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Doom Eternal Director Opens Up About A Possible Female Slayer

He literally is saying the fact that she is a woman would impact the gameplay. This is counter to how it currently works. Your double jump is not tied to your manliness. The air dash has nothing to do with you owning a male member. Currently the fact that DS is a man (or a woman, I am not against that, they could easily make Doomslayer a player-created character if they wanted) has no impact on the gameplay. Currently, someone can pretend DS is already a woman, and the story and gameplay will not contradict this.

Now, imagine the next game features a woman. Not a choosable gender, but explicitly a woman, and the gameplay is going to be shaped so that a male game designer feels like he has made a "meaningful" statement on what it means to be a woman. This is different than how it is currently, where any gender identity can simply plug in and enjoy seeing themselves as DS. There are no gender statements to be made in the first two DOOM games, why start now? Currently DS is not concerned with their gender, but he is saying that if he makes it a woman, then the gameplay will be impacted. This is literally what he is saying. Again, HE.
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He literally is saying the fact that she is a woman would impact the gameplay. This is counter to how it currently works. Your double jump is not tied to your manliness. The air dash has nothing to do with you owning a male member. Currently the fact that DS is a man (or a woman, I am not against that, they could easily make Doomslayer a player-created character if they wanted) has no impact on the gameplay. Currently, someone can pretend DS is already a woman, and the story and gameplay will not contradict this.

Now, imagine the next game features a woman. Not a choosable gender, but explicitly a woman, and the gameplay is going to be shaped so that a male game designer feels like he has made a "meaningful" statement on what it means to be a woman. This is different than how it is currently, where any gender identity can simply plug in and enjoy seeing themselves as DS. There are no gender statements to be made in the first two DOOM games, why start now? Currently DS is not concerned with their gender, but he is saying that if he makes it a woman, then the gameplay will be impacted. This is literally what he is saying. Again, HE.
I'll leave you with the first part of that same quote from Hugo:
"I've thought about it, actually. I think if we did it, I'd want it to be lethal. I think it's interesting how it would impact the glory kills, the kind of weapons that she would have, the fighting style—certainly all aggression, absolutely, but a different type of aggression.
And I'm not gonna reply to you on this topic anymore; I think you're too clouded by anti-woke sentiment to see what is actually being said.

You could think the same about me (being clouded by something), I don't mind, but I'm not wasting anymore time with this argument. Read all this again a week later with new eyes.
a woman cant have toxic masculinity
Abby disagrees.


Not to derail, but I think what "NuDoom" has done in the realm of AAA is a great thing. The throwback gameplay, as well as Eternal's approach and overall sales.

Those were some phenomenal games. Regardless of what happens, I'm beyond happy that the gameplay I miss and want more of is still alive and well in the indie realm.
NuDoom's design has more in common with Serious Sam or Painkiller than it does with Doom or Quake. It's a series of enclosed arenas with hordes of enemies for you to dispatch with your arsenal of over-the-top weapons, rather than a crawl through mazelike levels with tricks and traps around each corner and tight enemy encounters linked to resource management and hidden secrets.
...somewhat entertaining overall, and requires a more player interaction than your average modern shooter, but it's no revival of old-school FPS design principles either.


Gold Member
i'm not against it. if they come up with a good reason to do it then why not. as long as it's not a bunch of twitter/ree sjw crackpots pressuring developers to do it.


No wonder women shy away from gaming. Just a hint of a female in a video game and 'gamers' go crazy. Pathetic! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Nothing about DOOM hinges on the Slayer being male. At its base, it's about an armored protagonist fighting a legion of demons with lethal brutality. People citing lore reasons for why the Slayer should be male are honestly just laughable; does anyone here seriously pay attention to the lore in a game about killing mindless hell-spawns? And the Doom Slayer isn't even that much of a character in the first place. In gameplay, he's just a silent engine of destruction just going around shooting shit. He's essentially a blank slate you can't relate or emphasize with. For the vast majority of consumers, no one cares what's under the armor - people just want to bash some demonic heads together.

I wouldn't mind a female Slayer character. But - as is standard with DOOM games - gameplay first, characterization later.


No wonder women shy away from gaming. Just a hint of a female in a video game and 'gamers' go crazy. Pathetic! :messenger_tears_of_joy:
What's that got to do with female gamers? Many men like to play as women in video games and vice versa.

In most cases like this people are upset about switching genders / races for already established characters. And despite the fact that most gamers don't care about Doom's story doesn't mean changing its original character should be completely ignored.


What's that got to do with female gamers? Many men like to play as women in video games and vice versa.

