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Marvels spider-man 2 graphics disappointed


For a game running on a $500 console i thought it looked fine, the water was the only thing that stood out in a negative way but last i checked the game wasn't being released today, everything else looked like i thought it would, the game looks good.


Wont be able to stop laughing if in a few months time when release date announced if this suddenly appears to be a ps5 and ps4 title after sony said going forward all big titles now are just gonna be ps5
I think OP needs new eyeballs

Watched the gameplay in 4K and it looked amazing to me.

As disappointed as I was with the PS Showcase, Spiderman 2 was one of the few bright spots that actually impressed the hell out of me.


Not trying too hard , I am very disappointed from yesterday

Do you not like Spider-man as a character? or did you not enjoy the first game or Miles? This genre isn't supposed to look like Crysis. Are you not going to purchase the game because it's not shiny?


Are you implying Spiderman has better gameplay than horizon, or that insomniac is anywhere near from soft? Wrong both times. Spiderman's gameplay is just downgraded Batman. Filled with ubisoft style open world bloat to boot. Horizon offers something unique.
It's not implied. It's said loud. Guerilla games since basically ever are graphical powerhouse with average (or even bad like Killzone 2) gameplay. Which is shame because they are great in creating interesting worlds. Killzone IP deserved better than bunch of average shooters.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
You know what, I might have argued you on this a few weeks ago given how much I've been pro 60fps this generation, but I'm 40 hours deep into Tears Of The Kingdom and yeah... frame rate doesn't matter for shit if the game is incredible.

Less chasing framerate, more chasing quality gameplay.
Indeed. TOTK is a perfect example. If your game is good, people simply don't give a damn about framerate. Same goes for graphics. But If stuff was coming out looking like UE5 tech demos, no one would care about framerate.

But the framerae warriors have pushed their agenda so hard. They've bullied developers into thinking if their game doesn't literally scale back everything else to hit 60fps, its unplayable. Now look at the results. And those same people are now mad at the graphics we get.
Horizon looks way better so....
They are practically the most technically gifted studio in the world. Not everyone can do what they do. When others push 60fps we get Ragnarok and SpiderMan 2.
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@Mod of War


Gents, these reaction-threads are getting insufferable , it gets to the point where it becomes a chore navigating the front page having to deal with the constant spam/flooding of unneeded and whiny threads after a bad release and/or showcase.

Again, all these "Should X do Y after Z thing ? "/ "X company is doomed after Y showcase"/ "Should X person resign ?" are getting insufferable, it's stupidly reactionary at best, insufferably childish/juvenile at worst.

There's a difference between trying to have a discussion and whining all the God damned time.
I had to put to ignore list like two dozens of threads how xbox is doomed and how Phil Spencer is killing gaming after Redfall release so you will survive bunch of thread about how bad that presentation was (and it really was bad) from first party side.
Maybe the new outer water looks great but when miles dove down, the splash effects, the lack of oxygen bubbles, game looked like some PS3 effects. Stuff like this was already done plenty of times last few years, not sure what happened here.
I had to put to ignore list like two dozens of threads how xbox is doomed and how Phil Spencer is killing gaming after Redfall release so you will survive bunch of thread about how bad that presentation was (and it really was bad) from first party side.

Man, it's not about the console nor the brand, this happens everytime after specific game releases /press conferences/showcases no matter the company logo, it's the constant hyperbolic negativity and constant whining that gets tiresome after a while, you can be critical of anything and anyone, that's not the point, the point is that people can't moderate themselves, not only that but the "quality" - not only of the topics - but even the topic titles read like juvenile, click-bait shite that most people love to shit on when it's from various media outlets, it's not about the discussion, it's about users wanting their 5 minutes of fame and their dopamine fix by creating and posting useless, whiny threads like it's the end of times or something equally as important.

Also : agreed about the Xbox thing, while I'm not an Xbox user myself anymore and i also posted my dissatisfaction with the brand more than a couple of times, the constant doom and gloom threads about it are just oh so tiresome - just like the Redfall ones which keep beating the proverbial dead horse.

The mods are more than OK stepping in where it's really needed but something has to be done about reaction threads.

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Do you not like Spider-man as a character? or did you not enjoy the first game or Miles? This genre isn't supposed to look like Crysis. Are you not going to purchase the game because it's not shiny?
I like both 2018 spider man and mm dlc and I would have like what I saw yesterday if it was for ps4 not ps5 , I need to see adifferere like at least different between sunset overdrive and 2018 spider man which both are in same generation, and yes I won't buy this game if ends looks like this shit gameplay trailer and I will feel disappointed for buying ps5 which not give me anything new aside from 2 or 3 games over ps4


Man, it's not about the console nor the brand, this happens everytime after specific game releases /press conferences/showcases no matter the company logo, it's the constant hyperbolic negativity and constant whining that gets tiresome after a while, you can be critical of anything and anyone, that's not the point, the point is that people can't moderate themselves, not only that but the "quality" - not only of the topics - but even the topic titles read like juvenile, click-bait shite that most people love to shit on when it's from various media outlets, it's not about the discussion, it's about users wanting their 5 minutes of fame and their dopamine fix by creating and posting useless, whiny threads like it's the end of times or something equally as important.

