Touch fuzZy. get BizZay
ur consistent
Mario was never good.
Every thread is a Sonic love thread.There is other threads to love Sonic in.
The lists are out pretty soon.Super Mario 64
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario 3D Land
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario 3D World
I prefer Odyssey and Sunshine over Galaxy.
No. Tons of fun exploring the environment. Great hub world.I think Mario Sunshine... is easily the W O R S T
I always like to share this video about Mario Odyssey as I agreed with most of it
A fantastic game but not the best Mario game by far (personally 3D world is mine)
- the ending is bad, Peach doesn't seem appreciative at all, didn't respect my time
Sounds kinda like the description of many great blockbuster movies: Amazing when you've seen them for the first time in the theater, but don't necessarily become something you want to revisit years later due to out-dated special effects and such. And Nintendo have always offered those kind of experiences. Sure, there are some that never age, but they've always been the Disney of video games. And that's fine.Super Mario Odyssey gets the best critic ratings for a reason, it's a very well crafted game that's fun to play, it improves on the aspects of the previous games and does them better, the Galaxy games are close but seem far too restrictive in size and scope of their levels to compete with Mario's latest 3-D outing. Nostalgia plays a massive part in all this, I got the Mario 3-D collection and those games although still good, are nowhere near the masterpieces they were back in the day.
And the same with older games as well, when they are released they are ground breaking, but as time moved on they lose some of their initial appeal.Sounds kinda like the description of many great blockbuster movies: Amazing when you've seen them for the first time in the theater, but don't necessarily become something you want to revisit years later due to out-dated special effects and such. And Nintendo have always offered those kind of experiences. Sure, there are some that never age, but they've always been the Disney of video games. And that's fine.
Went back to the LotR trilogy a couple of weeks ago. It still moves me, but the effects haven't aged well, nor has the Gimli/Legolas banter (which was always kind of annoying and not canonical). The memories of my original experience of it in the theaters, though, are great. I got my money's worth. Same with Sunshine, Galaxy, etc., etc.
To be honest not surprised by this thread, Galaxy's biggest crime is it's sales success because it's on the Switch, Nintendo being successful rarely sits well with some on here. We know this game is good because of all it's review scores both critic and user, of course user reviews are only brought up when they are poor of course. And obviously these critic reviewers are not in peoples pockets or a blind Nintendo fanboy when they all gush over a triple AAA game like Elden ring for example.Mario Galaxy is the best 3D Mario
Not the best Mario game but that festival level is the peak of the whole franchise
This is 100% true, I fully agree.- The moons are dumb. Way too many of them and way too easy to collect, quality over quantity
- The boss battles are piss easy
- The kingdoms are too small
- the ending is bad, Peach doesn't seem appreciative at all, didn't respect my time