Julius Ibidus
Where did MS touch you?

Where did MS touch you?
I posted above the transcriptions of both Phil Spencer and the CFO. The CFO said "first or best' which doesn't mean full console exclusive at all. Phil said : "Obviously I can't sit here and say every Bethesda game is [an Xbox] exclusive, because we know that's not true".That is 100% not what Phil Spencer said after the deal closed and you know it. He said they would continue to support LEGACY titles such as FO76 and TESO or provide patches to games that receive patches but future titles are exclusive to GamePass platforms.
I posted above the transcriptions of both Phil Spencer and the CFO. The CFO said "first or best' which doesn't mean full console exclusive at all. Phil said : "Obviously I can't sit here and say every Bethesda game is [an Xbox] exclusive, because we know that's not true".
And Phil wasn't talking only about legacy games, notice that in addition to legacy he also mentions 'contractual things', and that he first talks about investing on existing communities on other consoles (which can mean new DLCs or new games for existing IPs like Fallout, Doom or Elder Scrolls, but let's think he only means DLC) and after that mentions "and even in the future may be" as if talking about future games or IPs "either contractual things or legacy on different platforms":
"There's communities of players - we love those communities and will continue to invest in them - and even in the future there might be...either contractual things or legacy on different platforms that we'll go do."
ZeniMax was looking to sell. How is it guaranteed they would come to Xbox and PC if someone else were to buy them up and prevent it?A useless purchase for MS. All these games and franchises were already coming to Xbox and PC. This is just jerk off material for xbox fans.
Starfield was developed from the ground up as a multiplatform title with zero input from MS and suddenly they call is a new MS IP lol
You can't erase history.
Er except now Microsoft will be getting the money from the game sales, and they wouldnt of before buying Zenimax.A useless purchase for MS. All these games and franchises were already coming to Xbox and PC. This is just jerk off material for xbox fans.
Starfield was developed from the ground up as a multiplatform title with zero input from MS and suddenly they call is a new MS IP lol
You can't erase history.
I think they will very likely be timed console exclusives. I think they will be announced and released for Xbox and PC, and around a year after release will be announced and released for PS5.If you think games like Starfield and TESVI are coming out on the PS5, you're going to have a very rough few years.
Why are you shitting up the thread? These guys are excited for this game. Can you give them the same respect they give you when you guys praise PS exclusive games? I don't see them in there like at all.And to that I say:
So much hype from this game we've seen nothing of outside of random screenshots. Knowing Bethesda, this game is more likely to barely be playable day 1, gameplay be garbage and include a day 1 patch bigger than the actual game.
I think they will very likely be timed console exclusives. I think they will be announced and released for Xbox and PC, and around a year after release will be announced and released for PS5.
I'm not sure why they would want the game anyway since they have nothing positive to say about it.Explain why. In detail. Why when Microsoft pays $7 billion for a company and explicitly states the games are exclusive to GamePass platforms that they'll release them on their direct competitor.
That's like Disney spending $70 billion for Fox and then making new Fox movies for Netflix. It makes zero sense in reality, but people here keep claiming it's going to happen for reasons.
Get over it dude. It's a plastic box with software, this instance is certainly not worth trolling over.A useless purchase for MS. All these games and franchises were already coming to Xbox and PC. This is just jerk off material for xbox fans.
Starfield was developed from the ground up as a multiplatform title with zero input from MS and suddenly they call is a new MS IP lol
You can't erase history.
Er except now Microsoft will be getting the money from the game sales, and they wouldnt of before buying Zenimax.
At one time it was vita exclusive and that ceased when it went to other ps systems but it’s still ps exclusive. So at one time it was exclusive vita then it wasn’t. This game is console exclusive and also available on pc. It’s releasing for both on the same day isnt it?
