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TLOU2 Haters and Detractors are review-bombing Metacritic. The Salt rises!


You must have been actively avoiding the frequent and abundant comments by staunch TLoU2 defenders, who have been fawning for months now.

Let me be clear: if someone rates the game a 10/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they've been paid, are a shill and determined to artificially inflate the game's overall score. My default assumption will be that they genuinely love the game. They adore TLoU2 and that's enough.

But the reverse is also true.

if someone rates the game a 0, 1 or 2/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they're anti-woke warriors trying to burn down the game for political purposes. I will assume they simply don't like the game and are expressing themselves, perhaps clumsily, perhaps hyperbolically.

What's fascinating to watch is the anti-anti-woke D. Quixote suggesting all praise is genuine, all criticism is ill-motivated. By definition, 10/10s are authentic, 0/0s are part of an evil alt-right orchestrated campaign. "Woke culture" doesn't exist, his words, yet I can recall at least one prominent reviewer partly basing her high score on how well TLoU2 handled Representation.

The lack of self-awareness in the ardent anti-anti-woke camp is notorious.
I say show me the evidence. Show me the evidence for all the transcendent claims you're making.

All true, only that there is no objective evidence for taste. I will let you know my own impressions by early next week though.
Have fun with it!


You'll have to link me to the posts where people said it wouldn't sell well.
Well at the start of this absolute cringe fest of "I'm not buying this game stuff ND!", I saw a lot of detractors claiming the leaks will hurt the sales. But as we've got closer to release they had to start throwing in ".....yea the game will sell like hot cakes"..... along with their "I wont support this game"..............
I mean of course they'd start saying that - make their comment look balanced and realistic by admitting what's inevitable because they started to pre order sale charts weren't boding well with their painted picture. Now all they have to use is their own feelings and views on the game and any other miniscule crap they can find on the game.


No it doesn't.
The last time a game got cancelled was Ion Fury over the ugay health pick ups!
The SJW leftists got cancelled.
We out number you by huge numbers.
Did you just accuse me of being SJW?......



I started watching some streams of the game and so far, nothing I see indicates a 10/10 that all the game journalist are raving about. Gameplay looks boring, graphics looks sort of bad in the daytime, predictable and standard Naughty Dog gameplay loop, and story is preaching.

I wouldn't be surprised if the user score are much lower than the critic score once more people get to play this. This game will be divisive for sure.


Those ITT that are trying to justify the review bombers criticisms when their is no way in hell they will ever play the game because they dont own or wont own a PS are just as bad as the review bombers themselves.

No one outside of the reviewers have come close to finishing the game.

If I find it bad or offensive Ill be the first one to say it and question how it ended up with a 95 metacritic. Im a pretty open minded person though.


-The main character is openly gay
-The game leaks suggest it doesn't play out the same as the fanfics people imagined in their heads
-But mainly the first point
People love lesbians, I dont think anyone cares. The problem is when SJW shit gets inserted into art the stories become trash. Look at Star Wars for example Rei never has a real struggle she's perfect at everything. SJW's ruin stories and SJW's like Hallmark and Lifetime movies that's what the main issue is.

The story is pretty bad and makes no sense at the end of it. Also the gameplay is trash....
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The Last Jedi also allegedly had a brigade, and ended up with a 4.3 user score. From my perspective, that's actually about right for that movie - it killed my 35 years of interest in Star Wars. In reviewing the figures after the dust settled, the negative reviews and positive reviews actually aren't all that removed from one another in terms of numbers, especially when you consider the number of mixed reviews in the middle. It's not like 100,000 negative reviews drove it into the dirt in a landslide - it actually looks fairly responsible (3.1k positive vs 4.5k negative). Meta-critic likely has the ability to identify this type of thing and remove the offending reviews - so I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the user score once it settles down. Given the content of the leaks - especially those from the last 24 hours - the backlash against this game is going to be pretty extreme anyway.

With all that said, 3.5k negative reviews less than a few hours after the game unlocked? Fucking LOL - those wankers were fucking ready to slam a game they couldn't possibly have fucking finished. Good lord, grow a sense of fucking dignity and don't play it and shut up if it offends you so much..

Remember when Finn tried to help Rei up and she just slapped his hand and said I dont need your help.... It was really stupid, Rei being perfect at everything with no struggle was just god awful.

SJW's are a problem when it comes to writing good stories....
i actually didnt mind lou2......the story of the game didnt really come off like a sjw trigger
i think Neil D should of just shut his mouth and let the game speak for itself as its a masterpiece


I mean if you can’t hack the fact that people don’t like what you like then maybe you are the child. It’s a free country and people can say what they want. Sorry if that upsets you. Get over it.

