Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation - Bloomberg

Or dudes can just stop being creeps and work instead of excluding more than 50% of the population from a given profession. Seems like a much easier thing to do....
No. Sexism is the answer, apparently.

exactly GIF


Flashless at the Golden Globes
you did not correct me at all, other people responding to you are not me.

I also said dating coworkers common but this guy is not a normal scenario. Stop justifying this type of behavior. Not only is he a boss, but the coworkers KNOW he is married, that puts their guard down. Then he boasts his power within bungie and insinuates that he will get you promoted and asks to hangout with females specifically? If you can't read the room, you're lost. It was 8 female employees, not just one.
If you think I’m justifying this behavior you have reading comprehension issues.


Receipts or back off. Unless you have some unique insight you're no better equipped to make a judgement than the rest of us.

Number of complainants could actually be viewed as a mitigating factor, not an intensifier. Because if the behaviour was commonplace how "victimized" can each person claim to be by it?

And before you argue behavioural "normalcy" cannot be taken as a defence, remember, we're not talking about serial criminal acts here. We're talking about unwanted compliments. Not pussy-grabbing. Not rape.

Micro-aggressions basically.

Do you not get that just because a group has an issue with a behaviour, it proves nothing more than *that* group shares a certain outlook or set of behavioural norms which they demand be imposed on everyone else.

Now you could take that as bullying behaviour, it all depends on how the cultural conflict is framed.

See my the whole issue with the way the situation is described, is that it works outwards from a starting point where actions in themselves not harmful or negative (complimenting, offering career assistance, playing jokey social games) must be treated that way PURELY because of the gender and power dynamic of those involved.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Sony on fire with their acquisitions.
lol im seeing these takes over and over again in this thread, and as much as I despise Herman and Jimbo, this isnt on Sony.

Now it's possible that Sony pulled the trigger on the firing because they are trying to save money and this guy was probably in line to get millions from the $1.2 billion retention bonus, but even if thats the case, its good to see a company take action instead of sweeping away these allegations under the bus like activision, ubisoft, blizzard and quite possibly Bungie has done in the past.


lmao. Bungie btfo. Imagine working in a corporate structure. Honestly, he's probably a part of the group-think responsible for this kind of strict culture. I don't see a single allegation of rape or even physical touching. Shit is lame. I'd feel sorry for him if I didn't assume he was a soyboy.
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This is his wife. Bro got greedy, put him in horny jail for life
Oh I remember her. I checked out her stream a few times back when I used to play Destiny, and she gave off incredible "white woman who thinks very highly of herself" vibes. Like, why does she even have a wiki page? There's nothing notable in there lol

Edit: Her Twitch bio describes herself as "spicy", which men know is actually code for 'bitchy'
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I think people promote the hard and fast rule because a lot of people don't understand social cues, you have to be very careful when you're interacting on a social level at work and a lot of people are terrible at gauging what makes someone uncomfortable.

But this right is precisely the problem.

"Makes someone feel uncomfortable" is not and should never be the threshold at which a company determines whether to fire someone or not.

Work is work. It's not playtime. There are many things that make people feel uncomfortable at work, and there MUST be many conversations to be had that would do the same.

Ok, I agree that most of those essential conversations are work-related, whereas this is not. But if the magnitude of the consequence is the same, i.e. merely results in someone feeling discomfort, then that should not be seen as sackable offense. It's absurd.


Neo Member
Eh… fucking an escort isn’t the same as getting a woman to fuck you without paying them.

It’s sort of confusing when people don’t get that lol. The feeling of any sort of conquest or that you earned it is gone with a prostitute.

Hell plenty of men who pay for sex still try to pretend the person they are paying actually wants them for the same reason.
Dinner, drinks, dates, you are paying either way.


Gold Member
Thats video game employees for ya.

If any of you are itching to work in a corporate culture that's more closely related to the wild west than modern day office jobs with reasonable code of conduct policies to not do dumb shit, your first job application should be to video game companies.

