It wont let me link for some reason. Just go to Twitch and search AngryJoeShowlink?
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It wont let me link for some reason. Just go to Twitch and search AngryJoeShowlink?
It's amazing to see the reaction of youtubers and streamers to this. I am yet to see someone that liked that development or how it went down.AngryJoe saying that its a disgrace that this is rated higher than The Witcher 3, Skyrim, and other high profile games. And how the gaming media basically came together in unity for Cuckman as they knew there would be a big backlash against the game.
He refuses to play as Abbey, and poor OJ is having to play lol.
They are playing one of the Ellie and Joel flashbacks, that does have a genuine great scene in it. I'll be interested to see his reaction.It's amazing to see the reaction of youtubers and streamers to this. I am yet to see someone that liked that development or how it went down.
I agree, but my thing with TLoU was why not give the player agency and let them make that choice? Let them decide what to do, either rescue her or walk away.The challenging part of TLoU 1 was, what you did in the hospital, was not right, but it felt right. There is probably nothing challenging in here.
I get that, but I would do, what was done in the game. So it does not bother me much. Shows the character does it. But I am not too far away crippling loneliness. And it does not make it right on large scale, but does it for me. And no I don't have daughter...I agree, but my thing with TLoU was why not give the player agency and let them make that choice? Let them decide what to do, either rescue her or walk away.
First, if Naughty Dog was confident of the narrative it created, it also should have been confident that the impact of the story on the player would have produced a genuine response. In other words, it would be a hard choice. Second, and more importantly, giving players agency is a unique feature of the medium of video games, a distinct advantage over film. I get that games want to be "cinematic," but it seemed like Naughty Dog's over-pursuit of that goal meant passing up the opportunity to do something special, something only games do.
I'm sure this has been argued to death. Just my two-cents.
Totally understand. I'm not here to relitigate my criticism. A coture narrative experience has tremendous value, absolutely.I get that, but I would do, what was done in the game. So it does not bother me much. Shows the character does it. But I am not too far away crippling loneliness. And it does not make it right on large scale, but does it for me. And no I don't have daughter...
I'd bet it has more to do with production and creating essentially 2 COMPLETELY different stories base on a single action than anything else. The world of TLoU is drastically different if there's a vaccine than one that has none and the amount of work that would take to make for a single choice in one game would be substantial.I agree, but my thing with TLoU was why not give the player agency and let them make that choice? Let them decide what to do, either rescue her or walk away.
So, I went ahead and killed my pre-order back when the leaks started dropping. I'm not happy at all with what they've done to the characters and story. But can someone at least tell me if there are good, lengthy segments against the infected? I've been reading that there is an awful lot of walking/talking and not much in the way of fungus zombies.
So, I went ahead and killed my pre-order back when the leaks started dropping. I'm not happy at all with what they've done to the characters and story. But can someone at least tell me if there are good, lengthy segments against the infected? I've been reading that there is an awful lot of walking/talking and not much in the way of fungus zombies.
Silver lining in all of this is it might - might - be the catalyst for major change in the games industry.
I finished it 2 hours ago and my impression went from "it was okish overall but WTF is this ending" to good old fashion hate
Story falls apart really quickly when u start thinking bout it...
And for all the LGBT hype there was the chemistry between Elly and the Small Nose... Let's just say... Fucking Joel n Ellie in the space museum had more legit sexual vibes between em
They never explained why Abbie got so Jacked from a young girl to what she was in the game
its a real missed opportunity as you could of seen her go from young girl into Sarah Conner........the game never really explores her family or what she lost very well so you never sympathize with her at all
instead your just forced to play as someone who killed off one of the most liked characters in a game
The idea of being forced to play a character like Abby when you really just want to keep playing as Ellie sounds annoying and frustrating. Not only because of what she did to Joel, but because she just isn't an interesting character IMO.They never explained why Abbie got so Jacked from a young girl to what she was in the game
its a real missed opportunity as you could of seen her go from young girl into Sarah Conner........the game never really explores her family or what she lost very well so you never sympathize with her at all
instead your just forced to play as someone who killed off one of the most liked characters in a game
The idea of being forced to play a character like Abby when you really just want to keep playing as Ellie sounds annoying and frustrating. Not only because of what she did to Joel, but because she just isn't an interesting player IMO.
its a real missed opportunity and i cant see how people thought it would be a great idea to force people to play as this character when you are not going to properly explain her.The idea of being forced to play a character like Abby when you really just want to keep playing as Ellie sounds annoying and frustrating. Not only because of what she did to Joel, but because she just isn't an interesting player IMO.
