Oh ffs trimming down for another acquisition. Smh why tango though? Why not just fold Austin into zmo as well? Smh 

And when Hellblade 2 underperforms, I can see Ninja Theory dissolving by year end as well, I hate to say..
Official response from Microsoft
Official response from Microsoft
Official response from Microsoft
Official response from Microsoft
Official response from Microsoft
To be fair, Kinect Sports was incredibly successful.What baffles me is how Rare has survived for so long if this is all it takes for them to close studios.
Rare, up until Sea of Thives, did absolutely jack shit aside from some Kinect things, Right? (possibly forgetting something, I admit) especially when compared to their 90s output.
I know times have changed but that's like nearly two decades of doing nothing and managing to still exist.
The big OGs of Rare left years ago so was it just stubbon pride and the namesake that was keeping it alive?
Good to see they seemed to have turned a leaf recently though.
You can get a refund on the Hero Pass or whateverSi I won’t be getting those custom Redfall skins I preordered?
Official response from Microsoft
'If' that happens hopefully they can do a Bungie and buy themselves out of it somehow or at least manage to keep the studio together somehow as they do have very talented devs. But the fact that Tameem Antoniades has left the company its looking sketchy for them.And when Hellblade 2 underperforms, I can see Ninja Theory dissolving by year end as well, I hate to say..
I jumped the MS/XB ship over 15 years ago... Sorry, not sorry?
It's time to eradicate all the roaches.
Official response from Microsoft
ninja theory must be very nervous, I mean, if hellblade 2 doesnt deliver its bye bye.
The creative director took the right choice.
ninja theory must be very nervous, I mean, if hellblade 2 doesnt deliver its bye bye..
It'll be pretty much the same as Hellblade, but the fact that it's going to be digital-only, short and €50 is quite telling.Oh dude it won't deliver
Like at all
They'll be wiped before the end of the year
Go outside broFuck Microsoft
Fuck Xbox fans who support such a shitty company, I despise you