Also : agreed about the Xbox thing, while I'm not an Xbox user myself anymore and i also posted my dissatisfaction with the brand more than a couple of times, the constant doom and gloom threads about it are just oh so tiresome - just like the Redfall ones which keep beating the proverbial dead horse.

The mods are more than OK stepping in where it's really needed but something has to be done about reaction threads.

Let people swim in negativity if they want. Just ignore threads you are not interested.
Big problem IMO is fact that OT are moved to communities from gaming and that makes threads where people could discuss without making dozens of threads about XBox/Sony/PC/Nintendo being dead/greatest thing ever into second class threads that many people don't even remember they exists.

Little Mac

Gold Member
I don’t have a PS5. I only have a Series S. From what I saw I thought it looked pretty good. Only complaints I had was Peter’s symbiote suit looked bad, the water splashing/particle effects looked bad at times, and there were some cuts during the cinematic scenes that looked off (like when miles was tracking Lizard). Other than that, I thought it looked good. I think a lot of people expected a huge leap over the first game since it was cross platform but I said days ago it would only be 5% better visually. Don’t get overhyped guys. It will probably be a great game nonetheless. SM2 and FFXVI still makes me want a PS5 but that showcase was absolute dogshit and diminished any urgency in buying a PS5. I’ll wait till Sony announces a slim or the midgen “pro” console before I eventually dive in. My two cents for what it’s worth.

Post in thread 'Will Wednesday's Spider-Man 2 Gameplay Trailer be a generational leap in visual fidelity?'
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Honestly, whoever says that looked next gen is just a straight up fanboy. It looked just like the first one, not even 4k can save it. I think it's time for ppl to stop thinking the PS5 is the second coming of Christ. This gen is just not there yet in graphics. Next gen will be the game changer, once ssds and rtx are the norm.

Either way, will still play when it comes to PC. First one was fun.
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The thing is not that is look bad, just that it doesnt scream "new generation of consoles" for me.
Looks better than the first, but not so much
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This, its another case of a game going 4k 60 priority. Which made it end up looking indistinguishable from the ps4 pro version at a glance.

This isbt diminishing returns either people. These consoles shouldnt be going for 4k 60 plus rt. Because from a rendering standpoint it just ends up lioking like a clearer smoother ps4 game.

To get a real next gen almost cgi look, These consoles are powerful enough to push more polys at 1440p at 30-45fps. But here we are. This is what you get for 4k 60. Because gamers want this I guess.

It's not me getting too old. It's me hating almost every choice devs are making these days. I HATE this stupid 4k\60 crap that people are pushing for. Hopefully SOMEONE within Sony gives us a 1440p\30 game with everything cranked to 11.


Indeed. TOTK is a perfect example. If your game is good, people simply don't give a damn about framerate. Same goes for graphics. But If stuff was coming out looking like UE5 tech demos, no one would care about framerate.

But the framerae warriors have pushed their agenda so hard. They've bullied developers into thinking if their game doesn't literally scale back everything else to hit 60fps, its unplayable. Now look at the results. And those same people are now mad at the graphics we get.

They are practically the most technically gifted studio in the world. Not everyone can do what they do. When others push 60fps we get Ragnarok and SpiderMan 2.
Nah Ragnarok was a PS4 targeted games lets be real.


The graphics to me looked really really good.. but after Spider-Man and Miles Morales and hundreds of hours of open world gameplay, I'm just burnt out on Spider-Man for a while.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Indeed. TOTK is a perfect example. If your game is good, people simply don't give a damn about framerate. Same goes for graphics. But If stuff was coming out looking like UE5 tech demos, no one would care about framerate.

But the framerae warriors have pushed their agenda so hard. They've bullied developers into thinking if their game doesn't literally scale back everything else to hit 60fps, its unplayable. Now look at the results. And those same people are now mad at the graphics we get.

Don't blame gamers. Blame the weak devs that don't have any inspiration anymore. No drive to reach that new next level, like they've always done. Maybe making games over ZOOM calls isn't a good idea.


Spider-Man 2 isn't better than Miles Morales.. but different I'd say. Some areas are improved, some aren't, some worse.


The reveal trailer was misleading though:


Spider-Man and Miles Morales were crazy fun games though. It's a shame the debate got reduced to graphics. I'm aware I'm participating.
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I don’t have a PS5. I only have a Series S. From what I saw I thought it looked pretty good. Only complaints I had was Peter’s symbiote suit looked bad, the water splashing/particle effects looked bad at times, and there were some cuts during the cinematic scenes that looked off (like when miles was tracking Lizard). Other than that, I thought it looked good. I think a lot of people expected a huge leap over the first game since it was cross platform but I said days ago it would only be 5% better visually. Don’t get overhyped guys. It will probably be a great game nonetheless. SM2 and FFXVI still makes me want a PS5 but that showcase was absolute dogshit and diminished any urgency in buying a PS5. I’ll wait till Sony announces a slim or the midgen “pro” console before I eventually dive in. My two cents for what it’s worth.

