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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


Gold Member

Sacked. Let that sink in. Your life ruined for a 7 year old tweet and following people on twitter. Wtf.

It is so deliciously schizophrenic that they always exclude people in the name of tolerance and inclusiveness 🤓 sorry for her, let’s hope she has a strong enough fan base to weather the dumbstorm


Probably going to wait for the dust to settle.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
I assume this is a reference to the movie

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

or a really, really similar coincidence!
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I know I'm being framed as being all on one side of this, but I want to relate a personal anecdote for a minute because I actually have dealt with this IRL and it takes some nuance.

I know a kid who I have watched grow up. Always presented male. Still does, at least publicly. They came out to us as trans, although they never showed obvious signs of gender dysphoria growing up. They are currently SCREAMING HYSTERICALLY for puberty blockers, partly because puberty has hit hard, fast, and early in a way that must be traumatic. Psychologists say no, parent say no. Kid asks me and my wife for support.

I said to the kid, "Look, I remember what it was like to be 13 and the idea that I would have been asked to make any permanent life-altering decision at 13 is horrifying." My wife says "You know I had gender dysphoria at your age too, but it got better and now I love being a woman." But we also said, "Look, transition takes years. You haven't even started presenting female/femme publicly yet. If you'd like to change your name and pronouns and start presenting differently, of course we will support you. My wife took them to a make up tutorial. Like we're not being invalidating, but we're just like "Take baby steps and try before you buy." We are being supporting and respectful, but encouraging caution and exploration, and not jumping right to medical intervention.

So it's not like I think every kid that wants hormones should get them. I don't. But I have also met kids where it's just screamingly obvious that they are trans from day one. So I think it's gotta be case by case, but erring on the side of caution.
Just leave this poor kid alone? As you said yourself seemingly psychologists said no and PARENT TOO, yet here you are with your wife trying to support this kid with what exactly? Dude if I'd be this kid's parent I'd be furious.

"But I have also met kids where its just screamingly obvious that they are trans from day one."

You are absolutely insane, I actually cannot believe what i've read.
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If the 1s lose their lively hoods what should happen to a 5?

The lack of tolerance and skill around articulating oneself in a debate/conversation is such a huge loss.

It used to be fun to intellectually spa with someone with a different point of view and see if you would learn something new and potentially change your own opinions after.


Resident Cheap Arse
So do y'all think that LRG are going to permanently silence their socials from here on out, or will they open them back up for more doses of reality?

They'll keep it locked down for a week or so and then open up again with lots of blocking of users who comment about the issue.

As a company they're well versed in controversy and riding out bad PR. In the past they've taken heat for everything from dodgy releases including broken games and bait and switch, to being caught blocking western releases of games and having english language text removed from games in other regions so that people are forced to buy their release.

Hopefully people will remember and continue to highlight their actions on this as well as holding steady and refusing to buy from the company. Their behaviour here absolutely shouldn't be overlooked or allowed to pass. Not only did they fire a loyal employee at the behest of a twitter mob (led by a nutter with a history of malicious attacks on others), but they opportunistically made a public show of that employee's firing in a wholly reprehensible attempt to cash in and make a PR gain at her expense.
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Diversity of select labels and immutable characteristics, not diversity of thought or speech.

We know none of these false virtue ideologues ever practice the actual definitions of the words they coopt, just bastardize.

Truth be told they probably fired here in a panic move to appease the woke and are now panicking again because it turned out to be even worse than standing by their employee. In other words, they are incredibly stupid and incompetent, regardless of whatever "values" they want to uphold (in reality its just money, someone there decided they would lose less money this way and now they are fucked).

Can't say I have any simpathy, it's just funny to me at this point.

SF Kosmo

Just leave this poor kid alone? As you said yourself seemingly psychologists said no and PARENT TOO, yet here you are with your wife trying to support this kid with what exactly? Dude if I'd be this kid's patent I'd be furious.
Our families are very close, see each other every day, and we have an aunt and uncle like relationship with the kid. The parents were well aware of the conversation and thanked us.

This is the problem with people like you, you can't even even have a conversation without you writing your own fan fiction instead of engaging with what I am saying.

Anyway mods have asked me to stop debating these issues and you're clearly not going to hear anything I have to say so let's leave the rest for another lifetime.
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So do y'all think that LRG are going to permanently silence their socials from here on out, or will they open them back up for more doses of reality?

Considering LRG are (were?) a shitty, scummy company to begin with, no, I don't think they'll go silent.


TIL about Limited Run Games.

Also, I like Harry Potter and can't wait for the next season of C.B. Strike. So please don't cancel me.


