say branch out of their comfort zone I totally see a lopsided fight even for the female. Mayweather is pound for pound the best boxer. But if he faces off against the likes of Holly Holmes or Amanda Nunes in an actual octagon, the dude is out in the danger zone and personally I feel a boxer coming into amore chaotic and rounded sport where you have leg kicks and take downs and submissons, I could see Mayweathe tappig out or getting his head kicked off. All respects to the champ but all around fighting is not his area.
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Being a small guy when taught properly especially being a fighter I can tell you size is not everything In a fight especially when its not sanctioned, precision beats power and timing beats speed. Much like the fight we couldnt be precise with pur combat but she countered the hell put of drake, she leg kicked him in the head, Nate would have been knocked out cold.

Whilst I mostly agree with this point for the majority of sports if someone were to say branch out of their comfort zone I totally see a lopsided fight even for the female. Mayweather is pound for pound the best boxer. But if he faces off against the likes of Holly Holmes or Amanda Nunes in an actual octagon, the dude is out in the danger zone and personally I feel a boxer coming into amore chaotic and rounded sport where you have leg kicks and take downs and submissons, I could see Mayweathe tappig out or getting his head kicked off. All respects to the champ but all around fighting is not his area.

why no mixed sex mma?
why no mixed sex mma?
Because they are trained in the same skill, do you know what sport Mayweather is in...? If you actually resd my post I said someone coming out of their element where they dont have all the experience mastered in that one area. Same goes for if you went up against a woman in mma and your trained in nothing. Im sorry, but your getting bodied.
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Because they are trained in the same skill, do you know what sport Mayweather is in...? If you actually resd my post I said someone coming out of their element where they dont have all the experience mastered in that one area. Same goes for if you went up against a woman in mma and your trained in nothing. Im sorry, but your getting bodied.

mixed martial arts is more than one discipline, or at least it used to be.

are you are saying someone with no training will get beat by someone with training? Well duh.
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mixed martial arts is more than one discipline.

are you are saying someone with no training will get beat by someone with training? Well duh.
Thats exactly my point, even mayweather would be clowned. Which is why I said its feasible that because Nadine got the upper hand on Nate early with a cheap shot, countered the fuck out of him in the first fight thst he was on shakey legs etc that it is possible that a woman with training going up against Nate has a shot at winning which she did.
Now what I dont agree with is the 2 vs 1 against the brothers. Thats was some bullshit.


Gold Member
He didn't use the word "tranny"

It doesn't matter what word he used its not even in single leak. Just something that started on forums, I actually like his videos but clear now he's making them to profit on spreading misinformation and he the knows at moment what gets you most views.
It doesn't matter what word he used its not even in single leak. Just something that started on forums, I actually like his videos but clear now he's making them to profit on spreading misinformation and he the knows at moment what gets you most views.
Abbey being trans or not is not even a vital part of his video


CliffyB's Cock Holster
He didn't use the word "tranny"

The problem is he didn't use the word androgynous, which is basically as much as you can fairly say without revealing bias. Its not like the character is even voiced by a transgender actor, so why leap straight towards defining Abby as trans?

She looks like a bodybuilder, which in the context of her character's lifestyle (a paramilitary soldier in a post apocalyptic world) isn't especially outlandish. I mean its not like there's a lot else to do for recreation apart from work out!

Not all biological females fit societal norms of femininity. And for all kinds of reasons other than being trans.
Maybe not but shows hes not as openminded as he claims to be and as ive already he's just catering towards the audience to get his views. I was get dmca but now really don't care these youtubers can go to hell.
His very first video on the topic is called "In defense of TLOU2"


Abbey being trans or not is not even a vital part of his video

That's not really true. His whole point is that people judge the identities they see depicted in media for what they do in said media (and that the left misunderstands this by believing people judge the identities they do not see), and TLOU looks like it is depicting. transgender person as violent and consumed by revenge towards characters that people already like. Yes, this point in general doesn't necessarily concern TLOU, but considering it's a video about The Last of Us, it makes the video seem groundless and very poorly researched.
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Gold Member
His very first video on the topic is called "In defense of TLOU2"

