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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.

So for anyone who hated FF7 Re's ending, was Last of Us 2 worse or better?
Probably one of the worst written video games ever like top 5 easy. FF7 and FF7R are fun and good games TLOU2 has way to much nothing going on then towards the end its nothing but boom some one died and is just needless shock value. The game also has very extreme game play problems i watched different people play it on twitch and there are sections where you are literally just walking around with some of the worst dialogue ever.


In the Abby/Lev scenes there is a bit of dialogue where Lev (the trans kid) is explaining how he is trans and sad or whatever and he actually turns to Abby and says "Do you want to ask me about it?"

lol what the fuck? I seriously believe this may be the worst dialogue ever written.
I felt that way about that scene, but at the same time I didn't look too much into it cause Lev was young. Kids ask some dumb questions, lmao.
I just want to add one thought to the discussion.

As I see it, Druckman imagines himself to be an *artiste,* and like a lot of artistes, he thinks that the purpose of art is to cause an emotional reaction in the viewer. If people react emotionally -- even if the reaction is disgust or anger -- then, to Druckman, that is proof he has been brave enough to create real art. He will take the negative feedback as validation. It won't cause him to re-think what he's done. It will just be self-validating. "I am an artiste who did a courageous thing. I got an emotional reaction out of people. I caused them to think."

It reminds me a little of the artists who do stuff just to shock people -- you know, they put Jesus in a jar of urine or something, or maybe they draw paintings with their own feces. When people have emotional reactions, they see that as validating. They have caused an emotional reaction in the audience, and that's what "real art" does.

I disagree with that view of art. I think real art expands your view of the world, it doesn't shrink it down and debase it. But that's a discussion for another thread.

My point is that Druckman is going to take all the negative feedback as self-validation of how much of a brave artiste he is.

In the Abby/Lev scenes there is a bit of dialogue where Lev (the trans kid) is explaining how he is trans and sad or whatever and he actually turns to Abby and says "Do you want to ask me about it?"

lol what the fuck? I seriously believe this may be the worst dialogue ever written.
Do many LGBT people (or just activists) in real life also think they’re special because they’re gay so if you treat them just like any other human they get surprised? Like they expect tap on the back or something. That exchange actually makes sense.
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Am i alone here with more i played for abby more i started to like her understand her feel pitty for her proud of her. ..? I didint wanted to feel this way but they just made me...its so emotional, at first i hated her but with time i was like: wow....shes human too the way she cared for those kids was like wow....thats deep
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Dr. Claus

Do many LGBT people (or just activists) in real life also think they’re special because they’re gay so if you treat them just like any other human they get surprised? Like they expect tap on the back or something. That exchange actually makes sense.

Well, there *is* an entire month in the US that glorifies being LGBT and shines a spotlight on it. Wouldn't surprise me if some younger folk actually thought they were special - but most LGBT folk I know hate it.
on a side note the game play for abby doesn't fit in this game at all this character can royal guard against enemies like its DMC. I thought that infected creatures were the equivalent of poison how are you surviving against a 250 pound bloater. The fact that her CAMP is more outfitted like a faction in MGS or cyberpunk 2077 when 90% of the rest of the world barely have 1800s lights in laughable. There's other stupid stuff as well when you play as Ellie there a bank and its complete full of money and gold again how. The way they try to get you to like abby is insane Joel isnt the bad guy her dad was the one who pulled a knife on him. The game goes to absolute extreme lengths to justify abby's mass killing sprees same with ellie and then they just kill off jesse and let ellie steal his wife and kid great writing neil great LOL.
Do many LGBT people (or just activists) in real life also think they’re special because they’re gay so if you treat them just like any other human they get surprised? Like they expect tap on the back or something. That exchange actually makes sense.
without saying anything to crazy yes some do most of it is the victim complex mentality


Abbys killing is not more then ellies and abby spares more lifes then ellie in the end...you killed my dad i kill you , but i spare that girl 2 or 3 times.