What are the chances there is no financial impact to the company at all. Because everyone on twitter is online warriors and will still buy their products. It works both ways. The best thing they could do is admit they messed up and apologize. Not saying they should hire the employee back, maybe they should. But if I worked for that company, I'd be making sure my on footprint was squeaky clean.
Anyhow until their bottom line is impacted, it's all just empty threats. Gamers are addicts and need their fix, wherever it may be from.


Ugh, didn't know about this topic. That title...
It gets quite hard to follow the line. GAF needs to implement threadmarks.

  • There's a woman called Kara Lynne that works at Limited Run Games as Community Manager.
  • There's a Twitter account by the nick "Purple Tinker (hates Elon)".
  • Kara Lynne tweets about how she's excited for the next game Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Purple Tinker identifies as a trans woman (a woman that was a man).
  • She (he, or whatever, see next bullet points) gets upset by this fact due to Rowling's "transphobia" controversy.
  • Purple Tinker starts digging hard into Kara Lynne's Twitter feed, as far as going into 7 years old tweets.
  • Purple Tinker finds tweets where Kara Lynne express her discomfort on predatory men using trans rights (like being able to go into women's bathroom posing as trans women) in order to harass women.
  • Purple Tinker also finds she follows a couple of "alt-right" associated accounts.
  • Purple Tinker calls her out on this and points towards her job position as CM of Limited Run Games.
  • Purple Tinker tweets about it and asks Limited Run Games to fire her.
  • Doesn't get too much attention until this is picked up by Resetera users.
  • A Resetera thread gets created on the topic and start a witch hunt.
  • Limited Run Games terminates Kara Lynne as their Community Manager and finally fires her.
  • Kara Lynne's husband gets upset by it and calls the company out.
  • Resetera users are not satisfied. Now they start another witch hunt asking to fire him (they start digging on him and find that he has worked on some key art for a game published by Limited Run Games but don't know if he actually works at LRG).
  • At this point the controversy erupted and is all over the place. So supporters of Kara Lynne start digging into Purple Tinker's history.
  • Finding Purple Tinker is a trans woman that is also a Brony and creator of "BronyCon".
  • Brony: adult people fans of the show My Little Ponny, into "Furry" cosplay and cartoon furry (zoophilic) porn.
  • This BronyCon is known for having multiple pedophiles among its community. Going as far as having tried to abduct an 11 years old child in one of this BronyCon events.
  • Upon further digging, it is found that Purple Tinker also harassed another Brony fan for 2 years straight, stalking, doxxing and threatening of murdering him.
  • Finally, it is found that Purple Tinker it is also a pedophilia defender and probably a pedophile her(him)self. Lots of "receipts" were found on the matter in old Tumblr.
  • Purple Tinker closes his Twitter account.
  • Resetera closes their witch-hunting thread, calling thread derailing. Refuses to elaborate further lasts events.
  • You are here.
Can’t wait to see which movie studio picks up the rights to this.
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Neighbours from Hell
Fired for such a ridiculously minor comment. She wasn't calling to exterminate trans people.and then for a few accounts she follows?

I have around 100 LRG and I'm done with them. Never again.
This is why activists spent years laying the groundwork for calling totally benign beliefs and opinions "evil."

Cowards and weak people will just nod their head and go along with these narratives, no matter how dumb and illogical, because they feel it makes them come off as virtuous.

Well now that this narrative is established and has caught on and been accepted, crazy people can point to basically any innocuous comment, claim it's "harmful" or "evil" and get people fired or in trouble for it. This was always the goal from the beginning. To silence those whose beliefs they don't like.

In a span of about 10 years we've gone from someone saying a comment like "Trans people suck and shouldn't have rights!" is what would've been considered transphobic. To now "A convicted serial rapist of women who now identifies as trans shouldn't be allowed in a women's prison" is considered hateful. That's how crazy the discourse has gotten. This is what happens when you allow crazy people to dictate discourse, you get crazy discourse.
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This is why social media is a mistake. All the weirdos come out of the closet.

Let's give a real life example of what would probably happen to me if I started posting on Twatter and held a high profile job:

Night13x posts that he likes power rangers
Some dumbass takes notice of my tweet and digs through all of my life history
Makes the assumption that the original yellow power ranger Trini Kwan played by Thuy Trang died in real life 2001 and suddenly accusing me of asian hate.
Realizes I am married to an asian wifu
Harrasses my wife to devorce me and take all my money and life bc I am now accused to asian hate crimes.

As facepalm as this is - this shit does happen more than you think (as seen in this topic). Lots of scary evil sickos out there (see twitter mass mobs and REEEE) who get off on this kind of things.

My advice - don't do social media to a large extent. It doesn't work in this age.