Exactly. It can’t be xbox and pc exclusive. It can be Microsoft exclusive or xbox service exclusive. NOT exclusive to xbox and pc. It needs to be exclusive to whatever the common is. So tweet your boy and call him out. He used that emphatic spelling out of period but that tweet isn’t accurate. PC running Microsoft windows and owning xbox doesn’t change that. It’s wrong. You’re making this about something it isn’t. It’s about this guy falling all over himself to tweet something and it’s wrong. Don’t get all mad. You can play it day one on an xbox or a pc. No big deal.
hate to be that guy, but it would either be "wouldn't have" or "wouldn't've"
And to add on to your point, not only do they get the money now from Bethesda, but studios can make the games they want instead of needing to make every game a blockbuster to try and get massive sales, and less commercially successful studios like Arkane or Tango get way more security in not potentially being closed down. I'd argue Xbox is getting both "more games" and "better games" because of buying Bethesda, but that argument tends to fall on deaf ears around these parts
This must be the case!!! Gaf is never wrong, especially when they are talking about how much better sony is than microsoft!!Nah, he’s wrong: NeoGAF told me that Microsoft couldn’t afford exclusives, because the ZeniMax purchase was so expensive that if they didn’t put their games on PlayStation that Microsoft would go bankrupt.
There’s a thread on this “tweet by a guy” and it is 100% not accurate. As you said, he even left out xcloud. It’s not a Microsoft exclusive either. There are games like flight simulator that you Cannot play on xbox which is owned and funded by microsoft. When and if they name their service that is all encompassing they can say it’s exclusive to whatever that may be. But today, you’re wrong. It can’t be exclusive to “those” because those are NOT the same thing. Unless you want to turn on youre series x or s and show how you’re playing microsoft flight simulator today? Since they’re the same thingOf course it can be exclusive to those because the underlining context is Microsoft. And let’s be honest, if the dude had claimed Microsoft exclusive you’d still be whining claiming it’s wrong because you can play it on a Samsung tablet using xCloud.
Also don’t be silly. The only person mad here is you, stumbling like crazy trying to muck up something extremely simple. It’s a tweet by a guy. You can literally just ignore it. Hope that helped.
New IP and no one seems to know a damn thing about it. I'm guessing it comes out Summer 2022 at the earliest.We need to see the game first.
This argument is only possibly true in the short-term. The future is unknown. Let's say Arkane or Tango have bomb after bomb. Their engagement on GamePass or whatever is terrible. The studio management falls apart due to the acquisition. Microsoft as a company isn't growing to the extent shareholders desire in the future. This perfect storm for these studios to ultimately be restructured or shed.
Microsoft doesn't have the greatest history with acquisitions, just look at Rare. So we will just have to wait and see whether or not the Microsoft acquisition is for the better or not. I argue that an acquisition of this size is generally not a good thing for the industry as a whole. It really depends on how struggling Arkane/Tango were and if there was risk of them going away without MS intervening.
What's with all the hype around this game and Bethesda in general?
Played all their games in the past 2 decades.
Their games are a technical mess with bugs and crashes.
Or is it a case of now Microsoft own them they are top tier?
If they have "bomb after bomb", they probably would've been canned much sooner being just part of Bethesda, then a longer leash as part of Game Pass, so more games
Also Microsoft is not a singular person, so even if the Rare acquisition didn't work out (which is incredibly subjective and personally I disagree with), to act like Microsoft now is the same as Microsoft then is just as dumb as acting like Sony now is the same now as they were when they launched the PS3. Different people running it. It's entirely disingenuous to act like something that happened 20 years ago has any bearing at all on this acquisition. In fact the fact that it had been that long prior to 2018 that Xbox had made any serious acquisitions should tell you all you need to know about how different Xbox is now then it was in the early Xbox days.
Also, Sea of Thieves is Rare's most successful game (even if personally I'm not the biggest fan), and most of the super instrumental people in early Rare left BEFORE Microsoft bought them, so I'm not sure what "just look at Rare" is supposed to mean in this context? That you are just trying to find arbitrary ways to downplay the excitement of other people?
The way it was explained was that they would still operate however they always did.What's with all the hype around this game and Bethesda in general?
