Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda


Go fuck yourself

It's time to eradicate all the roaches.



Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Fucking idiots, Tango? What the fuck. It was one of the best developer which they had in Portfolio...


Newd Member
Official response from Microsoft

See, don't worry fellas. They already did what they wanted, which is probably just all the IPs. The rest is "expandable".
Wouldn't be surprised if they kill Bethesda entirelly and keep Elder Scrolls for them.
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Fret Runner

What baffles me is how Rare has survived for so long if this is all it takes for them to close studios.
Rare, up until Sea of Thives, did absolutely jack shit aside from some Kinect things, Right? (possibly forgetting something, I admit) especially when compared to their 90s output.

I know times have changed but that's like nearly two decades of doing nothing and managing to still exist.
The big OGs of Rare left years ago so was it just stubbon pride and the namesake that was keeping it alive?
Good to see they seemed to have turned a leaf recently though.


What baffles me is how Rare has survived for so long if this is all it takes for them to close studios.
Rare, up until Sea of Thives, did absolutely jack shit aside from some Kinect things, Right? (possibly forgetting something, I admit) especially when compared to their 90s output.

I know times have changed but that's like nearly two decades of doing nothing and managing to still exist.
The big OGs of Rare left years ago so was it just stubbon pride and the namesake that was keeping it alive?
Good to see they seemed to have turned a leaf recently though.
To be fair, Kinect Sports was incredibly successful.
This is why a lot of us were against consolidation. All the people who were cheerleading MS buying Bethesda have eggs on their faces now. This also shows that GamePass player metrics are bullshit.

MS was boasting about the number of downloads and players on GamePass with Hifi Rush and they still shut Tango Gameworks down. MS is a cancer to gaming and the quicker people realize this the better off gaming will be. They aren’t interested in adding anything substantial to gaming, they are here to be parasites and leech of everyone else’s success.

I can kinda understand them shutting down Arkane Austin (even though Redfall’s failure wasn’t their fault and it was all MS’ doing) but why shut down Tango? Hifi Rush was the best Xbox game released this gen. It was also the best new IP MS has had in years and they still got shut down lol. If that doesn’t prove MS doesn’t give a fuck about gaming, I don’t know what else does.


And when Hellblade 2 underperforms, I can see Ninja Theory dissolving by year end as well, I hate to say..

I jumped the MS/XB ship over 15 years ago... Sorry, not sorry?
'If' that happens hopefully they can do a Bungie and buy themselves out of it somehow or at least manage to keep the studio together somehow as they do have very talented devs. But the fact that Tameem Antoniades has left the company its looking sketchy for them.


Arkane Austin I won't even blame Microsoft for. That studio was doomed before Microsoft even bought them out. They were trending towards unsalvageable.


ninja theory must be very nervous, I mean, if hellblade 2 doesnt deliver its bye bye.
The creative director took the right choice.

There's barely been any marketing for that game.
At best it will be critically acclaimed, but a commercial failure is inevitable.


The real tragedy here is that Arkane Austin will be remembered for "Redfall". Not for "Prey", which was a fantastic game. And why would MS close Tango? I guess their line up of upcoming games is too diverse already, next e3 will be a true turning point for Xbox, best show ever, more games than ever yadayadayada. Fuck them. Fuck them all.

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