In most cases like this people are upset about switching genders / races for already established characters. And despite the fact that most gamers don't care about Doom's story doesn't mean changing its original character should be completely ignored.
Yep, are female gamers now going to buy this game because they see a vag on the cover? How did that work out for Battlefield?

Those kind of games are mostly played by males so this pandering is useless. Ubisoft wasted tons of ressources to create female characters and according to their stats barely anyone played them. I bet they were still played by males anyway.
Well, I have no problem with it if this is what they want to do because they have some good ideas and not just because of the current climate. If no feminazism and sjw retardness come with it, then why not? And their (not so) subtle ridiculing of sjw retardness in Eternal makes me hopeful. Hopefully they still won't bend the knee. id is among the last of the old developers that still have balls.
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This seems like an offhand thing he was answering as he’s streaming his play through of Eternal in which he answers about a hundred questions. They’re like 2-3 hours each and he’s talking as he’s trying to play the game. Outlets just chose to pick this one thing up.

I also don’t care about a woman Doom lead character one way or the other. Think we’re reaching the other side of annoying backlashing at literally everything as if a woman lead couldn’t be done in a right way.
Tired of this. They need to stop erasing dude characters, soon you will have to play retro to play as one. Why can't these devs make new games or sequels to old games about women Where the hell is No one lives forever 3... Oh right sjws would make her into a uggo mamm. And the game would flop.


I only care about the gameplay. Isnt the doom slayer an empty shell for you to insert yourself into as the player? In which case why would it be any different to have a female doom slayer ?


Gold Member
Tired of this. They need to stop erasing dude characters, soon you will have to play retro to play as one. Why can't these devs make new games or sequels to old games about women Where the hell is No one lives forever 3... Oh right sjws would make her into a uggo mamm. And the game would flop.
nolf 3 is dead

Kev Kev

no you don’t, you just want to screech about culture wars
culture is forcing every person, place and thing to be woke or risk being labeled a racist, sexist, transphobe, etc. they HAVE to do this, and it comes off as totally fake, like they are just posturing. that should be viewed as a problem from both woke and non woke individuals.
Quake III had several female fighters. But the gameplay is incredibly fun so it honestly never crossed my mind when playing.
Quake 3 was arena based multiplayer of course it did. So did unreal tournament and the women in that we fly (for 1999 Era polygons). I have no problem with that I have no problem with female protags. Samus, Lara croft, Kate archer, Zoe from longest journey, Jaheria, Imoen, and the other baldur's gate ladies, Bastila shan, kreia, Juha I, mission Vao, Tifa, aerith, lightning, Sarah, Yuna, Riku, Lulu, Rinoa, Quistis, Selphie, Terra Branford, Panelo, Fran, Ashelia Bnargin Dalmasca, and countless other jrpg females, fighting game females like Sophita, Cassandra, ivy. Faith from mirrors edge, Cheryl Mason, Claudia Wolf, Heather Mason, etc...

So take anyone of these female characters and race and or gender swap them for woke points... They no longer are the character anymore. F these bastards... Really tired of it. They think 40 year old women who hate video games do so because of characters... It's not true. They hate them because they were raised to go for jocks and video games are for nerds. That's why they can't market not because of x character. Also why disrpect lore and a dedicated audience for potential sales and loosing fans? Makes no sense.

Well I probably won't have to deal with the insanity much longer, woke up today coughing up blood.
Well, he was the original generic space marine, so I don't know how you think he should look like.


Well at least we have great new games like DUSK, Prodeus and many others, but for me coming back to blasting Revenants with the Plasma Rifle was just perfect, can't get enough of it.

Glad to read that tho! Hope it comes out soon. All I've "seen" of the DLC was the new OST and that already made me hyped as hell to play it.

Keanuereaves woow

I never knew the original box art had another marine in the background, like doom guy had a doom buddy.


This is what I care about:
it to be more than a skin, instead choosing to bring in a female Slayer into the storyline
if you bring a female slayer, you need to make sure it makes sense. You should not just change the gender of an existing character because more social justice.
this would be DOOM as fuck. on one hand you appease the woke crowd, but on the other youre giving them the middle finger, which appeals to the non woke. i love it!
OK you sold me. I changed my mind, just like that. Someone like that I could get behind.

Sexy, sweet and puts up with no shit... Hell yeah. It's never going to happen though. Bethesda owns them. They let Anita Sarkisian come in and "coach" arkane, another dev owned by bethesda.


