Didn't mind his part too much, but the running. Jesus h Christ* did someone not point out to him how goofy it looks. Work with the guy for a week and get him to run like a fuckin man.Ezra Miller fucking sucks.
That epilogue though...
Leto Joker was so good. Legit made me feel uneasy in that scene. That smile he gives.
I would love to see a JL2.
Aren’t there like only 2 white main protagonists? The rest are POCs.While watching ZSJL, I noticed something...
All the POC's roles were either deleted or pared down in the Whedon cut.
Aren’t there like only 2 white main protagonists? The rest are POCs.
From one of the worst comic movies to one of the best.
The Patriarchy > Joss Whedon.
Pretty damn awesome all around. Basically Lord of the Rings with DC heroes.
How did you find us, ready the cannonsHow do I wrap my head around a bunch of nerds arguing over a superhero movie?
According to his ex-wife, Whedon blamed "the patriarchy" for having repeatedly cheated on her with Buffy starlets when she found out. I can imagine Whedon looking at Snyder and cursing the patriarchy once again for his personal shortcomings.What does the patriarchy have anything to do with anything?
What the fuck is this guy talking about? Gal Gadot is Israeli. Jason Momoa is Samoan. Ray Fisher is black.Ezra MIller is dutch and german... even though he looks Wasian. Gal is white, Ben is white, Kal-El is white...
Who's gonna tell this guy that his favorite purple space emperor is actually a ripoff of "dark side spelt wrong"?Why is DC so corny?
Darkseid, dark side spelt wrong?
What the fuck is this guy talking about? Gal Gadot is Israeli. Jason Momoa is Samoan. Ray Fisher is black.
He's a better Joker than Heath Ledger, but not as good as Jack Nicholson (who I just realized hasn't been in a movie since 2010)Leto Joker was so good.
But what about his character? in 2017 he was a bit creepy with his you will all love me lines to the amazons while in 2021 he's seeking redemption.I did prefer the look of Whedon's Steppenwolf, compared to Snyder's but both are shit compared to how he looks in the comics.
Why is DC so corny?
DC have Batman and nothing else, all the rest are too corny, cheesy or simplistic.
Man of Steel and BvS are among the worst big budget movies I've ever put myself through. The 2018 Justice League also sucked, but I got more entertainment value out of if that Snyder's films in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way.
I didn't expect to unironically enjoy the Snyder Cut as much as I did. It was pretty great, and might be my favorite superhero movie in years. I kept turning to my friends the whole movie saying "I think... ugh, I think I actually like this movie! A lot!" Hahaha! This movie buries the other version. I didn't expect the Snyder Cut to be this much different. Scenes actually logically flow into the next scene. It feels like an actual movie now! And a good one at that.
Don't forget that Marvel had tight creative control over their IPs to ensure that the writers and director's didn't do anything stupid with their characters.News flash. Phase 1 of the MCU was lightning in a bottle. They had all the right people, the right talent, and the right kind of risk taking to make that happen. Before the MCU, DC and it's characters were overall more popular worldwide, except for Spiderman.
I actually loved Man of Steel and Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition... But I LOVE ZSJL even more! It was breathtaking to me!
I'm sorry but this is such a stupid take, I have to respond.
It really wasn't that long ago when nobody gave a shit about Iron Man. People thought Thor was corny. Ant Man was a stupid sounding hero. Guardians of the Galaxy were nobodies. Captain America was too old school and corny. But then, a guy who knew his shit brought those characters to life, and put talented writers and directors in charge of telling those stories.
Are you really going to tell me that under the same circumstances the same couldn't have been done for the likes of Superman? Wonder Woman? Flash? Aquaman? The Teen Titans?
News flash. Phase 1 of the MCU was lightning in a bottle. They had all the right people, the right talent, and the right kind of risk taking to make that happen. Before the MCU, DC and it's characters were overall more popular worldwide, except for Spiderman.
Goddamn WB...make this a reality NOW!
Throw whatever money you have at affleck and the rest of the cast and let snyder end this the right way!
There are whole side-stories interconnected that you were shepherding. The end of Justice League sets up Deathstroke for a Batman movie that never came.
It does indeed, and we also wanted Ryan Choi. I had this plan to make a movie in China with a Chinese star. The Atom was going to be there. So I don't know. So these are some of the things we're talking about.
That's the Atom.positive reaction the Chinese doctor received
The visually most impressive scene in the movie. Makes him seem pretty much god like.
I actually think DC would be more successful if it forgot about Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc... for awhile and focused on its lesser-known characters. A Martian Manhunter movie, or maybe a Green Lantern movie that was actually serious and not a corny piece of shit?
Goddamn WB...make this a reality NOW!
Throw whatever money you have at affleck and the rest of the cast and let snyder end this the right way!
Give it a read...If they ever do it, they really need to scrap the Clark, Bruce and Lois love triangle. Considering Bruce is partially responsible for Clark's death, him banging Lois makes him look like a real piece of shit, and Lois a shitty girlfriend. Especially if her future baby is Bruce's, that's just extra salt on the wound.
Give it a read...
No mention of that idea, that was scrapped "ages" ago