Played all their games in the past 2 decades.
Their games are a technical mess with bugs and crashes.
Or is it a case of now Microsoft own them they are top tier?
Maybe everyone has a tablet or Apple TV? Who knows where the service will end up?It's a good thing everyone on Had has those monster Rigs I keep hearing about
yeah the mikami part is less impactful because ghostwire still gets a full release and we don’t know how many games he has left anyway. Last thing I read on him he sounded kind of done with the industry. Still an awesome creative dude though.Got to admit, I liked both evil within, not enough to say buy a console for or in a league like say god war, but I enjoyed them and reminded me of RE4.
The rest of Betheseda catalogue you would have to remind me what they were, so who gives a crap.
Wake me up when evil within 3 is announced.
Is horizon Zero a Sony exclusive or not?I have absolutely no idea what you’re saying. What I’m saying is, I believe something can’t be exclusive to 2 things. So, console exclusive and also available on pc. You can’t say microsoft exclusive because people would expect to be able to play it on a tablet or something
They've made many beloved games over the course of their history, and have always been viewed as one of the top tier studios by the average gamer, and have tons of super high selling games like Skyrim for instance, they own two of the most popular IP in gaming (Elder Scrolls and Fallout). They were beloved well before Xbox bought them, if anything them being bought has made a bunch of people pretend they didn't like them that much now that they can't play them on Playstation (not everybody obviously)
Great. Tell the guy who wrote the tweet he made an incorrect statement while you play flight simulator on your series console todayOs horizon Zero a don't exclusive or not?
I can play the game on a pc.
Just stop the mental gymnastics aren't helping your cause. Starfield is MS exclusive. HZD is a Sony exclusive
gonna be honest chief, I don't care about Jeff grubb any more than I care about you. Why are you trying to convince me that Jeff is wrong, whilst trying to reinvent the meaning of a console exclusive? PS3 had games release simultaneously on PC, while leaving out xbox and you wouldn't question whether or not they were exclusives? Morrowind released on the original Xbox and left the PS2 out, who would question it's exclusivity status?Great. Tell the guy who wrote the tweet he made an incorrect statement while you play flight simulator on your series console today
That’s not how he phrased it, he never mentioned any titles, that’s why this talk never ended. It’s still up in the air what he actually meant with legacy titles, if he meant the Fallout, TES, DOOM IPs or just TESO and already released games.That is 100% not what Phil Spencer said after the deal closed and you know it. He said they would continue to support LEGACY titles such as FO76 and TESO or provide patches to games that receive patches but future titles are exclusive to GamePass platforms.
Most big 3rd party publishers get a big portion -in many cases half or even more- of their AAA revenue selling games/DLC/IAP on PlayStation, something explained with the install base market share. So I assume it's the same in the case of Zenimax. So I highly doubt they will reject all this huge amount of revenue just to make happy some fanboys, because as a company they will want to recoup the investment they did on Zenimax as fast as possible in some years and to get a positive ROI.Explain why. In detail. Why when Microsoft pays $7 billion for a company and explicitly states the games are exclusive to GamePass platforms that they'll release them on their direct competitor.
That's like Disney spending $70 billion for Fox and then making new Fox movies for Netflix. It makes zero sense in reality, but people here keep claiming it's going to happen for reasons.
You might want to go back and do some reading. I said the game is xbox console exclusive also available on pc. That’s not what he wrote. It can’t be exclusive on xbox AND pc. There’s a difference between exclusive and console exclusive or platform exclusive. Ratchet is a PS5 exclusive. Not available on any other console or platform ps or otherwise. Deathloop is timed PS5 exclusive and also available on pc. His tweet is wrong.gonna be honest chief, I don't care about Jeff grubb any more than I care about you. Why are you trying to convince me that Jeff is wrong, whilst trying to reinvent the meaning of a console exclusive? PS3 had games release simultaneously on PC, while leaving out xbox and you wouldn't question whether or not they were exclusives? Morrowind released on the original Xbox and left the PS2 out, who would question it's exclusivity status?
