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Zack Snyder's Justice League |OT| Tell Me...Do You Still Bleed?


Gold Member
Really liked this version.
Thought the other one was disjointed trash with a weird tone.
Snyder cut left me impressed.
Action was good, characters had more depth. I liked Cyborgs character a lot more. Thought the actor did a great job.

That epilogue though...
Leto Joker was so good. Legit made me feel uneasy in that scene. That smile he gives.
I would love to see a JL2.

I would of liked to see Supes rock the red and blue suit. Just looks better imo.


Perpetually Offended
While watching ZSJL, I noticed something...

All the POC's roles were either deleted or pared down in the Whedon cut.


Gold Member
Just fin
That epilogue though...
Leto Joker was so good. Legit made me feel uneasy in that scene. That smile he gives.
I would love to see a JL2.

Have to agree, and I couldn't stand him in Suicide Squad, but here he does very well. That scene is pretty wild.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Is this movie in 4k hdr on the ps5? I feel like I'm only watching this in It doesn't feel sharp at all. Don't mind the black bars but i have an oled so maybe that's why.

Spoiler fee impressions below.

Got up to the tunnel fight and its crazy how whedon chopped out all the action scenes. I can understand leaving out the back story scenes of all the characters but action scenes didn't need any trimming. It's shocking how good some of these scenes are.

And i knew it. I just knew that there was something missing no matter what everyone tried to tell me. Whedon cut out all the best bits of these action scenes. The set up, the cool moves and even the pay off in some scenes. This guy directed avengers. I can't believe he did this. He should know better.

Overall, I'm shocked at how much I'm enjoying it. It feels like a tv show tbh but it's got that heart both man of steel and bvs lacked. I was legit moved by some scenes which is rare from a Snyder movie. This reminds me of the watchmen where the characters were actually given time to breathe and it shows.

All i wanted was the missing scenes from the trailers. The cool shots of Batman standing on a gargoyle, cyborg above the cloud, flash doing flash stuff, but there is so so much more.


Perpetually Offended
Aren’t there like only 2 white main protagonists? The rest are POCs.

In ZSJL, there are more black or POC Amazons ... in Whedon's cut, there were none. And these were ORIGINAL footage in ZSJL... not any recent shoots

Iris was cut out (that's who car crash lady was)

Cyborg's whole story was cut out... making him basically a Deus Ex Machina...

Ryan Choi was cut out

Whedon saving Silas was odd, though.


Watched the whole thing last night, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I didn't mind MoS, and I enjoyed BvS for what it tried (though I thought the Ultimate Edition was actually pretty good). This, though... this lands for me. It's the first comic book movie I've seen in recent memory that really feels large in scale - probably in no small part to its four hour run time. It's still not perfect, though. WB were obviously trying to short-cut to the big "Avengers" team up movie, and JL pays the price; its trying to cram three movies worth of story into one film. But, credit where its due: Snyder, largely, did it - he just needed the time. And, yeah, it takes its time, sets up its pay offs - but it ultimately works where it needs to.

Looking back at Snyder's three movies, its clear he had his vision, but it was interrupted. Batman V Superman suffered from a need to setup the DCEU in, effectively, one film. Snyder did a decent job with it... except WB pressed for a 2 and half hour cut of BvS, which left the film a mess. The Ultimate Cut is a much better version, though it won't win over critics of the darker approach to these characters. Then, its clear WB got cold feet after the theatrical BvS was torn a new one, and gave Whedon the go to, basically, re-do the Avengers. The theatrical cut of JL floated out of my brain as I walked out of the cinema and killed my interest in their future DCEU movies. With this Justice League, though, I feel Snyder's original vision has been vindicated: I want to see this version of Aquaman's movie, this Flash's movie, this Wonder Woman's sequel (1984 was terrible), and I certainly want to see more of this Batman. The Knightmare scene in this had me plenty excited, even though I know it can't go anywhere.

I wish I had of been able to see this in the cinema; it's the rare comic book move that actually earns the format.

Favourite parts:
- Batman and Joker's interaction in the Knightmare scene.
- Steppenwolf's arrival in the amazonian temple.
- Flash running back in time to save the world.
- Aquaman rescuing the sailor and walking back into the ocean.
- That each character got an arc; a set up, a journey, and a pay off. Except Superman, but hey - he had two films already.


Just finished it, went in with low expectations just wanting to see my favorite DC characters do cool shit. Instead I came away feeling fucking blown away and mad all at the same time.

We deserved this film in some form. I know a 4 hour theatrical release wouldn't have worked but damn if they could've somehow made this a two part release while finishing it off with a third installment it would have been magnificent.

The big suits who shat out the hot garbage we got in 2017 need to be demoted to janitorial duties cause they really fucked the potential of the DCEU over by giving us that pos.

This release doesn't just fix a couple things or make it a slightly more enjoyable movie, it escalates it to potentially one of the best comic book movies to date.