I do not like Dina at all so far. Not only is she unlikeable but she’s also always in the damned way when I’m trying to do something. She‘s like a puppy who always has to be beside me. Ellie can do better.

It’s a gorgeous game. We already knew that though. I’d love to see this tech and art skill employed in other, better games..


I've seen a lot of people getting upset at Joel's death, seemingly simply by virtue that their favorite character got offed, but I'm finding this reason unfair. A creator should be able to do as they wish with their characters. His death isn't the problem.

I don't think so many would have an issue with Joel's demise if it wasn't so unearned in the way it's been written. Most people were expecting it I think. But of course they're going to be upset when some unestablished nobody takes him out in the first few hours. To not build up to that and attempt to address and justify her actions retroactively was a mistake, because it's immediately making the player despise her from the get-go before her motivations have even been made relatable. And after killing a beloved character, it won't matter what you do, how many cut-scenes you show of her in mourning over her dead father's corpse, how many balls you have players throw to dogs with her, or spend time in the gym, or show her taking the D and building her relationships with her boyfriend......people will be extremely resistant from the get-go and won't even wish to play to see any of it.

What backwards-ass, stupid fucking writing.

Had we played as Abby and saw all her characterization and trauma BEFORE she killed Joel, I think the reaction would be far more positive and there wouldn't be such resistance to her. Perhaps people would disagree, but like the ending of the first, they would at least be able to understand, and Joel wouldn't be cheapened as a character in his departure by having his end arrive at the hands of someone who, at that point that he is killed, hasn't earned the right. Had they had you play as Abby from the start from before her father was murdered, to witnessing it, to building her up, to killing Joel, and then shifted to Ellie's quest, that would be far more sensible and accepted.


LOL, never seen so many big streamers completely shit on a single player AAA title like this.
Admiralbahroo, just spent the entire credit scene absolutely shitting on the whole game.
on twitter:
It was glorious, and he wasn't full on hating the game after Joel's death, he really wanted to see where it was going


I agree, but my thing with TLoU was why not give the player agency and let them make that choice? Let them decide what to do, either rescue her or walk away.

First, if Naughty Dog was confident of the narrative it created, it also should have been confident that the impact of the story on the player would have produced a genuine response. In other words, it would be a hard choice. Second, and more importantly, giving players agency is a unique feature of the medium of video games, a distinct advantage over film. I get that games want to be "cinematic," but it seemed like Naughty Dog's over-pursuit of that goal meant passing up the opportunity to do something special, something only games do.

I'm sure this has been argued to death. Just my two-cents.
As much as I like the ending of the first game, I agree with this. They kind failing the potential of the medium when they don't give the player choice. Ultimately I think it's a resource thing, because then they have to account for multiple choices between the audience. Especially if they have plans to make a sequel. A lot of games that do have player choice carry from multiple games, simply make those choices more irrelevant as time goes on, and so the player feels unrewarded for their choices, and can see that they never mattered.

I think they could've made multiple endings work for TLoU part 1 though, if they wanted to have a concrete idea of what narrative to go with for a sequel, just use the choice that most players went with.
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This made me laugh more than it should, lol.

On another note, people should be playing that game. It could use more courses, but like all the other Everybody's Golf games, it's awesome. Feels so realistic, and almost just like playing real golf. Just make sure you exercise your hips, because you'll be aching if you're not used to it.
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Just saw the scene where Ellie kills the pregnant lady on AngryJoe's stream, and ya know...again, Fuck Druckmann. First of all, self defense for Ellie...but if they're trying to make anyone feel bad that Ellie did it, nope...not going to, because if this Mel character was pregnant, than neither her or Owen should have been smart enough characters to not do anything stupid and jeopardize the baby's life. Making sure Ellie knows that she was pregnant would have helped ensure that, but nope...instead we gotta have everything sucks, and everyone is evil story, because ow the edginess.