Aaron Olive

I find it ironic that every time I hear something crazy coming from these men that want to be women it’s always the ones that know they can’t pass off as looking like they’re women so they attack real women and their livelihoods.

Look at this foolishness!

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Took a quick look and the vast majority don't follow him.
I wanted to know how the angry posters heard about all this, so that gave me an excuse to try out Twitter api for the first time (following/followers endpoints are really limited).
I've checked the twit that was mentioned - 205 people commented.
Out of that number, 35 are following LRG, 61 are following Ian, 112 are following Libs.
So, there are some people that care about LRG. But I am sure that majority cares about LRG as much as Purple Tinker does.


So do y'all think that LRG are going to permanently silence their socials from here on out, or will they open them back up for more doses of reality?

LRG made their subreddit have a title limit of 10 characters because there was so much negativity for how they handled a few releases. That 10 character limit happened mid 22 and lasted a few months.

They don’t do criticism well, at all.
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Gold Member
I disagree and the decision made negatively impacts their company more so than keeping her.
Even worse was they didn't even do it privately. If the CM wanted to post about it later she was fired that's on her, but the company made a big deal out of it promoting their decision on the issue (which stems from a political thing) by publicly the gaming world they fired her.

Video game related companies love telling the world everything that goes on.

Winter John

Sure they had a choice. They could have stood behind their employee and not bowed to a shallow political mob. Would that have been the better choice? From a business standpoint, hard to say. Could be they were fucked no matter what they did. But if I'm going to be fucked either way then might as well be fucked doing the right thing.

From a business standpoint they didn't have a choice. What they had was a PR employee who was bringing a PR shit storm to their door. It's easy for everyone sitting on the outside to say the company should have stuck by her. They ain't the ones sitting watching their company's image being flushed down the toilet and their profits being threatened by an angry mob screaming about their transphobic employee. We can all agree she got a bad rap. No doubt if she'd been a bookkeeper or whatever they could've moved her around to some other department. Hidden away. You know, like Ubisoft and Activision do with their sex offenders.


Gold Member
From a business standpoint they didn't have a choice. What they had was a PR employee who was bringing a PR shit storm to their door. It's easy for everyone sitting on the outside to say the company should have stuck by her. They ain't the ones sitting watching their company's image being flushed down the toilet and their profits being threatened by an angry mob screaming about their transphobic employee. We can all agree she got a bad rap. No doubt if she'd been a bookkeeper or whatever they could've moved her around to some other department. Hidden away. You know, like Ubisoft and Activision do with their sex offenders.
a no the shit come from shits who do not buy or play games.


Identifies as young
From a business standpoint they didn't have a choice. What they had was a PR employee who was bringing a PR shit storm to their door. It's easy for everyone sitting on the outside to say the company should have stuck by her. They ain't the ones sitting watching their company's image being flushed down the toilet and their profits being threatened by an angry mob screaming about their transphobic employee. We can all agree she got a bad rap. No doubt if she'd been a bookkeeper or whatever they could've moved her around to some other department. Hidden away. You know, like Ubisoft and Activision do with their sex offenders.

Sure, but it is easy for anyone saying what should have happened being on the outside and that applies to you as well. The company is getting slammed on social media and is resorting to silencing anyone who speaks up against them. Doesn't sound to me like they were very successful in saving their company's image at all.


I just caught up with all this. They(LRG) created a self-inflicted wound🤦‍♂️. This is why you don't react to everything that comes across your feed. And they clearly didn't do any research on the person complaining(who clearly needs Psychotherapy at least) . What imbeciles.
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Winter John

Sure, but it is easy for anyone saying what should have happened being on the outside and that applies to you as well. The company is getting slammed on social media and is resorting to silencing anyone who speaks up against them. Doesn't sound to me like they were very successful in saving their company's image at all.

I'm not talking what should have happened. I'm talking about what did happen because from a business viewpoint I understand why they canned her. The rights and wrongs of it don't interest me much. She got a bad rap is about as much as I wanna say about that side of it. How this shit show affects them in the long term is anyone's guess.


Sure, but it is easy for anyone saying what should have happened being on the outside and that applies to you as well. The company is getting slammed on social media and is resorting to silencing anyone who speaks up against them. Doesn't sound to me like they were very successful in saving their company's image at all.
What should have been done is she gets suspended till a real full investigation of what happened is done to see if she was really in the bad or not.

this will shut the clowns at that purple ugly site. However, if she wasn't in the wrong, then yes the company should defend its employee. what shitty run games did is nothing of this and threw the employee under the bus. a prime example of a shitty company. period.

People should start a witch hunt on the company. this will show that this dirty game these extreme people do can also backfire on them.

one more note: when people will stop using their real name or identity and their real pictures on the internet? isn't this like 101 by now?
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