This. We need a scoreboard period.I get that there's no scoreboard or end of match scoreboard, but is there any way to look at my own stats? Kills, headsets, assists, vehicle kills etc?
Lol voicechat and scoreboard are Legacy features. EA and Dice are so out of touch its unreal.Its a legacy feature ffs
Yup i honestly believe that they think that scoreboards and chat are old skool thinking. They made this title with the younger audience in mind and they think this is progressive multiplayer gamingThey arent. They just had no time left. Business things. These things that are missing arent in because a br game doesnt need it. Its just idiotic teenagers parroting the next best thing they read without thinking just once for themselves.
Or maybe because it's a dogshit Battlefield game. You enjoy it but don't accuse people of shitting on it because of "hive mind" or "trolls". Pure laziness on your part. There's plenty of arguments against the game, both design and bugs. I had seen enough problems from playing the Beta to convince me to stay away from buying the game.The hate for this game is a trend. People do it because others do it no real thought involved. The hive mind have went into full effect. Just like what they did to TLOU II… most trolls never even played the game…I’ll continue to enjoy the game on my 3080…
It's at troll, mate.Or maybe because it's a dogshit Battlefield game. You enjoy it but don't accuse people of shitting on it because of "hive mind" or "trolls". Pure laziness on your part. There's plenty of arguments against the game, both design and bugs. I had seen enough problems from playing the Beta to convince me to stay away from buying the game.
It's pretty evident that has a bunch of short comings but to say it's dog shit is a bad shot for anyone outside of your own opinion.Or maybe because it's a dogshit Battlefield game. You enjoy it but don't accuse people of shitting on it because of "hive mind" or "trolls". Pure laziness on your part. There's plenty of arguments against the game, both design and bugs. I had seen enough problems from playing the Beta to convince me to stay away from buying the game.
I enjoy it, but it’s not what I want from a battlefield game. It’s my least favorite mainline battlefield game, easily.
No one is calling anyone an astroturfer because they ENJOY the game. Thats YOUR bad taste and wasted time. Are people exaggerating and being hyperbolic? Yes. But are people also In denial about this series decline and direction? YES!!! If you enjoy the direction they heading then have fun but without a real community Battlefield is dead. And that wont be up for debate.This is where I'm at. It's easily the "worst" Battlefield yet I still find myself enjoying the game when I play. It must be surprising to people here but there can totally be nuance with the game. If you were to listen to people here if you say you enjoy yourself despite the flaws you're an "astroturfer" (what lol). The only ktber positikn to take is you have such a rabid hatred for the game that you feel the need to come into the OT daily to remind everyone how much you hate it with Steam graphs and youtube videos.
PplSome people take videogams way too seriously, meanwhile I'm participating in some epic 128 player battles with no in bame scoreboards or voice chat and have a good time with it.
Tlou2 is garbage thoThe hate for this game is a trend. People do it because others do it no real thought involved. The hive mind have went into full effect. Just like what they did to TLOU II… most trolls never even played the game…I’ll continue to enjoy the game on my 3080…
No one is calling anyone an astroturfer because they ENJOY the game. Thats YOUR bad taste and wasted time. Are people exaggerating and being hyperbolic? Yes. But are people also In denial about this series decline and direction? YES!!! If you enjoy the direction they heading then have fun but without a real community Battlefield is dead. And that wont be up for debate.
So about that horseshit "Battlefield is always near on entirely unplayable garbage for months after release" narrative certain astroturfers are constantly trying to peddle around here
"there are bugs in the game but they don't take away from the experience enough to be critical of"
Is angry joe also a battlefield/EA shill? Just watched his BF1 review and again, no never ending game breaking bugs. Just balance and community issues.Really? You're going to use YouTube's biggest Battlefield/EA shill as a metric for feedback on the game?
Im sorry but that dosent sound like fun. Eeking out some enjoyment sounds more like a chore than actually enjoying a great product. But go ahead and fight the "real" good fight. Keeping this game alive and not feeling like you wasted some funds towards a title that EA will dump. I dont think youre astroturfing. I genuinely believe you had some good experiences and want to see them progress. After having this since early acess launch...ive lost alot of hope and respect for EA/DIce and the franchise itself. But hey diffrent strokes for diffrent folks. Happy gaming and have fun.If I'm managing to eek out some enjoyment from the game then I'm not entirely sure I would call that "wasted time".
Agreed.2042 is exceptionally hot garbage, even for a b-tier developer like Dice.
Just let it die. Maybe EA will take notice, and do better next time.
Still no auto-squad leader change when leader doesn't give objective ....
So not only is it enough that their are multiple threads discussing all the various issues surrounding the game for people like you to jump in but now you're in the OT telling someone that they have bad taste and are wasting their time, go fuck yourself.Thats YOUR bad taste and wasted time.