That ain't Sarah Conner...They never explained why Abbie got so Jacked from a young girl to what she was in the game
its a real missed opportunity as you could of seen her go from young girl into Sarah Conner........the game never really explores her family or what she lost very well so you never sympathize with her at all
instead your just forced to play as someone who killed off one of the most liked characters in a game
Makes no sense to me whatsoever. Joel dying sucks, yeah, of course. But primarily because of how his death was handled. They could've made it a lot better than that, the whole lead up to it just felt so out of place for him and Tommy. It felt so incredibly fucking careless for them, and out of character. It's liked they asked no questions whatsoever and just rolled with it.Not only is there nothing interesting about her, but she is actively unpleasant and nonsensical. Her name should be Gary Sue.
What the fuck was even supposed to be conveyed in those 10 hours you play as her? None of it made any sense.
I wholeheartedly agree. I fucking LOVE revenge stories, and I've loved a TON of content where a character I love dies. But if it's done well, then so be it. But all of this was just really strange. The pacing, the direction, the writing, etc. I really don't understand.its a real missed opportunity and i cant see how people thought it would be a great idea to force people to play as this character when you are not going to properly explain her.
if you really wanted to craft a great story of revenge and transformation the entire part 2 should of been from her angle leading up to the events with Joel killing her dad and the aftermath
you could of explored the Scars and WLF relationships in real detail and could of really built abbie up as someone who lost everything and overcome obstacles to become the tank she was
the best part about this approach is that it could of been milked for a part 3 or standalone game
Shamelessly stolen from the tlou2 sub on reddit
I loved the original FF7 and I enjoyed FF7:R as a whole. Some very strange and bizarre story choices, sure, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I was much more emotionally invested in TLOU, so seeing how TLOU2 panned out, and its ending. I'm definitely left feeling more disappointmentSo for anyone who hated FF7 Re's ending, was Last of Us 2 worse or better?
its a real missed opportunity and i cant see how people thought it would be a great idea to force people to play as this character when you are not going to properly explain her.
So for anyone who hated FF7 Re's ending, was Last of Us 2 worse or better?
Isn't obvious? Because that Neil wants(aka forces) you to like and symphatize with Abby.
I actually like the way that sounds more than the final product.Isn't obvious? Because that Neil wants(aka forces) you to like and symphatize with Abby.
Look at all the LoU fanbase. Ellie and Joel are the protagonists, people love them. No one would gives a fuck about a random_npc that wants to kill Joel because her random_dad_npc died.
Look at the LoU ads. It has Ellie and it has Joel. Do you think they would sell this game if they only showed Abby videos? Do you think this would sell if people knew beforehand Joel was killed? Most people assumed Ellie girlfriend was the one dead one and that Joel finds and helps Ellie in her quest for vengeance. Yeah, that video where Joel joins Ellie was a lie, because they can't sell this game without Ellie and Joel.
He didn't wanted to deliver a sequel. He want to plant his ideas in this game, simple as that. No wonder when the game leaked he was more worried about representation than his own work being revealed.
No I did not, and that probably just cheapes this "challenging part". I do that, because for loved ones....everyone would do that.
Lol, this game is just pure comedy.
I agree with the reviews.I don’t think review industry collectively ever took a hit this big in terms of their credibility, now and for the future. I can tell you, trust in IGN is currently in tatters, they were already regularly mocked but this is major, major turning point. At least Gamespot gave it 8 and somewhat saved their faces.
This is clearly very corrupt industry and I’m not talking about raw corruption “i’ll give you money for good reviews “ but much deeper, under the table stuff. Connections, deals, gifts, joint ventures, who the fuck knows but it’s indisputable.
At least they can’t just blame bigots anymore, dislike and outrage is spread far and wide, game journalists have finally been caught in the act and there’s no escape. Reminds me of liberal news media collective mind with very few dissenters.