There’s just about TLoU II’s Ellie. The eyes aren’t right. It feels like an adult’s face has been placed on a child’s body.
I mean, that’s basically what it is. Ellie is a teen and Ashley Johnson is 36.
There’s just about TLoU II’s Ellie. The eyes aren’t right. It feels like an adult’s face has been placed on a child’s body.
Everything he said in that talk applied to the first game. Art is allowed to be “Political“. But again the agenda isnt a political one, its about social acceptance of what is. Bunch of people will play this game waiting for the LGBT commentary, and when it doesn’t come in the form they’re looking for, they’ll be forced to ask themselves: Why did I think a game with a gay character had to be about gayness? That realization may provide an opportunity for self-reflection and eventually a change in perception. If you do want to see “The Last of Us” as a franchise about Feminism , that reaction may say more about your own assumptions than anything Druckmann himself is bringing to the table. I dont see how the diversity of his employees being represented in this game or not having a character dressed like a hooker is a political one. Then you can say that the opposite is true. Having no diversity or a sleazy main character is political. I could care less about LGBT issues, but seeing callous people feathers all ruffled is a sight to behold.Yeah, it’s not like we have put all the statements of Neil Cuckmann (the creator of the game) saying that he has a political agenda in it’s game. Political agenda based on Anita Sarkeesian (crazy third wave feminist).
But somehow you all become fucking blind at those precise moments and still keep asking the same loaded questions trying to convince yourselves that there isn’t anything political about the game.
I wonder who is going to be the next asking the question completely ignoring everything the creator of the game has already publicly stated?
Two decades and still didn’t got an answer about this supposed woke agenda![]()
Point is, it literally doesn't matter if Neil has an agenda for making strong female characters. Because that agenda doesn't make the game any better or worse.
If it were "strong" as in "perfect Mary sues" then that's a problem, but it's not. Ellie and Abby are both mentally ill, morally corrupt people, willing to do terrible things, and the narrative highlights them as such.
Going "LOOK LOOK AGENDA, HE SAID IT, STOP DENYING" is absolutely pointless, because most people will probably look at it and go "Okay? So what".
Edvin: It's the final boss fight right? you play as abby or whatever and kill ellie maybe? sounds dumb imo, but do you think it worked in the game?
John Shorom: Spoilers!!!
The women is not the final boss, she isn't even an enemy.
the final boss is the black guy in the last trailer
Doesn't glamorous obesity though. They Probably forgot.Wow this game is really covering all bases of the socio political climate huh
Extreme brutal violence - check
Homosexual relations - check
Trans actors - check
Trans characters - check
Whites killing blacks - check
Sounds great 11/10
Agreed. It's extremely unfortunate seeing how he was attacked by fans on Twitter and YouTube comments over his personal opinion on a game. One that they haven't even played yet, lmao. It's absolutely ridiculous.Skill Up released a fantastic review of TLoU 2, where he compared the whole story and character building of the sequel to the character and story building between the original and seauel trilogy of Star Wars. I think it's a fantastic way to walk past the plot NDA of the review while showing the people what they should prepare for.
Skill Up released a fantastic review of TLoU 2, where he compared the whole story and character building of the sequel to the character and story building between the original and seauel trilogy of Star Wars. I think it's a fantastic way to walk past the plot NDA of the review while showing the people what they should prepare for.
Skill Up released a fantastic review of TLoU 2, where he compared the whole story and character building of the sequel to the character and story building between the original and seauel trilogy of Star Wars. I think it's a fantastic way to walk past the plot NDA of the review while showing the people what they should prepare for.
Bigot sandwiches are two words I never thought I would hear together. Thank you Neil! The Citizen Kane of gaming.
My God.
In the 2 first hours of the game:
-The bigot old white guy ask sorry to the poor lesbian girl that don’t even accept his apologies
- The soft porn sex scene between Ellie and Dina (seriously, I’ve find so much disturbing the look on the Ellie’s face when she’s going to kiss Dina in the bunker )
- the Trans character that (after he saves him) kills Joel without mercy.
Great work ND.
Beefcake. BEEFCAKE.
I heard the character isn't a trans but just a girl who decided to get buff after Joel killed her father (the surgeon in the first game).Is that true? Is that what happens?
Then wait! If so, does that mean a gay character (Ellie) seeks revenge and tries to kill a trans character?
So this game has an lgbtq vs lgbtq battle?
