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[VGT] Resident Evil Village DEMO: PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Frame Rate Comparison

John Wick

How is it with this ? Another xbox win ? Are we leaving behind the early ps5 wins ? Seems pretty much every new game now performs better on series x in addition to higher resolution and having extra features like vrr. Are people still clinging to the early flukes that ps5 had ?
I'd rather have DualSense features rather than VRR. VRR will come on PS5 but those DualSense features won't be coming on SX


Member from Brazile
That's not realistic otherwise there wouldn't be any dips if the average framerate was 80FPs on Xbox. A 20-30FPs difference would be pretty big.

Edit: Just to clarify from what I learned from Mortal Shell increasing setting will just decrease the performance. Which is why the PS5 handled the 1440P version extremely well but with the boost to 1800P it caused some pretty severe drops. Taking RE8 on any platform and increasing the settings would just make the game perform worse. The issue is that both versions already dip with the current settings so increasing them can make the performance unacceptable like the RT mode with the XSS. At that point the developers might need to lock the framerate at 30FPs to compensate for the unstable peformance. The reason why the games settings are the way they are is because they wanted an acceptable level of peformance at 60FPs. I don't think anyone would say that the game performs badly on either the XSX or the PS5 with it's RT mode.
Xbox fans are different breeds. I have already explained this a few post back, but they keep piling on and ignore everything. It's like they got brainwash and does not look at reality. They expect every game to be large gap like hitman 3. And I have already explained why you see large gap in hitman 3. It's dynamic resolution, and hitman 3 doesn't have it.


Member from Brazile
Soulblighter31 said:
How is it with this ? Another xbox win ? Are we leaving behind the early ps5 wins ? Seems pretty much every new game now performs better on series x in addition to higher resolution and having extra features like vrr. Are people still clinging to the early flukes that ps5 had ?
I'd rather have DualSense features rather than VRR. VRR will come on PS5 but those DualSense features won't be coming on SX
Ignore him. Drive by post without fact. The 3 most recent game have tested are crash, Tony hawk and outriders. 2 favor the ps5 and 1 favor the series x. I have already explained, the two machines gona trade blow with each other for the for seeable future.


Rather surprised that it looks this good, and performs this well on both systems. I've been playing with the demo on my PC (RTX 3070) and I am honestly surprised of how close they are all at first glance, sure, some things will break down under technical analysis, but I think we'd all rather just play the game and have a good time lol.


RE8 looks absolutely ridiculous on the CX.

I wanna get my own; using my bros' when I visit has been LIFE ALTERING.

SX version sounds like the superior version too if it has even slight FPS improvements.
Jesus Christ superior version for 2 FPS of advantage? Are you for real people? More refined I can get it but superior? Some of you are obsessed to claim that superiority at all costs.


From struggling at 1080p at 60fps with no ray tracing on PS5 vs no issues at native 4K on XSX to both using 4k CB with same ray tracing settings and pretty much same performance.
Also Capcom must be punished by Jim for letting a couple of extra frame rate drops slide into the PS5 version, the marketing deal didn't allow for that!?

Oh the FUD and fake stories from ''insiders'' :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Finally the bullshit is over...with this game.
All the re insiders were nothing but bullshit from the admin to generate traffic on their site . It’s like a common knowledge by now .

never trust a rumor from resetera . Period


I get that this is all you folks currently have for the console war (the res/FPS battle rages on)

but you guys are aware that demos are usually from earlier builds of the games, and often don't represent the finished product...

I guess what I'm saying is wait until the game's actually out before you break out the rulers ;)


I'd rather have DualSense features rather than VRR. VRR will come on PS5 but those DualSense features won't be coming on SX

Yeah haptics are nice. I played the game on S yesterday and its noticable since I played the PS5 version earlier. Its noticable when I try the Xbox. But while VRR might come, we don't know when. Won't be before RE, and who knows before 2022 even. I also have Pulse 3D, so I get it on PS5 regardless. I'd probably get RE on X if I didn't have the Sony headset.
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PS4 pro and Xbox X have a two teraflop difference. Same as the PS5 and Series.

Exactly 2 Tflops is a huge difference when you are comparing systems with a lower number of tflops.

When one system is 1.5 Tflops and the other is 3.5 that's a HUGE gap. When one is 10 and the other is 12 not so much.
Tflops are also not a good tool to compare when you know there are architectural differences between the 2 sytems.
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I wouldn't expect this to be "Solved" transparencies are just more complex than regular solid things. Hardware will get stronger but whenever you pushing the visuals you will always get dips.
Yes, I know. Effective processing of transparency /foliage, smoke, fog, fire, glass etc./ - we have been trying to solve it in HW and SW for many decades. I naively thought that in a technically trivial game like Resi Village /static enviroment, dumb AI, Resi 4 GC-PS2 gameplay/, the framerate would not fall from 60-70fps to 45fps with a single puff of smoke.


