I just saw the trailer with a bunch of people who are out of the loop, and they definitely thought it was a movie trailer.Looks really good, definitely high budget. Probably the best looking TV show I have ever seen.
I just saw the trailer with a bunch of people who are out of the loop, and they definitely thought it was a movie trailer.
It’s about time New Zealand brought out a new tourism video.
Haven't you ever wondered what else is out there?!
There are things beyond our wandering!
Indeed, the real quote is from Frodo:I don't think that is a real quote and it's definitely not a quote from Tolkien.
Indeed, the real quote is from Frodo:
“The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make. I don't think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them.”
But this as the top comment is still funny af.
I don't think that is a real quote and it's definitely not a quote from Tolkien.
It's a YouTube comment. It's at least legible and not talking about which other youtuber brought them there. It's not that bad all things considered.Perhaps, but still it’s funny that this person is obviously all, “we know the source material better than the people making the show!” as they simultaneously fuck up a quote.
It’d be like seeing a YouTube video of a guy ranting about Book of Boba Fett while wearing a shirt that say, “R2-D2 Shot First”.
The elf scaling a mountain with a dagger
I'm calling it, this is going to be sequel trilogy level of storytelling.
Perhaps, but still it’s funny that this person is obviously all, “we know the source material better than the people making the show!” as they simultaneously fuck up a quote.
“No, they eat and drink, Sam. The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them; and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures. Foul waters and foul meats they’ll take, if they can get no better, but not poison. They’ve fed me, and so I’m better off than you. There must be food and water somewhere in this place. (The Return of the King, VI,1).”
I think it's a very very loose description of Melkor, and how he wanted to imitate / supplant Eru to create life in his own image.
Kinda applies to this series, too![]()
This show is gonna enter the Guinness Book of Records for most expensive turd ever.
that was a bland, boring, soulless design-by-committee trailer.
IMO there is nothing wrong with changing up adaptations as long as the story is still good. That's yet to be seen though.
And I know people think they should have created their own thing, but fantasy and SciFi are expensive and risky. I guess in a way they are creating their own thing within Tolkien's world, at least it sounds like it based on various comments in the other thread.
Haven't even bothered watching the trailer, but I was kind of expecting to react that way.
I personally disagree. Sometimes changes need to be made to adapt a novel to screen. That I understand and agree with. However, change an adaptation too much, or in this case, complelty make up the story as you go along and just slap Tolkien's world on top like slapping magnets on a fridge, and then you end up with nothing more than bad faction that disrespects the authors original vision.
Cringy as fuck. Also, why are all the comments below in Russian?