I heard the character isn't a trans but just a girl who decided to get buff after Joel killed her father (the surgeon in the first game).
But I think it is hard to get that built in just 5 years from the original. The woman is huge from the leaked cutscene of her old self. It's actually disturbing because I think it might be pretty difficult to get your hands on any kind of steroids 25 years after the downfall of society.
That is some huge plot hole in the story (there is a gym in the leaked footage too, but it doesn't make it more believable).
Well, now I have my answerSome reviews confirm Abby is a trans character:
"And it’s no small thing that Naughty Dog decided to primarily tell this story not with the typical white, straight, male antihero, but a gay woman. Ellie’s bisexual girlfriend Dina and a trans character (whose identity I’m not permitted to spoil) also play major roles. The women in the game don’t have the buxom bodies still popular among many game developers, but realistic and varied builds. This sort of diversity is still radical for a mainstream video game, though the core cast of characters remains primarily white, and the game avoids any acknowledgment of the glaring racial divide in this country, which would not simply dissipate in a post-apocalyptic world.
Still, explorations of sexism, homophobia and transphobia in the game open up new avenues that have largely been missing from mainstream video games. A concerted effort by the #gamergate movement has pushed back against any video game company that dares to expand its perspective in these ways. Even as notable female-led video games have impressed fans and critics (including recent triumphs like Horizon Zero Dawn and Control), little progress has been made. Last year, the website Feminist Frequency found that the number of video games with female protagonists at the E3 Expo (the premiere video game expo) was lower in 2019 than it was in 2015 when the #gamergate movement caught fire.
Digital Spy:
"The Last of Us: Part 2 definitely feels like a passionate, all-consuming companion to the first game. Plus, there's progressive LGBTQ+ representation through Ellie's relationship with Dina, as well as a trans character later in the story, which is too rare in video games.
It's not their fault The Last Jedi is a textbook example how to piss of your fanbase and how not to make sequels by trying to subvert all expectations.Yeah I'm really glad mildly right wing youtubers have The Last Jedi to talk about for the rest of their lives.
Wait so not only is Abby trans but she also kills Joel and then we have to play as her for half the game??? That can't be real, there's no freaking way.
How's this game getting 10's if this is what happens? Are people not as attached to Joel as I first thought. The first game was such a masterpiece, what is Naughty Dog thinking... I refuse to believe that's what happens. I guess I'll have my answer soon.
It's not their fault The Last Jedi is a textbook example how to piss of your fanbase and how not to make sequels by trying to subvert all expectations.
- Chinese Virus too?Wow this game is really covering all bases of the socio political climate huh
Extreme brutal violence - check
Homosexual relations - check
Trans actors - check
Trans characters - check
Whites killing blacks - check
Sounds great 11/10
The media in general won't risk talking shit about a gaming from a big developer trying to be inclusive and progressive. It is the same thing with TV shows and movie industry.Wait so not only is Abby trans but she also kills Joel and then we have to play as her for half the game??? That can't be real, there's no freaking way.
How's this game getting 10's if this is what happens? Are people not as attached to Joel as I first thought. The first game was such a masterpiece, what is Naughty Dog thinking... I refuse to believe that's what happens. I guess I'll have my answer soon.
Wait so not only is Abby trans but she also kills Joel and then we have to play as her for half the game??? That can't be real, there's no freaking way.
How's this game getting 10's if this is what happens? Are people not as attached to Joel as I first thought. The first game was such a masterpiece, what is Naughty Dog thinking... I refuse to believe that's what happens. I guess I'll have my answer soon.
Polygon gave Gone Home a 10/10. That should tell you something about game reviewers nowadays.
I'm planning on waiting the users to do the review of this game before I give it a go or not. I liked the first game a lot but the gameplay was never anything revolutionary (especially when you can overpower most enemies with the bricks and bottles on the higher difficulties).I
Gaming journalism has really gone to hell the past few years. The only thing I remember about Gone Home is that it gave me nausea and I couldn't finish it lol. Some first person games do that to me though, Layers of Fear was another one.
Either way, TLOU2 is coming out in a couple of days. The forum is going to get interesting and the debate will be fiery. I plan to sit on the sidelines with a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show.
Pardon my ignorance, but I have a legit question about this.It should be interesting to see how gamer reviews stack up to critics' reviews on this one. Critics obviously love it, it's sitting at 96 average. I wonder how gamers will rank it.