They seem to tolerate any dumb shit down to the last drop.
I seriously do not get grown up men behaving in this fashion in a professional setting. Most of these idiots are rich enough to buy sex from escorts. Why do such things and lose your comfy job?
He's probably a boomer. Dudes from that generation are something else man. Everything is about sex and money.

That being said, not sure I agree with this whole making a bigger deal out of something than it actually is. Doesn't appear that any assault or battery took place in any of these allegations.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Honestly with cancel culture and wokeness, I don't believe a single thing the article says.

LET THE COURTS DECIDE, instead of all this crap. If he was a native African you can be sure there would be no such article.
Are you one of the new 6,000 morons we let in or are you generally just low key racist?

It doesn’t matter if this dude was white or black— they would’ve made the same call. If anything it would’ve been accelerated if he wasn’t white.
Or dudes can just stop being creeps and work instead of excluding more than 50% of the population from a given profession. Seems like a much easier thing to do....
I have No problem with them Being there as long they good enough to be there, but let’s be honest, most are there to fill gender quotas.


Gold Member
Are you one of the new 6,000 morons we let in or are you generally just low key racist?

It doesn’t matter if this dude was white or black— they would’ve made the same call. If anything it would’ve been accelerated if he wasn’t white.
Your labeling means nothing to me.

It does matter that he is white, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 7 years.


I seriously do not get grown up men behaving in this fashion in a professional setting. Most of these idiots are rich enough to buy sex from escorts. Why do such things and lose your comfy job?
Because they are trippin of , excuse the pun relatively position in these spaces. Assuming, some of these men aren't sexual deviants.
I seriously do not get grown up men behaving in this fashion in a professional setting. Most of these idiots are rich enough to buy sex from escorts. Why do such things and lose your comfy job?
It’s like the old saying goes of getting the most intelligent men in a room filled with pretty girls and they become complete imbeciles.


He's probably a boomer. Dudes from that generation are something else man. Everything is about sex and money.

That being said, not sure I agree with this whole making a bigger deal out of something than it actually is. Doesn't appear that any assault or battery took place in any of these allegations.

I wonder how much of him being let go has to do with that fact he's been with Bungie a long time and likely was a large salary being the director for Marathon and an important lead I believe in D1 and D2 days while the company and Sony is trying to save/cut as much as they can on this failed endeavor that was the Bungie purchase.


Thats not really for you to see, privacy is important.

Trust me when i say, HR and corps do far less than they should to mitigate this behaviour. There are a ton of bosses who do this type of stuff, especially when i worked in an ad agency 3-4 years ago.

There have been gay bosses ive worked with who did the same type of thing, its crazy its allowed at a lot of places
Okay, simple. If its not for me to see it, its not for me to believe it.



Could be innocent, could be sinister, really depends on interpretation.

To be honest, my opinion is that any culture that treats flirting as a sackable offence is fucked from the jump.
Its an overcompensation that only makes sense when completely submerged in a mentality of oppressed vs oppressor.

So much for resilience, eh?
How about not doing it where you are the boss at work?
Do it in your fucking private life.

He deserves everything he got and worse.


"The investigation found that Barrett called lower-level female employees attractive, asked them to play truth-or-dare and made references to his wealth and power within the studio, suggesting that he could help advance their careers, according to two people familiar with the case."

I mean...
1. Oh no he called someone attractive. What a monster.
2. Can see the issue with this one depending on what questions and dares were asked/given.
3. Again, need some context, did he suggest sucking him off will get a promotion?

You truly believe that media would report stuff like "if you want to get a promotion, you have to suck my d*ck, honey" and stuff like that?

Of course this is the "polite version"

We dont know what happened, but HR wouldnt fire the Game Director, easily one of the most important roles in a game company (arguibly the most) if they werent sure that he was a creep.

Due to his role I bet that even Sony had a saying here

You guys who think he just complimented someone's hair need to get a grip
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