No PC is not even close to the PS5 I/O. Most PCs use SATA SSDs at less than 1 GB/s. And lots of other PCs use HDDs.
The PC market will never be unified enough to require as minimum spec a PCIe Gen4x4 SSD at 5 or 6 GB/S raw read.
Until then, no PS5+PC (or +Xbox) game can actually take full advantage of the PS5 I/O.
He was talking about RTX I/O. Not what the PC can do now without DirectStorage. You guys are really really hyping this SSD to abnormal levels of reliance on hardware performance. It's not going to increase your FPS. It's not going to allow the console to run at native 4k. It's not going to speed up ray-tracing. It won't make complex shaders run faster... etc.. etc..