Lesbians be fighting B R U H
She git ghe best of him early on admit it, he was on shakey legs. Cant believe somone mad at lady video game character best up a male, sheesh
But no one has answered me about what the agenda is? The endgame? What’s Neil’s agenda with this game? What do you think he’s doing? What do you think he wants? What is naughty dog’s final goal with this game?
do you think a video game company is putting out a game just to pander to these Social Justice Warriors you constantly mention? Because that seems like a shitty business strategy lol
I will admit that one was bullshit and never should have happened. What they should have done was separate the drakes and you get to play as both separately and then eventually come back together scripted event then via cutsceneAnd when much more later on she beats both Nathan and Sam at the same time, she caught them with them shaky legs too, mate?
Again, the creator of the game already answered your questions, we have put his interviews, his video speech, his comments about his games being influenced by Anita.
We have done the research PLENTY, but you just keep ignoring the facts to ask loaded questions as if nobody could answer them, but we have literally outlined everything for the likes of you over and over and over again.
But there’s always someone like you who comes and asks the same questions and if we are tired of answering, then just like you, he is going to say: aha, you all can even answer this basic questions, uh?
And again, you aren’t adding anything to the discussion.
From that comes the epithet: go woke, go broke.
When Marvel launched a comic book in which Thor was a female who fought against a mutant male who literally says “damn feminists are ruining everything” and proceeds to be humilliated by the female Thor who wins the day and the moral ground, who do you think they were pandering to?
For SJW, their politics are not only their politics, it’s what everybody else should accept. It’s more resemblant of a religion, actually. You either follow the dogmas or are a sinner.
They are pandering to themselves, but they also think they are heroes fighting the good fight and making the world a better place so everybody has to be teached the message and should follow it, because that’s what good people do. That’s why are so preoccupied to inject the message everywhere they can, to virtue signal like hell and feel themselves grandiose and feel like they are good people, and to spread the message the most they can.
And if you dare to critizice the message that means that you are a misogynist, a transphobe, a racist, an ableist. So you better like it if you don’t want to be cancelled.
So yeah, they made their agendas for themselves, for their own masturbatory ego, but their intention is to spread them to everybody.
I don't think they will top the opening of The Last of Us. But that's just my opinion.
I am guessing this was the end of TLOU1, when Joel took back Ellie, during her surgery. So this is what the leaks were talking about, how one of the surgeons was Abby's Father.
I wonder if Naughty Dog's aim(or Neil's we should say?) was to have us, the player(s) feel for a transgender character?
If that is the case, I can understand that, as WOKE as it still is. But.. to sacrifice our beloved characters for that chance to feel for the trans Abby? I didn't read all of the leaks, granted, and my post is done with a lack of information, despite going through some of this thread, I didn't want to spoil it all, but I may have spoiled myself enough for the story to not register when I finally play it.
I will wait and see, but it's not looking good. I expect this game to do well sales-wise, but, going forward? Who knows... reminds me of ROS situation, somewhat.
I used my flamethrower to burn them all to a crisp. It should be Abby holding the charred remains.I shot the doctor in the leg and he dropped dead. That's not fair.
Druckmann busy courting Sarkeesian, meanwhile japanese dev:
This girl is cool as fuck.
You'd think so but you got all the woke clickers roaming about. Watch out!Not sure if Abby is meant to be a transgender or not but the Asian person that's with her is and modeled after the real life person that plays the transgender so I believe that Neil's intentions are very obvious and blatant.
Bruh why people still saying Abby is transgender? When was that confirmed and not just people sperging on the net?
Like I hate the story described in the leaks as much as the next guy, but we don't need to invent shit to be outraged about, what we got is enough.
So far I see no reason to assume Abby is anything more than a young woman on roids.
Because Abby has manly physical proportions, end of.
When the shoulders are broader & wider than "her" hips (like a man), when "her" muscles are so big, when the breasts are seemingly shrivelled, it's a dude. Anyone who has done courses such as figure drawing/painting would know these elementary gender traits. Druckmann knew what he was doing (i.e. create a "woman" who looks like a man), so I don't get "why" so many people still deny the obvious.
Nothing manly about this body at all, you bigots!
TBH I don't really give a shit about the game having a manly chick that requires a vast imagination to believe she's a woman. I just can't believe we may be playing half the game as her.
Imagine the next God of War being half Kratos, half random child of random NPC you gored to death in the previous game all because it would like totally subvert your expectations and that's what passes as creative writing these days!
Dude obviously she was designed to be more manly, hell she LOOKS more manly than she did when she was first introduced.
That doesn't mean she's transgender.
what does it then mean? There is literally not a single 100% woman on this planet that looks as manly as her/him. The only possible expalantion is, that abby is a transgender, then it would make sense, other than that its very unrealistic proportions, just way too manly.
Just look at this:
show me a woman that looks like this?
At this point, you don't know what which leak these guys are reading.
I'm 90% sure that a lot of these video game YouTubers who are trashing the story are going to realize they were mislead by the fake leaks going around.
The leaks discussed in Angry Joe's video are all legit, they were talking about the videos they watched, not some 4chan leak.
You clearly didn't watch the video.
I watched the part where he talks about the leaks. He clearly think that Ellie will die, that means he read the leaked plot that was wrong (at this point, they all appear to be wrong). And someone else mentioned that he believes in the Christian cult storyline.
That's enough proof for me.
And look at this video. He thinks Abby is a trans, Christian cult and Ellie is going to die.