You would be much much better off picking up Battlefield 1 and all of its DLC on the cheap instead of jumping into this pile anytime soon.Damn, saw the thread pop up and thought it may be time to take the plunge. Ex neh on that idea, may have to pick up Extraction instead at this point
Dude... the game sucks.The hate for this game is a trend. People do it because others do it no real thought involved. The hive mind have went into full effect. Just like what they did to TLOU II… most trolls never even played the game…I’ll continue to enjoy the game on my 3080…
I disagree and so do others. You're free to think whatever you want, but don't tell others what game is or isn't enjoyable to them.Dude... the game sucks.
Just because its a shit BF game doesnt mean there isnt any fun to be had. It can be pretty enjoyable but its such a step back from what came before is why its gotten so much deserved flak.
This game is basically BF4 without squads, good maps, level destructibility, crazy weapon selection. What they've added is higher player count and specialized gadgets.
Is this Battlefield the way I want it to be? No. Are there design decisions that irritate the hell out of me at times? Yes. But in the end, when I'm in the thick of it capping flags and causing chaos amongst 128 other players I can't help but find myself having a good time. That sounds like a much more efficient usage of my time than frothing at the mouth anytime someone brings up Battlefield 2042 or when I see the OT get bumped.
Hence my "eek out enjoyment" comment. It's very obvious that people out there take videogames very seriously, and whatever that's fine do what you feel, but I just can't. I enjoy gaming, and have since the mid 80s, but I can't be bothered to put this much effort into hating something and to put out this much vitriolic hyperbole over a videogame.
I've thought about this before and I'm certain this meh attitude allows me to enjoy games I see other people spending days on end tearing down.
Is this Battlefield the way I want it to be? No. Are there design decisions that irritate the hell out of me at times? Yes. But in the end, when I'm in the thick of it capping flags and causing chaos amongst 128 other players I can't help but find myself having a good time. That sounds like a much more efficient usage of my time than frothing at the mouth anytime someone brings up Battlefield 2042 or when I see the OT get bumped. So meh, I'll enjoy it for what it is and when I'm done with it I'll do the same thing I do with any other game I'm finished with...move on to the next one.
That's fine and more power to you. However, I cant fault people who expected the latest entry in a long running franchise to actually be better or at least on par with previous entries.
I'm not calling for heads to roll or anything crazy but I think this game is quite a step back for the series. Its hard for me to think of a previous Battlefield game that is not better than 2042 (maybe Bad Company 1?). It is still fun to shoot other people in the face and that is definitely one thing that 2042 does pretty well (gunplay I mean)
I'm wondering if EA is having Ripple Effect (formerly DICE LA which included some Danger Close devs) reboot the Medal of Honor series again or if they'll stick them on an entirely new IP.Know what the worst part about all this is? It's probably going to be years before we see another Battlefield game and even then it'll be a crapshoot whether they will revert back to a more classic Battlefield experience or not.
I can bet my asshole , 4k boost battlefield 4 and battlefield 3 on next gen consoles and they will have more players then this.
Is it not fair to say "it's a dogshit Battlefield game"? I think that's very fair. It's really bad, bugs aside.It's pretty evident that has a bunch of short comings but to say it's dog shit is a bad shot for anyone outside of your own opinion.
Is it not fair to say "it's a dogshit Battlefield game"? I think that's very fair. It's really bad, bugs aside.
Bro fuck off...youre not chatting about anything in this OT but doing damage control. No one is engaging in any discussion about the game because there is none to be had. Its as shallow as a street puddle. Stop looking for safe spaces. This aint reddit and you aint locking this thread. You don't like it..then dont read. Just another opinion on the internet you dont like.So not only is it enough that their are multiple threads discussing all the various issues surrounding the game for people like you to jump in but now you're in the OT telling someone that they have bad taste and are wasting their time, go fuck yourself.
You are a waste of time just like you're wasting your own time even discussing this any further. Nobody is hurting you by playing something they enjoy, move on with your life that you apparently don't have.
"Bro" you should educate yourself and read my previous post, you come across like a screaming immature child. Again you're in a OT for people actively playing a game telling people they have bad taste and are wasting their time, you're in no position to pass judgment.Bro fuck off...youre not chatting about anything in this OT but doing damage control. No one is engaging in any discussion about the game because there is none to be had. Its as shallow as a street puddle. Stop looking for safe spaces. This aint reddit and you aint locking this thread. You don't like it..then dont read. Just another opinion on the internet you dont like.
It's lost over 90% of its playerbase on steam in two months. Not even BFV fell off that hard that fast. Not only that it has sent people running back to older Battlefield games. BFV had double the number of players on steam than 2042 did these past couple of weeks.Yet you wonder why it still moved millions making it one of the fastest selling BFs in history? I don't think a lot of the community takes seriously this type of hyperbole and some times it can back fire.
So did Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite.It's lost over 90% of its playerbase on steam in two months.
So did Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite.
Those games are DOOMED.