I recently played Dead Space on Series X. This week I bought a copy of Portal 2 on 360 so that I could play co-op with my wife. I own both of these games on PS3 but I can't play either on my PS5. I would very much like to play through the Resistance series again. I could even make a case for playing through all of the old Killzone games. They were a bit a head of their time in a lot of ways. I would like to see what the more powerful hardware would do for games like that. Yet none of these are currently playable on the PS5. Well, maybe if streamed using PS Now. However, I am not even sure they are all on there.
A few others I would like to revisit are all the God of Wars, Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, and most of all Metal Gear.
After seeing the news of the stores for the PS3, Vita, and PSP closing really got me thinking. Not so much that I want to buy these games on those systems. Although, I do really like the Vita and I think they gave up on it too quickly. But rather, I just want to be able to play these games on the PS5.
Give props where they are due.. Xbox has really done a good job at adding backwards compatibility to their platform. But it could be even better. Most of those games I listed are Sony games. I just wish Sony would have the same features on their platform.
I saw earlier today that back compat games are coming to XCloud. So I can now pick up where I left off on Oblivion from my phone. All my old game save are there waiting for me. That is crazy cool. That game is from 2006! I still enjoy the heck of it. We can even go back to Morrowind from 2002. I didn't play that one. Not sure if I should now or not. But it's available if I wanted to.
And before you all say it, yes I know PS3 is super hard to code for and therefor hard to emulate. That's just an excuse. If Sony really wanted to they could find a way. They created the beast they should have some ideas on how to mimic it. And yes, I too want "NEW" games as well. We can have both. If Xbox can do it Sony certainly could as well. Like who doesn't like Dead Space and Portal 2? Sure, they are old but they are still great games. Locking away Metal Gear 4 to a platform that will soon not even have a store front makes me sad!
A few others I would like to revisit are all the God of Wars, Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, and most of all Metal Gear.
After seeing the news of the stores for the PS3, Vita, and PSP closing really got me thinking. Not so much that I want to buy these games on those systems. Although, I do really like the Vita and I think they gave up on it too quickly. But rather, I just want to be able to play these games on the PS5.
Give props where they are due.. Xbox has really done a good job at adding backwards compatibility to their platform. But it could be even better. Most of those games I listed are Sony games. I just wish Sony would have the same features on their platform.
I saw earlier today that back compat games are coming to XCloud. So I can now pick up where I left off on Oblivion from my phone. All my old game save are there waiting for me. That is crazy cool. That game is from 2006! I still enjoy the heck of it. We can even go back to Morrowind from 2002. I didn't play that one. Not sure if I should now or not. But it's available if I wanted to.
And before you all say it, yes I know PS3 is super hard to code for and therefor hard to emulate. That's just an excuse. If Sony really wanted to they could find a way. They created the beast they should have some ideas on how to mimic it. And yes, I too want "NEW" games as well. We can have both. If Xbox can do it Sony certainly could as well. Like who doesn't like Dead Space and Portal 2? Sure, they are old but they are still great games. Locking away Metal Gear 4 to a platform that will soon not even have a store front makes me sad!