Mass effect, used to be a console exclusive. Yrs later it rereleased for PS, imagine that? If anything MS has made thier exclusive content more accessible ( Tablet, phone PC, Smart TV streams) while still remaining exclusive to platforms that run MS's proprietary Service: Gamepass. The second Starfield is announced for another console, we can all agree that it's no longer a console exclusive.
Most big 3rd party publishers get a big portion -in many cases half or even more- of their AAA revenue selling games/DLC/IAP on PlayStation, something explained with the install base market share. So I assume it's the same in the case of Zenimax. So I highly doubt they will reject all this huge amount of revenue just to make happy some fanboys, because as a company they will want to recoup the investment they did on Zenimax as fast as possible in some years and to get a positive ROI.
On top of that MS is already losing a ton of money almost giving away 1st and 3rd party games day one on Game Pass, and as Game Pass grows their revenue from 1st party sales on Xbox and PC will keep decreasing because even if a small portion of players will continue buying some of their favorite games on physical even if they already have them on Game Pass, the majority of Game Pass users won't. So until Game Pass grows until a critical mass that allows them to turn it into a profitable business,, if it even achives its, they will want to have a good alternative revenue sources, and the main Zenimax one, or at least a huge one, should be as of now to sell games on PlayStation.
You guys always try to talk around the question.
yeah, that's not really accurate, i don't remember him directing movies like Suburban Sasquatch or the such. they weren't all home runs but 'fair share of bad movies' is more descriptive of a director like Roger Corman (who i think is great). sorry to nerd out on this.
He's been directing movies for 50 years and in that career are maybe three or four that could be considered "bad". And even as "bad" as those are, they're better than most other directors will ever do.
Yet here you are making multiple posts in this thread, you care, a lot![]()
Sony should have started getting a studio together to create elder scrolls and fallout killers soon as Microsoft brought Bethesda. Competition and rivalry could produce some excellent games in the future if they go for it. All the outcry will definitely have got Sony attention.
So if Starfield is on Xbox and PC but not any other console what does that make it.
No GamePass on Playstation - no Bethesda games on PS5. Why Playstation fanboys dont understand this??.
Then why have you played ALL OF THEIR GAMES! Good lord.What's with all the hype around this game and Bethesda in general?
Played all their games in the past 2 decades.
So it's a consoles exclusive? Dope. You get it, I get it and we can all agree that arguing over what tier of exclusivity an IP has is derivative, since each console's respective competitor won't have access to begin with.You might want to go back and do some reading. I said the game is xbox console exclusive also available on pc. That’s not what he wrote. It can’t be exclusive on xbox AND pc. There’s a difference between exclusive and console exclusive or platform exclusive. Ratchet is a PS5 exclusive. Not available on any other console or platform ps or otherwise. Deathloop is timed PS5 exclusive and also available on pc. His tweet is wrong.
Except they aren't. People are ignoring this:
I never said anything different. You just jumped on one post without context. The tweet is still wrong and this thread is about the tweet. They’re making it console exclusive on xbox but they’re probably introducing 2-3 other ways to play the game on their service. It won’t be an exclusive because it’s available on other platforms. You can’t just throw the word around without meaning. He did with an emphatic period like he was being a hype man and he bungled it.So it's a consoles exclusive? Dope. You get it, I get it and we can all agree that arguing over what tier of exclusivity an IP has is derivative, since each console's respective competitor won't have access to begin with.
Maybe they don't need it, but they have been doing it, they said they will continue doing it and in business terms it would be dumb to don't continue doing it. So they will continue doing it. For sure not with all their games, many or maybe even all with timed console exclusivity but they will.You do realize Microsoft is a $2 trillion dollar company and doesn't need any money from PlayStation...right?
Guys, the arguing over exclusive is asinine.
PC is a shared platform. No company owns a PC. It shouldn't even be in the discussion.
Exclusive means only MS and only Sony and only Nintendo. Period.