That's not an installed base.
So again ... I don't doubt there could be a game pass app on TVs in the future. But that's not the question. That idea also kind of goes against what you're saying.
Back to the question. Do you really believe XCloud is going to bring heretofore undiscovered gamer billions to the fold? All it's gonna take is an app, a (currently) 15 dollar a month subscription and a 60 dollar controller? This is seriously going to get more people into gaming than something like the Switch (think simplicity and fun here)?
I got nothing against you btw, I am not trying to pick on you here and the rest of this post is meant to the forum in general. Clearly your avatar shows you are a person of great taste.

I just don't see the logic behind a lot of this stuff and it also seems to contrary at times. I'll explain below.
Again this is only directed to the Xbox-only crowd that seems to think everything MS does is brilliant. Never mind the fact that no matter WHAT you do, all choices entail trade offs. There are opportunity costs to everything, so there is no way any one company is executing in a way that satisfies their base all the time. I can come up with a ton of stuff I would rather Sony or Nintendo be doing than what they are doing. This whole idea of "perfect execution" at MS seems to exist among a small handful of posters here that jump into every one of these topics with mocking tones and thin arguments.
Ok so here goes. What actually matters for MS? Remember when Series X was revealed ... what was the narrative? The most powerful console ever made. How about we go back to the X1X? What was one of the terms they decided to use there? Does "Uncompressed pixels" ring a bell to anyone? (
Source) Visual fidelity has been the name of the game, and apparently what gamers want most. Remember the bragging about how the Xbox controller was eliminating latency at the hardware level for super fast, responsive gaming, at a level we have never experienced before? (
Source) Ok so we have established that MS pushes their ecosystem based on bad ass visuals, and response gaming. Remember, this is what MS and Xbox gamers are insisting consumers want for "next gen gaming" (notice no emphasis on content).
What is MS getting their die hard clan to state these days? "Streaming is the future."
How in the hell do these two ideas square up with each other? If streaming is the future, why was there a need to engineer such low levels of latency and pack in as much GPU power as possible? Why not just make them all a Series S console since a cheaper price point is more accessible, and if streaming is acceptable clearly you don't need a Series X. Has anyone tried streaming Forza, or Halo Infinite via XCloud? I have. And I have gigabit fiber internet. I've played a bunch of games that way to test it out. It doesn't even come close to looking as sharp as a native console, and even though the gameplay experience when its working well is "not bad", it's certainly not feeling like being directly plugged in. Heck, I can tell when my TV is not on "game mode" and the slight latency drives me nuts. Unfortunately with streaming there are physics involved and it will
never ever beat having a console plugged into a TV. And someone is trying to sell me on the idea that this is "the future"? Things are generally meant to
improve with time, when it comes to tech. Not offer me worse image quality, and a worse gameplay experience, and then have my game experience hiccups when there is the slightest problem with the network connection. I mean, you can't even stream a movie without it being
noticeably worse in both video and audio than a UHD or even a Blu Ray disc sometimes. And people think games are going to be great this way?
So which is it, Xbox-only folks that insist hundreds of millions, or billions, of people are just waiting for some magical moment to jump into gaming via streaming? I thought gamers wanted the best performance on the planet? Or do they just wan't "good enough" now? I mean, we still see constant arguments on this board over PS5 and XSX performance. Once you bring streaming into the picture there, you can throw all of that out the window. The native PS5 game will win against Xbox streaming handily every single time. And why aren't these missing gamers already buying a controller and streaming their games via any one of the devices that already do it? Everyone already has these things you know. Computers, mobile devices, etc. They blanket the planet
already. But we live in a world where the Switch just crossed the 100 million mark and the Xbox One consoles never got much past 50 million. Again, where and when does this tidal shift occur?
And all of this time, Sony and Nintendo are not sitting doing nothing ...