Yes, I know. Effective processing of transparency /foliage, smoke, fog, fire, glass etc./ - we have been trying to solve it in HW and SW for many decades. I naively thought that in a technically trivial game like Resi Village /static enviroment, dumb AI, Resi 4 GC-PS2 gameplay/, the framerate would not fall from 60-70fps to 45fps with a single puff of smoke.
It's got raytracing and runs at above 1440p. that's enough to turn even old games into hardware pushers.
I get the VRR notification on the TV's OSD in the XSX version, doesn't that mean it's working?


The diagonal sensitivity is definitely not set correctly in the XSX version though so the aiming is even worse than the PS5 version. It would take 10 seconds to fix if you could access the ini but whether Capcom will bother remains to be seen I guess.


It's got raytracing and runs at above 1440p. that's enough to turn even old games into hardware pushers.

Yes. However, Resi RT solutions are only simple /low res/ reflections, they are not present in this scene and a very simple short-range GI bounce, which in truth is also invisible in this scene. That leaves us on a dry cornfield /alpha/ with a cloud of smoke /another alpha/ and the framerate said hello.


Moderated wildly
Rumble motors in triggers and in grips on XSX gamepad are obsolete compared to adaptive triggers and voice coils in Dualsense, hence Dualsense provides much better gameplay experience. Frame rate difference is marginal and point still stands. Funny thing is, both XSX and PS5 have a same amount of framerate drops at shooting scene in RT mode, yet demo doesn't support VRR, but for some reason you didn't noticed framerate drops on XSX, but on PS5 you did. :/

ive played them both it’s not superior. I don’t even like the dual sense in this game. i Personally feel it’s superior on Xbox But they are nigh on identical so you will be fine with the ps5 version.

believe it or not, even with all the fancy dual sense features I still prefer the elite 2 controller.

im not some crazed fanboy either way. I play both consoles a hell of a lot and I just try to be straight with where I see positives.
ive played them both it’s not superior. I don’t even like the dual sense in this game. i Personally feel it’s superior on Xbox But they are nigh on identical so you will be fine with the ps5 version.

believe it or not, even with all the fancy dual sense features I still prefer the elite 2 controller.

im not some crazed fanboy either way. I play both consoles a hell of a lot and I just try to be straight with where I see positives.
The haptics can be good and the wind or ice skating etc in Astros was super impressive but IMO the Dual Sense triggers, while a great idea, are half baked at the minute so I normally turn them off. They feel cheap to me and when you look at the tear downs you can see why. In some games like Fenyx Rising they just make the trigger feel like it is broken.

It's impressive to get the Dual Sense within the same price range as the Xbox controller even just considering the haptics but for me there isn't any advantage from the triggers until they greatly improve the feel and that will take a controller revision.

Data Ghost

The PS5 has done an admirable job of keeping up here. Although the bar isn’t exactly set very high. While I personally think the game looks nice, it’s also not some incredible next gen showcase either.
It’s going to be some time before we see either console in their full next gen glory. For now it’s mostly last gen looking games with a higher frame rate and ‘Ray tracing’ thrown in to light up the eyes of us little assholes.

Data Ghost

I get the VRR notification on the TV's OSD in the XSX version, doesn't that mean it's working?


The diagonal sensitivity is definitely not set correctly in the XSX version though so the aiming is even worse than the PS5 version. It would take 10 seconds to fix if you could access the ini but whether Capcom will bother remains to be seen I guess.
Both versions feel like crap in the controls department to me. Sluggish and odd feeling, like I am dragging my character through glue :/

I played both demos side by side switching inputs on my TV and they felt exactly the same to me…they both controlled like ass.
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The PS5 has done an admirable job of keeping up here. Although the bar isn’t exactly set very high. While I personally think the game looks nice, it’s also not some incredible next gen showcase either.
It’s going to be some time before we see either console in their full next gen glory. For now it’s mostly last gen looking games with a higher frame rate and ‘Ray tracing’ thrown in to light up the eyes of us little assholes.

This is a cross gen game through and through.

The way I see it, were not going to get eye candy at anything close to 4k. Probably lots of reconstructed 1080p stuff. We want next-gen effects, and playable framerates. It seems that we won't get games hitting below 30, in fact games target 60 more than ever. So while the resolutions won't be higher than it was on PS4, the games will look and play far better. With load times being a thing of the past.

Data Ghost

Well there was a contract that had some odd terms regarding parity.
What is this contract I keep hearing about? Did MS pay to have the framerate improvements or is there more to it?

I thought Sony paid to have the demo early to delay people getting to play it on other systems??