Post in thread 'Will Wednesday's Spider-Man 2 Gameplay Trailer be a generational leap in visual fidelity?'
People expected it to look like first trailer. It's not Halo Infinite, but still difference is huge.


Yawn, come back when Guerilla starts making games as good as Insomniac. Meanwhile From Software shits on both studios. If the best graphics tech is all it takes to make a studio A tier, we can be done with this discussion. LOL
They already do.


The game could have impressed me in 2 ways:
- Amazing next gen visuals.
- Fresh and exciting looking gameplay and design that isn't just more of the same with some new powers.

It did neither.
So far with what has been shown it's an easy "wait for Ps+".


The game could have impressed me in 2 ways:
- Amazing next gen visuals.
- Fresh and exciting looking gameplay and design that isn't just more of the same with some new powers.

It did neither.
So far with what has been shown it's an easy "wait for Ps+".
That's what I am trying to say and many Don't understand.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

I don't see anything wrong /s

The worst thing about this reveal is that I have to agree with xbot shitposters on twitter. FFS.

Jstevenson out there telling people to watch it on an OLED. Dude, get back to work and make it look next gen while you charge $70 and ask us to put down $550 for a new console for it. do you job. If this is the best you can do then resign.

They need to mandate work from office. They have to bring back Shawn Layden, Shu Yoshida, Kaz Hirai and everyone who used to have standards over at Sony. This is embarrassing. I am legit embarrassed to be a sony fan and these sony employees dont seem to care. No self respect, no pride in their work, literally phoning in their biggest game despite being given not one but two next gen releases unlike GG, ND and SSM who were forced to make last gen games until last year.


Some of it looks amazing but the problem is that visuals (together with art direction) are inconsistent. I mean, the intro fight in Queens just looks odd with some questionable flat lighting and kind of cheap modelling. Also that one moment with Ferry looks terrible. I did rewatch it with better compression on YT just to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me. Let's just pretend it is nowhere near the final build and they will fix that before the release.
I don't care about the graphics but the gameplay looked worse than the 1st one, hoping they only showed that sequence for the Venom/Miles Morales stuff and the very cinematic "take down the helicopter" sequence, really hope the rest of the game is better than what they showed
I’m glad.

This is what I’ve been saying for years.
And getting laughed at for.

The egregious push for 60fps has completely ruined graphical fidelity this gen.

You goddamn frame nerds demanding 60fps in every game done fucked around and ruined gaming.


I hope the framerate warriors are happy.

Now the rest of us have to be satisfied with PS4 games at 60fps as the bar for next gen.

Disgustingly low standards.makes me wanna puke. Sacrifice literally everything for framerate. Yay.
Horizon FW and BS booth are 60fps (optional) and look a lot better than this in every scenario. There is detail density in Horizon not found in any frame in a 12min trailer. Horizon is a crossgen game mind you.


In select scenes, he's not wrong. The opening helicopter scene with the ridiculous draw distance genuinely wowed me. But then the surface combat scenes (which there were more of) looked notably worse than Miles Morales and around the same quality as OG Spiderman, maybe even less. I made this joke comparison in the Graphics thread stemming from past conversations of my predictions and expectations, but in all seriousness, look at this SM2 official screenshot release above compared to Spiderman Far From Home Movie from 2019. I watched the trailer over 1000 times at this point and this scene is nowhere to be found. Why the heck did they not share this part of the gameplay in the trailer? Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They would have been so much better of showing a 30sec teaser of Miles flying in between skyscrapers as he's doing here and fans would have loved it. Save the other gameplay visuals until they are at the quality we expect from Insomniac Games.



That's not what's going on here at all.
This may sound like a hot take but lotr Gollum may have better lighting tech than sm2. That game atleast has consistent ao, decent gi and soft shadowing. Sm2 looks like it's rendering on open world PS4 tech.


Weeb Underling
My worry is that they have stopped using the PS5s strengths and instead have started to make it more ”porting-to-PC-friendly”
This is why any PC ports at all are a bad thing. We'll never know the answer to this, but the fact that it's a question at all is a problem.


Weeb Underling
Really? What else didn't you like?

Kraven and Peter are really drawing me in as characters.
I just hope that they're not going as generic at it looks like they are with the black suit. Peter going all Terrorist Sasuke in the voice acting department at this stage seems overwrought. I was hoping for a more subtle approach.

"Are you sure? [Lizard] has big teeth."
"So do I."
That's just bad dialogue trying to sound witty.

"Are you sure? None of these guys are messing around."
"Neither am I. Not anymore."
Not Herbert level, but at least it makes logical sense.

The other problem is that this set piege looks like the Raft + the construction site + Rhino chase all slapped together without much change in dynamic or scale. Kraven would be a lot more intimidating if he did something different to what practically every "faction leader" in this series so far has done, and did it more effectively. To me, the sequence was very tame and going through the motions-like.

These are high standards, I know. But I think they're warranted.
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