Hopefully HBO make a fuck ton of money off this and give Snyder anything he wants to be able to finish his trilogy. I know it won't happen but damn this is bitter sweet if we don't see the continuation and finale we deserve.

2017 release 4/10 simply for some cool action scenes here and there

2021 release 9/10 just due to a few spots that needed tightening up.


Watched this yesterday. Was better than the cinematic cut but still an overall bad movie.

It‘s like 2h longer but only 1h new scenes, the remaining 1h are just slowmo old scenes. The pacing is really pushing it though.

Dialogue still cringeworthy at times and story pretty lame still. Tone is a bit better though, the cinematic version was a joke in that regard.


Why is DC so corny?
Steppenwolf? Can’t take a bad guy serious named after the 60’s band.

Darkseid, dark side spelt wrong?

Also the music used in certain scenes is cringe, Lois getting coffee, the women singing to Aquaman (such a stupid name / character)

DC have Batman and nothing else, all the rest are too corny, cheesy or simplistic.

Also 4:3, fuck off with that shit.
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Perpetually Offended
What the fuck is this guy talking about? Gal Gadot is Israeli. Jason Momoa is Samoan. Ray Fisher is black.

Israeli is nationality. Not race. Israelis are white racially.

Ben is white.

Miller is white.

Cavill is white.

Momoa and Fisher are the only ones who are non-white.

Edit: and that's not what this thread is about. I was trying to point out how Whedon cut out almost all the Amazons of color (if not all), Ryan Choi (The future Atom), made Cyborg a plot device instead of an actual character and valued team member... meanwhile, the original footage had a very diverse cast.
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I am shocked how much better this was than the original. 6/10 to a 9/10

I loved how they changed cyborg. He was awesome in this. Super return gave me chills.

Will watch it again this weekend. It’s Marvel tier


Ezra Miller is great in this. Yes he's goofy and the run is jank, but I blame that more on the direction.

Gal Gadot on the other hand. Fuck. I mean as smashable as she looks, she is a fucking terrible actress. I don't know how Patty was able to get her to be decent in WW 2017, but it's very clear at this point she was so miscast. I thought it was clear back in BvS, but I felt like a minority in saying it, because everyone was just so hyped to see Wonder Woman finally.

And btw, Gina Carano would've been a shit Wonder Woman. "Oh she's pretty and has muscles", get fucked. She's an even worse actress than Gadot.


Why is DC so corny?

DC have Batman and nothing else, all the rest are too corny, cheesy or simplistic.

I'm sorry but this is such a stupid take, I have to respond.

It really wasn't that long ago when nobody gave a shit about Iron Man. People thought Thor was corny. Ant Man was a stupid sounding hero. Guardians of the Galaxy were nobodies. Captain America was too old school and corny. But then, a guy who knew his shit brought those characters to life, and put talented writers and directors in charge of telling those stories.

Are you really going to tell me that under the same circumstances the same couldn't have been done for the likes of Superman? Wonder Woman? Flash? Aquaman? The Teen Titans?

News flash. Phase 1 of the MCU was lightning in a bottle. They had all the right people, the right talent, and the right kind of risk taking to make that happen. Before the MCU, DC and it's characters were overall more popular worldwide, except for Spiderman.


Man of Steel and BvS are among the worst big budget movies I've ever put myself through. The 2018 Justice League also sucked, but I got more entertainment value out of if that Snyder's films in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way.

I didn't expect to unironically enjoy the Snyder Cut as much as I did. It was pretty great, and might be my favorite superhero movie in years. I kept turning to my friends the whole movie saying "I think... ugh, I think I actually like this movie! A lot!" Hahaha! This movie buries the other version. I didn't expect the Snyder Cut to be this much different. Scenes actually logically flow into the next scene. It feels like an actual movie now! And a good one at that.
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Really enjoyed this. Felt like Snyder found a happy medium this time. Does have some stupid or goofy stuff but nothing that really affected the movie in any great way for me. Gonna watch it again this weekend.

Though this edit does feel like it's still that intended miniseries they were originally aiming for. =P


Perpetually Offended
Man of Steel and BvS are among the worst big budget movies I've ever put myself through. The 2018 Justice League also sucked, but I got more entertainment value out of if that Snyder's films in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way.

I didn't expect to unironically enjoy the Snyder Cut as much as I did. It was pretty great, and might be my favorite superhero movie in years. I kept turning to my friends the whole movie saying "I think... ugh, I think I actually like this movie! A lot!" Hahaha! This movie buries the other version. I didn't expect the Snyder Cut to be this much different. Scenes actually logically flow into the next scene. It feels like an actual movie now! And a good one at that.

