I can't stop thinking about this
Like many of you I watched hotd season finale last night and there is an incredible dragon chase scene in it.
I thought about how similar the world building in fs games and westeros. Both middleage-esque europelike worlds with dragons, depends on deep lore, traditions, customs and laws.
I realised how fs has been teasing dragons since demons souls. As an enemy, as a background, as a theme but never as a companion till elden ring.
Not to fool you, you obviously dont have a dragon as a companion or as a mount but very important -might be the most important- character in the game has a deep connection with a dragon.
i strongly believe it is time for us to mount a dragon in a very grand way.
This should be the next step in fs gameplay evolution.
The reason why believe the time is now is simple: ssds
In order to have fun and engaging dragon riding gameplay, dragons need to be fast and the map has to rendered in a fast pace. With old hardware this would have been impossible. I remember imsomniac devs talking about how they capped spider-man's swinging speed because with hardrives the world was very hard to render.
You need a massive world and with elden ring fs have already prooved they can do it best.
When you think about it with elden ring, fs has done two things that they never did before, massive open world and mounting. It almost feels like they are already building up to dragons.
If one developer can make a game with fantastic dragon gameplay, combat and traversel, its from software.
Its been 13 years in the making.
We shall have it at last.
Like many of you I watched hotd season finale last night and there is an incredible dragon chase scene in it.
I thought about how similar the world building in fs games and westeros. Both middleage-esque europelike worlds with dragons, depends on deep lore, traditions, customs and laws.
I realised how fs has been teasing dragons since demons souls. As an enemy, as a background, as a theme but never as a companion till elden ring.
Not to fool you, you obviously dont have a dragon as a companion or as a mount but very important -might be the most important- character in the game has a deep connection with a dragon.
i strongly believe it is time for us to mount a dragon in a very grand way.
This should be the next step in fs gameplay evolution.
The reason why believe the time is now is simple: ssds
In order to have fun and engaging dragon riding gameplay, dragons need to be fast and the map has to rendered in a fast pace. With old hardware this would have been impossible. I remember imsomniac devs talking about how they capped spider-man's swinging speed because with hardrives the world was very hard to render.
You need a massive world and with elden ring fs have already prooved they can do it best.
When you think about it with elden ring, fs has done two things that they never did before, massive open world and mounting. It almost feels like they are already building up to dragons.
If one developer can make a game with fantastic dragon gameplay, combat and traversel, its from software.
Its been 13 years in the making.
We shall have it at last.