Mibu no ookami
Demoted Member® Pro™
I think that's crazy to say that, why does anyone have to "give up" their playstation....Why not buy both? why aren't those people buying both consoles? There's something deeper involved and I don't think any of us understand it.
I get it when you are talking about the everyday public who just buy fifa and Cod/Madden...but theres millions of people out there that consider themselves hardcore gaming hobbyists but refuse to own anything but a playstation...and maybe a switch...but even then there's loads that insult nintendo games and think they are kiddy. I don't think there's a way to penetrate those people without something major happening....If at all.
Just a question, do you own a switch? an Xbox and or a PC that you actually purchase games on and use frequently?
The vast majority of consumers aren't buying a ps5 and and xbs. MAYBE they'll buy one or the other and a switch or there will be some combination of PC in there, but
ps5 and xbs is rare. Again they play 95 percent of the same games.
You keep missing the point because you refuse to accept that reality.

Imagine we're in a foot race and I'm 400 meters ahead of you. In the next 30 seconds, if you run 200 meters and I run 100 meters, you've doubled my pace, but you're still 300 meters behind.
Buy Bethesda/Zenimax helps, but you have to ask yourself how many fans of their games will buy a console for them. Were any Zenimax games critical to the PS4? Will they, releasing day 1 on PC get any of the PC market to buy on Xbox?