I actually loved Man of Steel and Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition... But I LOVE ZSJL even more! It was breathtaking to me!
News flash. Phase 1 of the MCU was lightning in a bottle. They had all the right people, the right talent, and the right kind of risk taking to make that happen. Before the MCU, DC and it's characters were overall more popular worldwide, except for Spiderman.
Don't forget that Marvel had tight creative control over their IPs to ensure that the writers and director's didn't do anything stupid with their characters.

I feel like DC is lacking this, or just doesn't give a shit.

I also think Marvel's movies were slightly more successful because they were "new" characters to moviegoers. How many people really knew anything about Iron Man before watching the movie? Or Thor? or Guardians of the Galaxy?

On the other hand, how many Batman movies have there been, and how many of those have turned out to essentially be an origin story? Same with Superman.

I actually think DC would be more successful if it forgot about Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc... for awhile and focused on its lesser-known characters. A Martian Manhunter movie, or maybe a Green Lantern movie that was actually serious and not a corny piece of shit?


I'm sorry but this is such a stupid take, I have to respond.

It really wasn't that long ago when nobody gave a shit about Iron Man. People thought Thor was corny. Ant Man was a stupid sounding hero. Guardians of the Galaxy were nobodies. Captain America was too old school and corny. But then, a guy who knew his shit brought those characters to life, and put talented writers and directors in charge of telling those stories.

Are you really going to tell me that under the same circumstances the same couldn't have been done for the likes of Superman? Wonder Woman? Flash? Aquaman? The Teen Titans?

News flash. Phase 1 of the MCU was lightning in a bottle. They had all the right people, the right talent, and the right kind of risk taking to make that happen. Before the MCU, DC and it's characters were overall more popular worldwide, except for Spiderman.

It’s an opinion, call it what you like. You can agree or disagree but I have always been of the opinion that DC have really corny characters with many of them really one dimensional.

I have never said that Marvel was better, shit I didn’t even mention them at all ..... you did. This isn’t a DC versus Marvel thing, my favourite character from any comic is Batman followed by Judge Dredd.

I think lots of the Marvel stuff is boring, stupid etc.

My post wasn’t even about the movie (outside of the weird music they added to some scenes, it really didn’t fit) it was about DC characters in general. The success of MCU was not part of my opinion or anything to do with it being formed.

In all honesty I feel like I am sick of the whole thing, regardless of the franchise.
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I didn't think I'd enjoy a 4 hour superhero movie, but man I did. Probably my favorite comic book movie since Ledgers Batman movie.

Goddamn WB...make this a reality NOW!

Throw whatever money you have at affleck and the rest of the cast and let snyder end this the right way!
There are whole side-stories interconnected that you were shepherding. The end of Justice League sets up Deathstroke for a Batman movie that never came.

It does indeed, and we also wanted Ryan Choi. I had this plan to make a movie in China with a Chinese star. The Atom was going to be there. So I don't know. So these are some of the things we're talking about.

Looking at the current Chinese box office, the positive reviews of the Snyder cut and the positive reaction the Chinese doctor received, I bet someone at Warner is pitching this idea right now.


I went in with no real expectations, having liked Man of Steel and B Vs S Ultimate Cut.
My wife and I enjoyed it all, surprisingly so. Our only shared edit would of been the final "Nightmare" sequence to be either in the credits or post credits.
I agree with DeafTourette DeafTourette , we lose so much from the plot (motivation, character).
I am sure that some journalists will pick this up, gives more credibility to Ray Fisher.
Having just read the synopsis for the Snyder sequels, cheers J Just_one , pretty gutted that we are unlikely to see them.
Best DCEU movie by a country mile.
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I actually think DC would be more successful if it forgot about Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc... for awhile and focused on its lesser-known characters. A Martian Manhunter movie, or maybe a Green Lantern movie that was actually serious and not a corny piece of shit?

Well Wonder Woman needed a movie. She was way overdue for one.



Goddamn WB...make this a reality NOW!

Throw whatever money you have at affleck and the rest of the cast and let snyder end this the right way!

If they ever do it, they really need to scrap the Clark, Bruce and Lois love triangle. Considering Bruce is partially responsible for Clark's death, him banging Lois makes him look like a real piece of shit, and Lois a shitty girlfriend. Especially if her future baby is Bruce's, that's just extra salt on the wound.


If they ever do it, they really need to scrap the Clark, Bruce and Lois love triangle. Considering Bruce is partially responsible for Clark's death, him banging Lois makes him look like a real piece of shit, and Lois a shitty girlfriend. Especially if her future baby is Bruce's, that's just extra salt on the wound.
Give it a read...
No mention of that idea, that was scrapped "ages" ago


perfect GIF

Loved it, I thought 4 hours would of been difficult to sit through but me and my buddy found it well paced. It's sad to know this group might never be together again for a JL2.


You know, I dont have a perfect memory of the original, I only saw it the once, but I can say that by the final battle the movie had lost me and I was just waiting to exit the theater and go on with my life. Here at like double the length the movie never lost my interest, Im glad I watched this because it was a much better experience.
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