NuDoom's design has more in common with Serious Sam or Painkiller than it does with Doom or Quake. It's a series of enclosed arenas with hordes of enemies for you to dispatch with your arsenal of over-the-top weapons, rather than a crawl through mazelike levels with tricks and traps around each corner and tight enemy encounters linked to resource management and hidden secrets.
...somewhat entertaining overall, and requires a more player interaction than your average modern shooter, but it's no revival of old-school FPS design principles either.
I definitely agree with all of this. Definitely true! Though it's probably the closest we'll ever get in the realm of AAA.
Quake 3 was arena based multiplayer of course it did. So did unreal tournament and the women in that we fly (for 1999 Era polygons). I have no problem with that I have no problem with female protags. Samus, Lara croft, Kate archer, Zoe from longest journey, Jaheria, Imoen, and the other baldur's gate ladies, Bastila shan, kreia, Juha I, mission Vao, Tifa, aerith, lightning, Sarah, Yuna, Riku, Lulu, Rinoa, Quistis, Selphie, Terra Branford, Panelo, Fran, Ashelia Bnargin Dalmasca, and countless other jrpg females, fighting game females like Sophita, Cassandra, ivy. Faith from mirrors edge, Cheryl Mason, Claudia Wolf, Heather Mason, etc...

So take anyone of these female characters and race and or gender swap them for woke points... They no longer are the character anymore. F these bastards... Really tired of it. They think 40 year old women who hate video games do so because of characters... It's not true. They hate them because they were raised to go for jocks and video games are for nerds. That's why they can't market not because of x character. Also why disrpect lore and a dedicated audience for potential sales and loosing fans? Makes no sense.

Well I probably won't have to deal with the insanity much longer, woke up today coughing up blood.
People are overreacting. He said "if we did it"... I'm sure Doomguy/Slayer aren't going anywhere.
A female slayer would be comparatively minor compared to some of the other changes they've made to the gameplay. The player character having boobs and a vagina would bother me way less than the fact that the entire game is designed around that stupid glory kill mechanic which I personally can't stand.
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I honestly wouldn't mind as long as you can select male or female at the start of the game. Or have the player swap between them during different portions of the game.

On a side note, one thing I thought was cool about the earlier builds of Duke Nukem Forever was that the player would start out playing as Duke until he was captured by the aliens and you had to play as Bombshell (his female sidekick) for a portion of the game.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Nah, doom guy is too iconic.

I think there's a funddamental difference between making a new IP and chosing a female lead (like Kena, which looks like it will be a cool game) and taking a classic IP and do a gender twist just to get woke points for the game journo twitter circle jerk.
Hmm, what's left after doom guy? Pretty much everything has been emasculated now right?

Theses infiltrating intersectional progressive extremists take no prisoners.

The only path left is "swapsies." I'm talking monster trucks in Little Women, chainsaw duel segments on The View, stuff like that.

What were they so Proud and Prejudiced about? All the Ninjas of course! Hiiii-yah!

If that sounds like it would ruin women's entertainment while also not making it appealing to you, well...that's how the overwhelming majority of women feel about doom gal. Or as they put it, "who?"
I just knew someone would post this here and there would be complaining about it. It's Doom wtf cares if you play as a man or a woman. I'm fine with either one so if they want to do it go at it. You barely see your character anyway
this would be DOOM as fuck. on one hand you appease the woke crowd, but on the other youre giving them the middle finger, which appeals to the non woke. i love it!

You know, most people don't fall into camps in the culture wars. Only twitter cries about Gina Carano. Most gamers are just happy with a fun, well-designed game and some good voice acting.


The most annoying thing is they brought it on themselves, they could've just never shown a face and then said "Uhhh, the Doomslayer is whatever you want him/her/zim/zer to be!" if pressed, but better still to not care. I didn't necessarily assign a gender to the DS before Eternal. I just thought of "him" as a force of nature embodied in the suit, I only said him for ease of speaking, I suppose, I didn't even think about too deeply tbh. Now its boring though, because its a just a human looking guy.

They could make a new character, is it for coop purposes? Thats sounds good.


Who really cares lol, i mean we dont even see their body/face so whats even the point? imagination? lol what a waste of effort, seriously making a pack of new weapons is a much better investment.


No I just want to play Doom as the Doom guy/slayer and kill demons in a manly way.
Isn't this game first person shooter? So what's does it matter if the character you control is a male, a female or a pokemon? Maybe someone want to play this fun game and be able to choose their gender and have fun demolishing demons as a girl, is this so difficult to understand or we have to label everything that has an optional female character as sjw.
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“I would really strive to have it impact the gameplay in a way that was meaningful. I’ve definitely put a lot of thought into that, actually!”

Don't forget about achievements for all those meaningful gameplay changes. Maybe something like:

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