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What is this contract I keep hearing about? Did MS pay to have the framerate improvements or is there more to it?

I thought Sony paid to have the demo early to delay people getting to play it on other systems??

Those "parity" contracts are standard in the industry. It's about the content of the games that needs to be the same, not the technical (res / fps) details.
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Moderated wildly
The haptics can be good and the wind or ice skating etc in Astros was super impressive but IMO the Dual Sense triggers, while a great idea, are half baked at the minute so I normally turn them off. They feel cheap to me and when you look at the tear downs you can see why. In some games like Fenyx Rising they just make the trigger feel like it is broken.

It's impressive to get the Dual Sense within the same price range as the Xbox controller even just considering the haptics but for me there isn't any advantage from the triggers until they greatly improve the feel and that will take a controller revision.

completely agree, I’m honestly not a fan of the dual sense triggers. Like the haptic feedback when it’s done well though.

plus I’ve already had one trigger snap on miles morales and I am super careful with my stuff. Cheap controller build on those triggers.

Data Ghost

completely agree, I’m honestly not a fan of the dual sense triggers. Like the haptic feedback when it’s done well though.

plus I’ve already had one trigger snap on miles morales and I am super careful with my stuff. Cheap controller build on those triggers.
I also agree. From a technical standpoint I think the DualSense is superb. A really really nice piece of kit. I love haptics over traditional rumble and the idea behind the triggers is superb. However when I play my brain thinks the trigger has gotten jammed and it feels wrong to push it any harder. In turn it feels like using these as gun triggers just slows my response time down.
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I preordered it on XSX rather than PS5. The small gain in frames will be negligible (I really hope this childish trend of "another one!" console warring because digital foundry spot a 3 frame drop at a certain moment) but having VRR on my TV was what swung it.

The dualsense... to be honest in shooting games I turn it off as it becomes an impediment and a bit of a recipe for tendonitis.


I preordered it on XSX rather than PS5. The small gain in frames will be negligible (I really hope this childish trend of "another one!" console warring because digital foundry spot a 3 frame drop at a certain moment) but having VRR on my TV was what swung it.

The dualsense... to be honest in shooting games I turn it off as it becomes an impediment and a bit of a recipe for tendonitis.
I guess in multiplayer shooter games it can be a big turn-off, but in games like Returnal, it's meant to be simply amazing.

Different strokes for different folks I guess, most importantly is having the option to toggle it on and off.
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I get the VRR notification on the TV's OSD in the XSX version, doesn't that mean it's working?


The diagonal sensitivity is definitely not set correctly in the XSX version though so the aiming is even worse than the PS5 version. It would take 10 seconds to fix if you could access the ini but whether Capcom will bother remains to be seen I guess.

Yes that means VRR is active, if you leave that on you will the framerate moving around in that Hz counter with no impact on the screen, pretty satisfying to watch.
ive played them both it’s not superior. I don’t even like the dual sense in this game. i Personally feel it’s superior on Xbox But they are nigh on identical so you will be fine with the ps5 version.

I'm talking about tech overall. Yeah, rumble motors feels obsolete now. Funny thing is too, rumble difference are bigger between gamepads, bur framerate difference is vastly smaller and both drops framerate wise in shooting section , yet you somehow called it superior on XSX for some reason even demo doesn't support VRR.


Moderated wildly
I'm talking about tech overall. Yeah, rumble motors feels obsolete now. Funny thing is too, rumble difference are bigger between gamepads, bur framerate difference is vastly smaller and both drops framerate wise in shooting section , yet you somehow called it superior on XSX for some reason even demo doesn't support VRR.

please, don’t make absolute statements and speak for everyone. In your opinion (I guess because you probably only own a ps5 and are a huge fan of that console) you think the dual sense controller wins out on a game that is wavering a lot in the 57 to 58 FPS range on your preferred console with no VRR. Supposedly, VRR isn’t working on Xbox you say even though my tv and console says it is, so it must be the more consistent 60 FPS which is making the game feel smoother to me. So I would still prefer the Xbox.

i personally would take performance over some triggers that feel like they are going to snap when I’m shooting a pistol. It’s just my preference for this. You don’t need to speak like you are talking facts. The game is fine on the ps5, enjoy it there :)
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you think the dual sense controller wins out on a game that is wavering a lot in the 57 to 58 FPS range on your preferred console with no VRR.

So, XSX does have same framedrops in equall measure during gameplay. Calling it superior version is crap then. There is no need to spin it. And the majority of gamers doesn't have a VRR TV. Also games are analyzed in its pure form. How it must be. So, what if i have a PS5. It is not a problem to see how is Xbox gamepad at someone else. Yes, rumble motors are obsolete compared to voice coil actuators. Reading also that aiming is bad on xbox version.
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