Just watching it makes one feelings, playing it and experiencing all and after some more time you having very different emotions for thaf still trying defend it but seeing from another angle just not same.
Lots more fcked scenes in game awaits.
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Just watching it makes one feelings, playing it and experiencing all and after some more time you having very different emotions for thaf still trying defend it but seeing from another angle just not same.
Lots more fcked scenes in game awaits.

Mashing buttons don't make a story magically be good.
Just saw the scene where Ellie kills the pregnant lady on AngryJoe's stream, and ya know...again, Fuck Druckmann. First of all, self defense for Ellie...but if they're trying to make anyone feel bad that Ellie did it, nope...not going to, because if this Mel character was pregnant, than neither her or Owen should have been smart enough characters to not do anything stupid and jeopardize the baby's life. Making sure Ellie knows that she was pregnant would have helped ensure that, but nope...instead we gotta have everything sucks, and everyone is evil story, because ow the edginess.

It's totally inexcusable even in that context. The fact that game reviewers let it slide goes to show how corrupt and hypocritical the industry is.

We're talking about people who purposely lowered the score of a game because it featured a man and his wife playfully flirting with each other. Fucking lunacy.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Kinda looks like a TLOU2 character
Anyway as my copy hasn't arrived I'm gonna wait for Tyrone Magnus and Jeremy Jahns.
Angry Joe response so far has been Hilarious
But I am trying to avoid major spoilers
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It's totally inexcusable even in that context. The fact that game reviewers let it slide goes to show how corrupt and hypocritical the industry is.

We're talking about people who purposely lowered the score of a game because it featured a man and his wife playfully flirting with each other. Fucking lunacy.
What the fuck? What game did this happen with?


Just began the Abby segment.

Was all good with her dad, then we get to the base and head to the cafeteria. Holy shit. I don't think I found a single female model without a man's figure. All broad shouldered, no hips, small tits. Heaven forbid we can actually value women on their femininity today, gotta tackle that "toxic" masculinity and male gaze head-on. You'd think Neil could allow at least a few to have female proportions because apparently he wants so much diversity in his games, nope. Literally every single model I've seen is insanely androgynous. Took about six pics, all different NPCs, got to find a USB to transfer them to post.

Christ alive, Druckmann has lost it. He's beyond pathetic, and it's little wonder the turnover rate at ND is so high. Overworked my ass, I couldn't even imagine working in a place under someone where to value femininity is looked upon as bigotry and sexism. Era must be having the biggest circle jerk at the moment. Hooray for the destruction of the sexes.


Just began the Abby segment.

Was all good with her dad, then we get to the base and head to the cafeteria. Holy shit. I don't think I found a single female model without a man's figure. All broad shouldered, no hips, small tits. Heaven forbid we can actually value women on their femininity today, gotta tackle that "toxic" masculinity and male gaze head-on. You'd think Neil could allow at least a few to have female proportions because apparently he wants so much diversity in his games, nope. Literally every single model I've seen is insanely androgynous. Took about six pics, all different NPCs, got to find a USB to transfer them to post.

Christ alive, Druckmann has lost it. He's beyond pathetic, and it's little wonder the turnover rate at ND is so high. Overworked my ass, I couldn't even imagine working in a place under someone where to value femininity is looked upon as bigotry and sexism. Era must be having the biggest circle jerk at the moment. Hooray for the destruction of the sexes.
Don't worry fam I got you covered




I’m still in Seattle Day 1 and it’s already wearing on me, the gameplay that is. I thought I’d really enjoy it. Maybe it gets better. I suppose we’ll see. Even if I have to grit my teeth to do it, I’ll finish the game.

I really wanted this to be good.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
LOL, never seen so many big streamers completely shit on a single player AAA title like this.
Admiralbahroo, just spent the entire credit scene absolutely shitting on the whole game.
on twitter:

Overall Execution - referring to the Joel scene? Or is that the joke?
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