People are still trying to spoil this game online and the majority of them think Ellie is going to die and Abby is a trans. Just watch, I'm betting people are going to admit they screwed up.
He said there's no conformation that Ellie is dead. Joe still thinks that's the ending. Fact is, they're going off of fake leaks. We still don't even know if the ending regarding the leaks are true since the leakers may have only saw footage of the game.Alex corrects Joe on that, and they admit they don't see Ellie die, and joe did not say he thought Abby was trans, he said his CHAT said she was.
He said there's no conformation that Ellie is dead. Joe still thinks that's the ending. Fact is, they're going off of fake leaks.
We still don't even know if the ending regarding the leaks are true since the leakers may have only saw footage of the game.
No, theyre not. They say in the video that they watched the actual footage of the game.
What? We've seen the end of the damn game already, we've seen the dev menu confirming that Abbey is the playable character for half the game.
The only thing I see people completely pulling out of their asses is the bullshit about Abbey being trans.
No, theyre not. They say in the video that they watched the actual footage of the game.
What? We've seen the end of the damn game already, we've seen the dev menu confirming that Abbey is the playable character for half the game.
The only thing I see people completely pulling out of their asses is the bullshit about Abbey being trans.
You two get a room. Stalking each other’s post thread history is borderline ...stalking ..What facts? You said her body model does anabolic steroids without proof and told us we have to believe you because others have been caught doing it. That's not factual. Either way, what did you believe or perceive the goalpost to be? Because in the other thread you simply asked if the game had an explanation for her size, which it does and I asked you to come here to discuss that. After being told what we know of the explanation you launched into this BS about anabolic steroids, their shelf-life and how all females of that body size MUST be using them. I allowed you to shift the goalposts now you yell at me for shifting them back?
What is fascist about Abby's body?
So wait, I can't add to my argument with stuff about how I don't think it really matters but you can add to yours with the SJW stuff? If you want to respect goalposts then you should keep in mind we were never arguing about SJW stuff or fascism or whatever else.
I'm hand waving Abby being big because it never bothered me, I've watched 90 minutes of leaks and her size doesn't bother me in them, though some of the footage is clearly unfinished.
If Neil Druckman is a true SJW and not doing it because he's forced then I have no problem with him giving us his message, Fascism to me represents when devs are forced to do things they don't want to. John Carpenter made his best movies when he was pissed off at Republicans, I love the movies but they never made me think "better vote for Democrats!" That's my thing, I don't mind this stuff if the quality doesn't suffer due to it. If the quality of TLOU II suffers due to SJW BS then maybe you'll get me on your side, but if we're just speculating on the game based on leaks I'm not all that concerned.
Alex said they haven't confirmed Ellie dies.
Joe predicted how they're going to screw with us by showing Ellie's finger twitching at the end to let us know she's alive.
This is enough proof that they don't know and that they're going with the false leaks.
Outside of the short clip of Lev and Abby talking, we haven't see how this game ends and what happens to Ellie.
Yep, we still have no idea. Since Abby and Lev are going to the Fireflies I reckon, she might get some information that the girl who's been chasing her was the cure the whole time.Outside of the short clip of Lev and Abby talking, we haven't see how this game ends and what happens to Ellie.
And some people think that's the ending, when it's not.What? Literally all theyre saying there is based on the actual footage of the fucking game.
What the hell are you talking about? We've literally seen the entire fucking clip of Ellie getting the shit kicked out of her, Abby about to murder Dina in cold blood, and Lev convincing her not to, telling ellie to stay away from her.
And some people think that's the ending, when it's not.
No one knows, hence why I just speculated.Ok what's the ending? That part is obviously from near the end of the game, that much we can surmise.
No one knows, hence why I just speculated.
Because the level leak doesn't have that as the ending, and people are like 95% sure the scene where Ellie leaves Dina is after the fight because of a scar Dina has.If you don't know how can you definitely say it's not the ending?
Because the level leak doesn't have that as the ending, and people are like 95% sure the scene where Ellie leaves Dina is after the fight because of a scar Dina has.
Take a second to think before replying to my post.What? Literally all theyre saying there is based on the actual footage of the fucking game.
What the hell are you talking about? We've literally seen the entire fucking clip of Ellie getting the shit kicked out of her, Abby about to murder Dina in cold blood, and Lev convincing her not to, telling ellie to stay away from her.
Second half of the game is spent as Abby chasing Ellie
Ellie continues hunting the cult while you chase her down
Ending is Ellie and Abby fighting to the death
You kill Ellie as Abby, and she leaves while realizing she's not really "won" in any meaningful way since all she's done is get more of her loved ones killed for the sake of her killing Joel and then Ellie
Ending is "cycle of revenge" with the loose implication Ellie's friends will hunt Abby now in return
Again, it isn't completely unfair for people to make the trans connection since taking anabolic steroids, what "she" would surely need to be taking in order to be that massive, can "turn you into a dude."
Take a second to think before replying to my post.
Your anger is clouding your ability to understand what I'm telling you.
Abby-Ellie-Fight is where Dina and Ellie are almost Killed. This is NOT the ending. That takes place at the end of Abby's chapter Day 3.
Angry Joe thinks Ellie die because of the video and the fake plot leak.
Fake plot leak:
This is the cut-scene that was leaked. This takes place during the farm.
The only part of the ending we have is from this 40 second clip of Abby and Lev in Santa Barbara.
We haven't seen anything beyond this this point because there is no footage.
The reason why AngryJoe thinks Ellie dies are the end is because he read the leaks I've shown you above.