Blue Spring
Read my tears about xbox here --->
PC is already getting in the position to have comparable/better performance to the PS5 in terms of I/O so that will be 2 plattforms vs Xbox which is the less popular plattfrom out of the 3.The issue going forward for next gen is 3rd party devs will have 2 options:
1. design an exclusive game around the PS5 I/O, but be unable to port it to Xbox/PC.
2. cut down the game design to work on Xbox/PC and go multi-platorm.
Most will pick the 2nd option. Only some true PS5 exclusives won't be held back.
Will third party devs take full advantage of the PS5 from day 1? No, cross-gen made that impossible anyway but I doubt that third party devs are not enticed by it when PC will also have the same capability one or two years from now.