Thank you m'lord.If they're doing Pro's they're both doing Pros
As much as each party will have NDAs with AMD, they're not perfect and work with a lot of the same teams and people, they're going to know that the other is launching a mid gen refresh at least.
? You don’t have to though. I swapped my PS4 Slim for a Pro, something I have minor regret over. The PS5 will still be a great console.If it gets announced, are consoles still an affordable and convenient option when you have to buy new one every few years?
If they want to get sued that would be a great idea.They could make the current S a streaming only box, drop the X down to an S and introduce a new, more powerful X.
But it's not tho, if the optional drive is any indication of reality in the redesign.Maybe they know the ps5 digital is going the way of the Dodo in like 4 or 5 months?
Thank you m'lord.
Holding the full potential of the Pro back, yes. The gen for Sony is established in the when the eventual ps5 pro does launch, everyone on this forum will be claiming the ps5 non pro is holding the generation back, right? RIGHT?
so when the eventual ps5 pro does launch, everyone on this forum will be claiming the ps5 non pro is holding the generation back, right? RIGHT?
So about this $349 Series S ?
Is this not directly placing the Series S Black against the PS5 Digital Edition?
If it gets announced, are consoles still an affordable and convenient option when you have to buy new one every few years?
If there is a Ps5 Pro, there is also 100% Xbox Pro something. Both know exactly what the other is building and plan accordingly.
Spencer made it clear at the start of this generation MS would not lose on the power and price game anymore, but the former would not be true then. Hope you're right.
Yeah $300 is impossible. It will still beat 1TB XS at $349.If they can price reduce that much than the XSS is only $199.At the end of the day, the XSS is always going to be cheaper to produce than the base PS5 (smaller chip, less memory both ram and SSD, cheaper cooling, smaller and lighter package, etc.), that is never being equalized.
I don't think the PS5 will hit $299 for some time yet though.
If a Ps5 Pro is really coming and not an Xbox Pro, I was completely wrong. I can not imagine this at the moment at all, but who knows.So Spencer was basically keeping stuff close to the chest when he said what he said, recently?
I sure hope so, because I really want to keep buying multiplatform games for Xbox, it's my main and have PS5 as the console for its exclusives only. But if we get a scenario where gta 6 releases and it's significantly better on this PS5 Pro than XSX and I have both, it's gonna be hard to justify buying it for XSX.
Spencer made it clear at the start of this generation MS would not lose on the power and price game anymore, but the former would not be true then. Hope you're right.
I see this 'tit for tat' assumption a lot, and sure - it's possible, but is it justified?If they're doing Pro's they're both doing Pros
It 100% is. And I have ZERO clue what MS is doing any of this!
According to Xbox's website, in gameplay the Series S uses 74 W of power. They'll have to get that number way, way down, to like 15W, if they want to make a handheld Xbox Series S.
I am all in on a PS5 Pro for one game Hell Let LooseIs this the generation of "Pro" consoles begging? Finally Nintendo fans are not alone
Well, this time around people can expect to avoid a Bloodborne situation since most PS5 games have an unlocked frame rate modeI am all in on a PS5 Pro for one game Hell Let Loose
Its starts to really bog down on some maps and I am not about to start over on PC and lose all my progress so yes I am begging for a PS5 Pro
Yes, because you don't need to upgrade. You're still in the same generation and will get support through the end of that generation for the base PS5.If it gets announced, are consoles still an affordable and convenient option when you have to buy new one every few years?
My guess is that they messed up on manufacturing cost while Sony bit the bullet with the design of PS5 in the beginning but actually got the price down ( Mostly the storage solution )
It's really possible that PS5 V2 & PS5 Pro will end up going head to head with Xbox Series S & Xbox Series X .
People don't realize how much money Microsoft really has. They can easily counter with a new SKU as needed, it won't matter if they lose a few billion or not. They did it with Xbox One X and the Series X and they will do it again with something else. It's really not an issue for them. Also, you'd be very dumb to think that MS is not doing any kind of R&D behind the scenes already, I am 100% confident they already have stuff in the works for both a new more powerful SKU and the next-gen platform. It's really not a brainer.
Huh?I've watched the clip 3 times and they're not saying that at all whatsoever?
If the ideal demand isn't there for your current machine, a new one will not move the needle one bit. They are locked behind two different spec'ed SKUs already.So you're going to ignore what Microsoft said?
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Look up at what thread you're in then you will understandI've watched the podcast to day. It says nothing about this statement.
What it's referring to is microsoft not producing pro while ps5 does
Do you honestly think a major company is going to come out and just say "Oh there are rumors of a comptetior making a new version high end version? Don't worry, we might have something cooking too!"So you're going to ignore what Microsoft said?
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Do you honestly think a major company is going to come out and just say "Oh there are rumors of a comptetior making a new version high end version? Don't worry, we might have something cooking too!"
Lol. That's not how this works. They will market and time it as needed. Obviously there is no need now for a new console upgrade. When a competitor releases theirs, then the time will be around the corner. I never understood why people always take everything to heart what any company says. Everyone manipulates and says things they need to say to controll a narrative. It really isn't that hard to figure out.
That one dude likes to throw in the term BESPOKE whenever possible. lol![]()
What? They announced Project Scorpio over a year in advance while PS4 Pro was just rumors & leaks this time they said they are focusing on the consoles they have now.
LOL but it wasn't him this time
That was then, I am not sure why you are brining up the past. And i am not sure what you are trying to prove here. You are missing the point I am trying to make my friend.
Company won't blatantly just come out and announce a new SKU when it isn't needed. Also, the case with Xbox One X was far different. Xbox One was actually a lesser powerful machine than the PS4 was. Microsoft was playing catch up that entire generation, so they had to announce something new and more powerful than their competitor whether there were rumors or not.
This generation, both consoles are pretty much at par as far as power goes, with Series X slightly tiny bit more powerful on the GPU side of things, but not by much. The Xbox One had a lot of issues running current gen games at the time at good resolutions.
None of either consoles even had their full potential tapped yet. We barely just got out of the crossgen cycle. Gotta be a bit more patient.
I think the below image shows for a strong push to try get more people to move over to PC, all it’s missing is a green outline around the PC section. But that pricing is clearly favouring PC.I've watched the clip 3 times and they're not saying that at all whatsoever?