Yeah and got if half's the views as this video and was heavily trolled. So he's researched what gets you views, it doesn't take genius work out lots these views will be from forums social media where their slagging the game of your not sharing a video '' in defence of last of us'' to promote to hate.
Yeah and got if half's the views as this video and was heavily trolled. So he's researched what gets you views, it doesn't take genius work out lots these views will be from forums social media where their slagging the game of your not sharing a video '' in defence of last of us'' to promote to hate.
My God, I won't respond any further, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
So, just to be clear... people are claiming there's no possible way to get a hold of steroids in a post-apocalyptic setting? Wouldn't they be among the things most survivors overlook when looting stores? Shouldn't there be plenty to be found? Do they expire easily or something? I mean is it more unbelievable than people having new clothes or being clean shaven? In the Walking Dead they always have clean teeth.
So I'm assuming you are talking to me here since we had that convo in the other thread. You should really learn to quote me though since you where calling me out in that thread to come here...

First off, roids aren't going to get you jacked all on their own. You are still going to need all the other sups and quality foods and a strict diet and exorcise. Especially given all the potential side effects of roids... Going to need lots of food to maintain that mass you pack on as well unless you have some sort of lifetime supply of roids...

Secondly, Anabolic steroids are what we are talking about here, not that crap you can get at Walmart that doesn't directly have anything to do with testosterone... and they are a banned substance. So they would already be very rare to find, even today let alone an apocalypse, especially in any significant quantities that you would need to keep taking for the years it would take a woman to bulk up that much...

Thirdly, and most important of all... The start of the cordyceps brain infection happened canonically in TLOU's timeline in 2013. This is when everything would have started to become abandoned. The events where the doctor, Abby's father, was killed by Joel happened in 2034... That's 21 years in-between. This is apparently what set Abby off on "her" revenge trip. So if we are to say she started looking for Steroids at this point... Anabolic steroids have an expiry date of about 1 year. But they actually last much longer. Around 5 years. Then they start to degrade immensely in potency... And this is ONLY if they where actually properly stored at room temperature... If they've separated due to cold temps, then they would degrade even faster. Average winter temp in Utah, just guessing that's where Abby was since that's where the fireflies where, is 21°. But even in the best case scenario, if it was in a fridge that was insulated... after 21 years the roids would certainly have lost all their potency. The oldest roids I've ever heard anyone taking was around 10 years. That's freaking ballsy as it is considering what taking spoiled roids could do to you, let alone fresh ones... But it was still already not very potent. So 21 years? Yeah, that's going to be a big ol nope from me dawg.


So I'm assuming you are talking to me here since we had that convo in the other thread. You should really learn to quote me though since you where calling me out in that thread to come here...

First off, roids aren't going to get you jacked all on their own. You are still going to need all the other sups and quality foods and a strict diet and exorcise. Especially given all the potential side effects of roids... Going to need lots of food to maintain that mass you pack on as well unless you have some sort of lifetime supply of roids...

Secondly, Anabolic steroids are what we are talking about here, not that crap you can get at Walmart that doesn't directly have anything to do with testosterone... and they are a banned substance. So they would already be very rare to find, even today let alone an apocalypse, especially in any significant quantities that you would need to keep taking for the years it would take a woman to bulk up that much...

Thirdly, and most important of all... The start of the cordyceps brain infection happened canonically in TLOU's timeline in 2013. This is when everything would have started to become abandoned. The events where the doctor, Abby's father, was killed by Joel happened in 2034... That's 21 years in-between. This is apparently what set Abby off on "her" revenge trip. So if we are to say she started looking for Steroids at this point... Anabolic steroids have an expiry date of about 1 year. But they actually last much longer. Around 5 years. Then they start to degrade immensely in potency... And this is ONLY if they where actually properly stored at room temperature... If they've separated due to cold temps, then they would degrade even faster. Average winter temp in Utah, just guessing that's where Abby was since that's where the fireflies where, is 21°. But even in the best case scenario, if it was in a fridge that was insulated... after 21 years the roids would certainly have lost all their potency. The oldest roids I've ever heard anyone taking was around 10 years. That's freaking ballsy as it is considering what taking spoiled roids could do to you, let alone fresh ones... But it was still already not very potent. So 21 years? Yeah, that's going to be a big ol nope from me dawg.
That timeline also makes me wonder how this group has set up this pristine and fully functional gym complex. I wonder which of the murderous members of the crew are out there vacuuming every week :messenger_tears_of_joy:

(Obviously not Abby, because asking women to clean would be misogynistic, of course.)

