Grildon Tundy
Edit: The Off-Topic version can be found here:
And the Communities one here:
Original Post Below:
Here is the follow-up to a previous look at the GAF community from a data-driven perspective. A few people in that thread asked about a Gaming Discussion version, so here it is! Following up with a separate post for visibility.
The first thread, which focused on the Off-Topic section, can be found here:
Gaming Discussion, Overview & Highlights:
Most Comment-Generating Members
The Last Word: We've looked at the folks starting the threads, but what about the folks who close them out? Here are the users that have been the "Most Recent" Commenter on threads in 2022 and their frequency.
Lots of familiar names here!
The Threads That Just Won't Die
Memory Lane: Most Popular Threads Since 2018
That's it for now. Thanks all!
Maiden Voyage
tagging you here since it sounded like you were interested in seeing Gaming back in the original thread
Edit: thanks to whoever moved the post to Gaming. I put it in Off-Topic, since it was more meta-related to the Gaming section, but this makes sense too
And the Communities one here:
Original Post Below:
Here is the follow-up to a previous look at the GAF community from a data-driven perspective. A few people in that thread asked about a Gaming Discussion version, so here it is! Following up with a separate post for visibility.
The first thread, which focused on the Off-Topic section, can be found here:
Gaming Discussion, Overview & Highlights:
- In 2021, 1,050 new Gaming threads were created each month
- For comparison, this is about 4-5x the volume of Off-Topic
- In 2021, 1.4 MILLION comments were left on Gaming threads
- The Top 5% of threads account for one-third of all comments
- The typical Gaming thread has 30 comments and 2,000 views.
- In other words, there are 65 views for every comment. Lurkers, where you at?!
- Lifespan of a Gaming Thread
- One-third (33%) of threads die on the day they're posted
- The median thread life is...1 day :'(
- Only 25% of threads make it past one week
- One-third (33%) of threads die on the day they're posted
- 2022-to-date, Gaming threads have been created by 854 unique & still-active users
- Of those 854 OPs, they created two threads on average
- OPs with the most submitted threads
IbizaPocholo has created the most threads this year, with 1,072 so far--That's 4.5 threads per day!
Draugoth ,
Bullet Club ,
Lunatic_Gamer ,
cormack12 ,
adamsapple ,
ManaByte , R reksveks , and
VGEsoterica round out the Top 10
- The 20 people listed below have submitted about half (45%) of all Gaming threads this year. IbizaPocholo accounts for 15%!

Most Comment-Generating Members
- As for threads that generate comments,
Jooxed is at the top, with an average of 420 comments per posted thread
DonJorginho ,
SlimySnake ,
3liteDragon ,
AlexxKidd ,
Arioco ,
HeisenbergFX4 ,
Eddie-Griffin ,
kyliethicc round out the Top 10
- Special shoutout to
Draugoth for being the sole poster with over 100 threads to crack the Top 20--and he did it with nearly 600-to-date

The Last Word: We've looked at the folks starting the threads, but what about the folks who close them out? Here are the users that have been the "Most Recent" Commenter on threads in 2022 and their frequency.
Lots of familiar names here!

The Threads That Just Won't Die
- The oldest thread with a comment in 2022 was started in June of 2004--over 18 years ago: "Cheating in Online Games. Is there any hope?"
- Looks like someone did a run of June 2004 Necrobumps back in February of this year. Hm...
- "Videogame facts that blow your mind" may be the winner in terms of older threads keeping engagment at 15K comments-to-date

Memory Lane: Most Popular Threads Since 2018
- The thread with far and away the most comments since 2018 was started in May 2019: "Next-Gen PS5 & XSX OT - Console Thread Tech" with an amazing 221,000 comments
- The #2 monthly thread has less than a tenth of #1's comments at 13,000 ("What game are you currently playing", Feb 2018)
- Surprising to see not many crack the 1,000 comment mark. If a thread DOES crack 1,000, congrats are in order, because it's joined the top 0.3% of all threads

That's it for now. Thanks all!

Edit: thanks to whoever moved the post to Gaming. I put it in Off-Topic, since it was more meta-related to the Gaming section, but this makes sense too
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