Either they go 20GB of unified RAM or find a way to make all the 16GB usable cuz if not they can just scrap the console.
Next-gen consoles already have a very mediocre amount of usable RAM for next-gen standards, y'all just fail to realize it cuz it's disguided as "16GB of VRAM".
The PS5 has 16GB of memory, of which 12,5GB are usable. 12,5GB of VRAM sounds good right, but y'all gotta remember that these systems share memory with the CPU too tho, so in reality when you put that amount into perspective it's not really that much usable memory.
A 2023 low end PC already has more usable combined RAM than next-gen consoles if it has a 16GB of RAM + 6GB of VRAM combo.
Add a Pro console with better RT capabilities plus beefier GPU and 12,5GB with lackluster bandwidth speed just won't cut it anymore, even 16GB of usable RAM would be just the bare minimum. And no, having an ultra-fast SSD doesn't make up for the lack of usable RAM.