If the site allows for review bomb and that’s a problem for them then they should fix that. If it isn’t a problem and they haven’t fixed it yet then who cares. Don’t be so attached to a meta score jfc

OP is standing up for a giant corporation vs little people. Pathetic. Every time I will side with the people
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I thought GAF would be happy about that though? Pretty much every thread I read people here are happy about "sticking it to those SJW leftists." What's happening here?

What's happened (in my non educated opinion) is Sony has enough fans to support their product regardless of an agenda. So at first non Sony gamers or Sony gamers that hate SJW agendas did not like the direction of the game and spoke up loudest, but the overwhelming majority of Sony fans will support a 1st party game almost irrespective of quality, agenda, length, etc and they now have the louder voices on Gaf and throughout gaming it seems.

This is coming from someone that supports the "SJW" movement for more diversity in games. I just find it interesting that this is the one approach that can be taken in the gaming industry that will allow the SJW agenda to thrive.

Sony fans will back their horse no matter what. To be fair, the same can be said for Xbox fans, they just have a MUCH smaller fanbase.


The problem with whining about "review bombs" is the assumption that any 0/10 review is inherently dishonest, despite the fact that its just totally normal for any game to have a certain percentage of un-earned 10/10 reviews by default. The 0s are the antidote to that, which is why games that don't have fanboys don't have review bombs.

In fact, probably the primary motivation behind any review will have almost nothing at all to do with some earnest desire to objectively rate a game as a consumer advisory for others. It all depends on the size of the hype train (and TLOU2's is substantial). People want to be part of the moment, validate their choices, or just simply hear themselves talk. And the sturdier the 10/10 consensus becomes, the more people who are motivated to jump on the bandwagon, inflating the score even further. The quality-ambivalent psychological motivation is just as potent from the high end of the scale as it is from the bottom.

The key insight is, in these cases, either way the reviewer is not lying about the game. They actually do experience that hype/anti-hype as something like "quality" when it comes time to actually play the damn thing, and so will the readers of reviews, which is why the industry flips its shit about leaks and spoilers. Consensus is reality. You can't have the launch day moneyshot without pre-release build up. The interest from the consumer side is in the event, not the game. Without those early spoilers coming out and cratering player expectations, you would have an army of fanboy marks defending their pigslop and pushing the score back into the green, because that's what they're actually paying for when they cough up the $200 or whatever for CE pre-orders: to be part of it.

Review bombs are just nature's way of restoring balance. And if a game with TLOU's budget and pedigree can't scrape together a few thousand peons to push back against the Metacritic mob after the weekend dust has settled, then it probably does suck.
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The problem with whining about "review bombs" is the assumption that any 0/10 review is inherently dishonest, despite the fact that its just totally normal for any game to have a certain percentage of un-earned 10/10 reviews by default. The 0s are the antidote to that, which is why games that don't have fanboys don't have review bombs.

In fact, probably the primary motivation behind any review will have almost nothing at all to do with some earnest desire to objectively rate a game as a consumer advisory for others. It all depends on the size of the hype train (and TLOU2's is substantial). People want to be part of the moment, validate their choices, or just simply hear themselves talk. And the sturdier the 10/10 consensus becomes, the more people who are motivated to jump on the bandwagon, inflating the score even further. The quality-ambivalent psychological motivation is just as potent from the high end of the scale as it is from the bottom.

The key insight is, in these cases, either way the reviewer is not lying about the game. They actually do experience that hype/anti-hype as something like "quality" when it comes time to actually play the damn thing, and so will the readers of reviews, which is why the industry flips its shit about leaks and spoilers. Consensus is reality. You can't have the launch day moneyshot without pre-release build up. The interest from the consumer side is in the event, not the game. Without those early spoilers coming out and cratering player expectations, you would have an army of fanboy marks defending their pigslop and pushing the score back into the green, because that's what they're actually paying for when they cough up the $200 or whatever for CE pre-orders: to be part of it.

Review bombs are just nature's way of restoring balance. And if a game with TLOU's budget and pedigree can't scrape together a few thousand peons to push back against the Metacritic mob after the weekend dust has settled, then it probably does suck.

You realize it has nearly as many user reviews as the first game does already on Metacritic, right? Like... I'm struggling to see how someone reconciles that as legit.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I doubt it is fanboy war causing these bad scores. Seriously, if it was, then God of War and every other Ps exclusive would have bombed.

Og course there are flames, but to be honest I think a big chunk of those reviews are from people legit being mad about the political direction of the game.
And those people shouldn't be reviewing a game they haven't played. Agreed?


Gold Member

I was specifically talking about you but sure, even the review that people try to use as their rallying cry wholly admits that the game is gorgeous, has expanded on the mechanics of the first game, and whose major negative is a subjective take on the plot which he states he cannot expand upon in detail and that its a sequel doesn't revamp mechanics like GoW.

A far cry from the terrible game snowflakes are whining about.


You can't be serious.... Gameplay is pure trash, the backwards walk crouch looks really dumb. The AI is so stupid on the hardest difficulty that it seems the developers just wanted you to watch their movie.