That timeline also makes me wonder how this group has set up this pristine and fully functional gym complex. I wonder which of the murderous members of the crew are out there vacuuming every week :messenger_tears_of_joy:

(Obviously not Abby, because asking women to clean would be misogynistic, of course.)

I had not seen this... Tell me they aren't trying to say she uses this to train... and that's why she got so big...


Because they are trained in the same skill, do you know what sport Mayweather is in...? If you actually resd my post I said someone coming out of their element where they dont have all the experience mastered in that one area. Same goes for if you went up against a woman in mma and your trained in nothing. Im sorry, but your getting bodied.

What size is drake? maybe 6ft? 5:10? Sorry but size and strenght will make it extremely hard for any woman to overcome, even black belt bjj. Weght classes are a thing
What size is drake? maybe 6ft? 5:10? Sorry but size and strenght will make it extremely hard for any woman to overcome, even black belt bjj. Weght classes are a thing
Even if she cheap shots him in the nsoe before the fight starts and counters the living fuck out of him? Its hard to use strength when you can even land a hit on your enemy. Sure weight classes matter but even if your an average joe how do you feel you'd fare against Holly Holms or Amanda Nunes...?


With all of the shit that annoys me about this, being forced to play half a game as a character who kills my fav character, Abby being ridiculously huge for someone in the freaking apocalypse, much less a female, the lame ass ending, and w/e agenda that may or may not be present the thing that annoys me the most is what the focus of this game is.

I was hoping for a more desperate, bleak sort of expansion on this apocalypse scenario. Yet, for some reason they decided to follow the same formula any post apocalyptic franchise eventually does.

They totally go all in on the "PEOPLE R SHIT REVENGE BAD" angle, with the most interesting part of this world becoming background haze. I really wanted this game to be all about this last bit of humanity struggling to deal with a worsening cordyceps pandemic, a rush to find a cure which would bring Joel into conflict with Ellie, with him maybe ultimately sacrificing himself to try and make up for his slaughter of the Fireflies. Have us get a look at just how other survivors are managing, and just how desperate things are getting.

Anything like that would have been better imo than just another serious take on how terrible hate and vengeance is. Like we did the "people are the real monsters" take on the apocalypse in the first game. I really wanted to see Joel's decision to deprive the world of a possible cure have some serious ramifications on the world, and for THAT to be the focus. Not relationship drama and revenge.
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I really wanted to see Joel's decision to deprive the world of a possible cure have some serious ramifications on the world, and for THAT to be the focus. Not relationship drama and revenge.
What serious ramifications? The only possible ramification there would be on the world would be the Fireflies (a weakened group) trying to hunt them down, the rest is just business as usual everyone down their own thing.
They took a risk with the story. Which I respect a lot. But from the sounds of it - it doesn’t seem like it will match up to the first one. There was probably no way it could so that’s fine - they needed a reason to make a sequel and they found the reason. To show cycle of hate - it’s just probably not going to be as compelling as the first which has imo a simple but great story.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I talked about this video a few days ago and here it is. They're discussing Conor vs WWE wrestlers.

Sean Ross Rapp covers WWE and MMA, and starting at the 7:00 mark he talks about weight class and strength. He has seen guys body builders and football players ranging from 250-300lbs get chocked out by 140lbs teenagers with no problem.

Just because you're bigger and stronger, that doesn't mean you're able to take out a guy smaller than you.


What serious ramifications? The only possible ramification there would be on the world would be the Fireflies (a weakened group) trying to hunt them down, the rest is just business as usual everyone down their own thing.

The first game made a point of how dire things were without a cure, and just how much they needed one because things would clearly only continue to get worse without one.

Obviously things would continue to trend downward if things are as bad as they said, to the point where what's left of humanity would find survival unfeasible. I mean things were so bad the Fireflies were willing to sacrifice a child to find a cure.
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The first game made a point of how dire things were without a cure, and just how much they needed one because things would clearly only continue to get worse without one.

Obviously things would continue to trend downward if things are as bad as they said, to the point where what's left of humanity would find survival unfeasible. I mean things were so bad the Fireflies were willing to sacrifice a child to find a cure.
Things were fucked before and are still fucked, Joel doing what he did is just maintaining the current status quo as far as the bigger picture is concerned. But survival is very much feasible in pockets, as Tommy's town shows. The only real ramification would be for Joel and Ellie.
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