The $70 price tag didn't really make sense anyway with programs like Smart Delivery. So I hope most others follow suit.
2k have made two different versions for NBA 2k21. The current gen is likely just seasonal updates, whereas the next gen is made from the ground up on nextgen consoles. Smart delivery won’t work.
There will be two versions. Current gen, which will still be current gen If you play via backwards compatibility mode. Or the next gen version for $70 which actually has both the current and next gen versions included.
I don't think you fully understand what Smart Delivery is.2k have made two different versions for NBA 2k21. The current gen is likely just seasonal updates, whereas the next gen is made from the ground up on nextgen consoles. Smart delivery won’t work.
There will be two versions. Current gen, which will still be current gen If you play via backwards compatibility mode. Or the next gen version for $70 which actually has both the current and next gen versions included.
Imagine believing this lmao
I don't think you fully understand what Smart Delivery is.
You think the PS5/XSX version will be the same as current gen, just in a higher resolution?
Bloomberg reporter confirms
Smart Delivery is Microsoft's program that allows you to buy the game once and you get access to both the current gen version of the game as well as the next gen version of the same game. So, for example, if you want to buy Far Cry 6 but you haven't bought an Xbox Series X yet, you can buy the game and play it on your Xbox One. Once you upgrade, you can download the next-gen version for free and continue playing.Please enlighten me.
It will look bad if they start the gen with $60 games then increase in price for no reason laterOnly this year tho. They didn't confirm next-gen games will cost the same.
Those are very separate topics.The last thing they want to do is raise the prices with all their current shenanigans. Would alienate even more gamers.
Binary genders pay $40.Being Ubisoft, I bet it's 60$ if it is a female buying the game.
Men pay 70$.
Just kidding.
Smart Delivery is Microsoft's program that allows you to buy the game once and you get access to both the current gen version of the game as well as the next gen version of the same game.
I'm not sure how many Xbox One games you're hoping get released two years after the generation is over.this only matters til 2021, past 2021 this feature won't anymore (no more xbone support).
Definitely. They probably don't want the bad PR of trying to justify $70 for cross-gen games, but as soon as their games are next-gen exclusive they will be on board that $70 train in a second.Once crossgen is gone I have a feeling they will go to $70 for ubi.
It's not that it definitely won't happen, but that his level of analysis is pathetic. He basically just notes that general price inflation has occurred therefore this specific price must rise.
All excellent points. It's like saying that the cost of SD cards (which released to consumers 20 years ago!) should continue to rise steadily in price over the past twenty years. Instead, we've seen huge adoption rates which have led to a larger consumer base and massively increased innovation and miniaturization. By the logic of general price inflation has occurred therefore this specific price must rise we should all be paying thousands of dollars for SD cards. Instead the reality is that the capacity on these cards continues to rise while the price continues to fall due to basic economic principles that seem completely ignored by the above arguments.I'd got so sick recently of Colin Moriarty banging on about the economic inevitability of an increase to $70.
It's not that it definitely won't happen, but that his level of analysis is pathetic. He basically just notes that general price inflation has occurred therefore this specific price must rise.
It's not even remotely as simple as that. Games have a very low cost of sale - it's all overhead - so you need to look at whether the market has grown so that reduced margins can be offset by higher sales volume. You need to look at whether companies are actually making money. How do their returns look compared to historic results? Do things look sustainable?
Have there been any major developments that might impact price? Just maybe, could the explosion of high margin digital sales help sustain returns and exert a downward pressure on prices?
Have there been any major initiatives from platform holders that could affect things? What about gamepass? Would it not be the case that Microsoft offering an extremely good value way of delivering a high volume of games to consumers could place downward pressure on prices?
How about the huge increase in scope to upsell via microtransactions and DLC? Maybe the base game price is no longer so crucial?
There's a LOT of shit to consider. But this arrogant prick shows no sign that he even realises these questions exist.
He gets paid $3,000 from patreon etc. to read them 3 to 5 days old news and to give his take on it. His co-host barely has anything to contribute. Same with some of these "experts" on youtube ... all they do is recycle 3day old information, claiming to have sources everywhere and people believe them.