I disagree with all your points, now what do we do?

How about i counter that, the gameplay is fluid and reflects the amazing character animations in real time. No other game in this industry puts raw emotion on character, NPC, or Infected better than this game. Everything runs smoothly and effectively and the story elements don't feel out of place. Same with LoU, the game lets you breathe - you go through an intense battle with multiple infected, then you're in a home/safehouse taking a break from the chaos. No game does it better than this one imo.

So yea, go on about your small one noted complaint that's not particularly valid and definitely nitpicking.
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The triggering continues as TLOU2 releases today. A mob of children have taken their anger and moral purity to Metacritic to make sure TLOU2 is made an example of. As we watch the salt pour from every single keystroke we're reminded of the fragility of their egos. Snowflaking has never been this good. Here is to enjoying the tears when the reviews eventually get taken down.


The prophet has foreseen it.


The meticulous planning.

there can be few haters, not all of them.
SkillUp review does not prove your claim to be any more righter than the vast majority of reviews that are glowing proving that you are wrong. Some people will like the game and others won't it is just how it is. Doesn't mean your opinion on the game is wrong, that is your experience.

Thanks for explaining sherlock
I was specifically talking about you but sure, even the review that people try to use as their rallying cry wholly admits that the game is gorgeous, has expanded on the mechanics of the first game, and whose major negative is a subjective take on the plot which he states he cannot expand upon in detail and that its a sequel doesn't revamp mechanics like GoW.

A far cry from the terrible game snowflakes are whining about.

The game's only saving grace is its world-building, level design and graphics

The gameplay is nothing to write home about. It's an improvement to the first but that's just them playing catch-up

AI is garbage. First gameplay reveal was smoke and mirrors (no surprise there)

Then the important points about NG games

Story is a mess

Pacing is terrible

The new characters are worthless and detract from the game. Should have stuck with a limited cast
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Ellie being lesbian and the games dealing with lgbt
Let's say, from what i see on internet that's not part people have problem with, but whole second half of game about which critics were not allowed to say word and how game treat's some characters from first game.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Once yall play the entire game and are fully witness to the shit that happens you will understand. I have seen it all and it is really, really bad. The writing is worse than GOT season 8, and completely inundated with wokeness that goes far far beyond "Ellie likes girls".
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Once yall play the entire game and are fully witness to the shit that happens you will understand. I have seen it all and it is really, really bad.

It's weird assuming people will simply blindly agree with you like you're right about an opinion. I've seen pretty much everything that's leaked that I could before it got taken down, I like most of what I saw.


I don't ever agree with review bombing, it's fucking stupid and tasteless. Comes off as a temper tantrum or whine fest majority of the time. I honestly feel like tweets, videos, etc. are enough for the team to see it. But then again, it's incredibly obnoxious and in your (their) face, so I get that...

It's impossible any of them played enough of the game for their score to be legit since the game is longer than one full day to beat. Not that anyone believed these scores were based on actual playtime. Someone tried to compare this to Steam review bombing but on Steam you actually need to own the game.
xQc actually beat it in I think about 10ish hours? All in one sitting I know that much. But he was definitely rushing through it cause it didn't seem like he enjoyed it a ton. I popped in periodically to see where he was at and his reaction.

Yeah, I think they just meant the review bombing itself. Hell, for awhile on Steam people would buy games, play them for a bit or at least launch it once, review bomb it, and then refund it, lmao.

Regardless, I'm over the obsession with score numbers, hell, and review bombing. I'm hoping something can be done in the future to help it, though I have no idea what that would be.
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Do you honestly think that? Many of the warriors didn't play it, They just want to raise the score for their favorite platform. At this point nobody has finished a 25+ hours game and even in a few weeks there will be Sony warriors rating it 10/10 and never play it. Also some Nintendo/Xbox/Pc or anti SJW/LGBT people will keep giving it bad ratings. That's how fanboyism and fanatism work.
It's clear I was talking about the reviews from gaming sites and publications, sources that many people seem to covet. Which is what sparked off this review score controversy. Although the essence of what I'm arguing doesn't really change.

Obviously anyone giving it a review without actually having played it for themselves is in the wrong, positive or negative.
So I'm not sure what your argument is here?
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
It's weird assuming people will simply blindly agree with you like you're right about an opinion. I've seen pretty much everything that's leaked that I could before it got taken down, I like most of what I saw.
Awesome, I can completely ignore your opinion about anything from now on. Thanks for clearing that up Anita!


Awesome, I can completely ignore your opinion about anything from now on. Thanks for clearing that up Anita!

That's very mature.

Do you ever look back on what you wrote and think, "i'm being childish"?

Accepting and understanding other peoples opinions is a form of maturity and growth. Not responding with "waaahh, im not going to talk to you anymore cause you're an extremist feminist, of which i have no proof"
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