I personally don't have any interest in the game, not so much because of the progressive/inclusive aspects (which are annoying but I can overlook them), but because the themes don't interest me -- revenge, the effects of violence, etc. I enjoyed the first game but just get a bad feeling about this one.
That's just my taste, though. I've got no problem if others enjoy it. The Sony fanboy in me is happy that they seem to have produced another GOTY and not a trainwreck, as it first seemed.
No really, there a good amount of gamers journalist who really are enthusiasts like us, but the cold truth is that it is their job and a lot of them just do it as a job. A lot of them are directed to cover games that don't really like or want to cover. And there are a lot of them that don't even like videogames but go to the game industry because it looks easier than your average journalist (world news, economics, massive media, celebrity, movies, comics).Pardon my ignorance, but I have a legit question about this.
If game reviewers are just gamers who grew up playing and enjoying the same games as us, why would they love a game that gamers hate? What I’m asking is, why should our user reviews be drastically different than professional critic reviews? They’re just gamers that happen to get a job playing video games and reviewing them, right?
Gaming journalism has really gone to hell the past few years. The only thing I remember about Gone Home is that it gave me nausea and I couldn't finish it lol. Some first person games do that to me though, Layers of Fear was another one.
Either way, TLOU2 is coming out in a couple of days. The forum is going to get interesting and the debate will be fiery. I plan to sit on the sidelines with a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the show.
Dude, did someone piss in your cereal and hurt your fee fees? You don't like that some people may not like where sequels go, story wise?I agree, it's the fault of brainlet fans that they want all their expectations met, you'd think they could just pen their own fan-fiction if a movie being exactly what they expected is so important.
Dude, did someone piss in your cereal and hurt your fee fees? You don't like that some people may not like where sequels go, story wise?
I can spin your argument around and say that brainlet suits from Disney penned a crappy fan-fiction called TLJ, because they were sure their vision of SW is the right one. But it's not for them to decide, but for the consumers.
Even George Martin said in an interview that subverting (readers) expectations is a bad way to pen stories, a jab at the story trainwreck that the last two seasons of GoT were.
And to defend SkillUp - he didn't even call the game crappy, or said it's shit. He gave a reasonable review, with examples, compared it to the previous game, to UC, and other games that did specific gameplayelements better (in his view) and even told multiple times that those who liked the ND game loop will like it, but warned about story decisions the studio made.
I think you do care more than you want to admit as you're going through with a rant and calling him a "mildly right wing youtuber" and calling people not happy with some decisions as brainlets. Get the fuck out with your polarizing shit, this aint Reee.What do I care about you defending SkillUp?
I think you do care more than you want to admit as you're going through with a rant and calling him a "mildly right wing youtuber" and calling people not happy with some decisions as brainlets. Get the fuck out with your polarizing shit, this aint Reee.
Pardon my ignorance, but I have a legit question about this.
If game reviewers are just gamers who grew up playing and enjoying the same games as us, why would they love a game that gamers hate? What I’m asking is, why should our user reviews be drastically different than professional critic reviews? They’re just gamers that happen to get a job playing video games and reviewing them, right?
If this is true...I made the mistake of going down the rabbit/spoiler hole and I just cannot believe some of the things I've been reading. I copied and pasted the below from a post on Reddit.
"Side character says something homophobic to Ellie, and she chews him out for it. He apologizes by giving her sandwiches, and she tells him she doesn’t want to eat something he’s touched. Jesse then asks Ellie what she’s holding and she says “some bigot sandwiches”, and tosses them at him"
All of the above sounds like some shitty tumblr fanfiction that was written by someone with pink hair and not a AAA game writer. Besides that scene is literally something taken out of our modern day. Reminds me of Reee and how they never accept an apology. Always trying to cancel people even after they apologize.
Again I don't know if that scene is in the game or not, that was taken from a Reddit post but holy cow if it is!
"Side character says something homophobic to Ellie, and she chews him out for it. He apologizes by giving her sandwiches, and she tells him she doesn’t want to eat something he’s touched. Jesse then asks Ellie what she’s holding and she says “some bigot sandwiches”, and tosses them at him"
I really, REALLY hope this is true. It will paint ND in the worst light and will do nothing but damage the notion that they are not consumed and driven by an agenda and identity politics.
And if this is indeed true, I’ll make a prediction: white dude.